The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 873 Re-entering the world of the magic stick (6)

Niu Dakui felt as if he had had a ridiculous dream.

He couldn't believe everything he heard and saw.

I pinched my thigh hard, hiss, it hurt!

It shouldn't be a dream!

Niu Dakui wiped his eyes hard again and opened them again. Alas, the fair and beautiful young Taoist nun was still in front of him.

This this--

Is it true?

Of course, it's also possible that this little girl was lying to him.

After all, even a magic stick, even a woman, always opens and shuts her mouth to tell lies!

"Master Immortal, tell this brat that when he was eight years old, he stole the family's money and I hung him from the beam and whipped him!"

"Oh, by the way, also, when he was ten years old, he got an emergency. I carried him on my back and ran a mountain road for more than ten miles overnight before he found a wandering doctor..."

When Niu Jizong saw his son staring at him, he was so angry that he didn't believe what the immortal master said. He blew his beard and stared.

He was anxious and wanted his son to dig out all the treasures quickly.

During this time, he often walked around the house, so he knew that his son and daughter-in-law were worried to death in order to build a house for their two grandsons and collect gifts.

Humph, you idiot!

I can't bear to leave you children and grandchildren, and I have left you such a big bag of gold, silver and jewelry.

Now, I have finally found an immortal master who can see me and help me spread the message. You fool, you don't believe what he says?

Lie to you?

With the little scraps of melons and dates in your hand, what can the immortal master tell you? !

How much money do you have at home, and you still don’t know?

Not to mention quickly taking advantage of the darkness and following the immortal master to dig out the things, why are you still here doing nothing?

Niu Jizong has a short temper. Even if he turns into a ghost, he should not be in his nature.

He was so anxious that he circled around his son.

He kept talking about his "secrets".

He Tiantian:......

Resisting the urge to twitch the corners of her mouth, she gently said all Niu Jizong's words.

As she "revealed the secrets" one by one, Niu Dakui was dumbfounded.

"How did you know?"

Some outsiders know so many things about the family, but some are secrets that only belong to their father and son.

Not to mention a little girl he had never seen before, even the mother-in-law who had been beside him for twenty or thirty years didn't know who he was.

"Of course your father told me!"

He Tiantian said matter-of-factly, looking at a certain corner.

Niu Dakui finally began to face He Tiantian's words, and when he digested everything He Tiantian said, he was a little confused.

First there was the instinctive fear, oh wow, my biological father has been dead for more than ten years.

He, his old man, didn't reincarnate, so he could only become a ghost.

So, the ghost of his biological father is always with him? !

When Niu Dakui thought of the word "ghost", his weather-beaten old face instantly turned pale, and his teeth couldn't help chattering.

But soon, Niu Dakui realized: I'm so scared, the ghost is my biological father!

Dear dad!


He is the biological father who gave birth to him, raised him and loved him!

Niu Dakui didn't believe that his biological father would turn into a ghost and harm him.

His old man has always refused to be reincarnated and still follows him. He must have an unfulfilled wish.



What did this little girl just now, oh no, the fairy aunt say?

"I met your father. His wish was unfulfilled and he refused to be reincarnated. He asked me to bring you a message!"

Thinking of this, Niu Dakui completely forgot his fear and became excited.

A man who is 20 years old already looks like an old man in the countryside and in this era.

His skin was dark, his hands were covered with calluses, and his face was carved with ravines by wind and frost.

Rubbing his hands and smiling slightly humbly, Niu Dakui asked eagerly: "Xiangu, did you just say that my father had something to say to me?"

"Is he, his old man, short of money? Please tell him, it's not that I'm unfilial, it's that I don't let him mess around with me right now!"

Niu Dakui gritted his teeth and seemed to have made up his mind, "Let's do this. I'll find a way to get him some paper money and then burn it for him."

Hearing Niu Dakui's words, Niu Jizong was very relieved.

His son is indeed a filial son.

But before Niu Jizong could finish being moved, Niu Dakui said even more eagerly: "Xiangu, what on earth do my father want to tell me?"

"Did he leave something for me? Haha, I'm not daydreaming. I just feel that my father loves me so much and knows that I'm in trouble, so maybe -"

Niu Dakui himself couldn't talk about it anymore.

My family knows their own affairs.

The Niu family has three generations of poor farmers, and he, Niu Dakui, is already considered the most promising of the three generations.

My biological father is an honest farmer, and his ancestors have never been rich. How can he leave any "legacy" to his descendants?

But people, when they are poor and anxious, they will inevitably have dreams.

Furthermore, since my old man refused to be reincarnated, there must be something important that I didn’t have time to tell him, so—

He Tiantian met Niu Dakui's hopeful gaze and nodded gently: "Your father did leave something for you!"

Niu Dakui's eyes widened, really, really?

His heart was pounding.

Because He Tiantian, this little magician, ah, no, it was the fairy who revealed many of her family's secrets.

He already believed the other party.

Now hearing He Tiantian say that her father really left a treasure for her, Niu Daquin was so excited!

Of course, there was a calm voice in his heart reminding him: Stop dreaming. Just you Niu Dakui, a poor hunter who can only feed his family by hunting, how can you have such good luck?

However, Niu Dakui was short of money, and he was always thinking about how to make money in his dreams.

If his "biological father" didn't ask someone to tell him, he would have secretly gone to the county to sell blood!

"However, your father said that he would give me 10% of those things as a reward for me to help him with his message and salvation!"

He Tiantian seemed not to notice that Niu Dakui's eyes were red with excitement, and continued to speak softly.

"One percent? It should be! No problem!"

Niu Dakui hasn't seen the baby yet, and his current state is exactly like knowing that a big meat pie is going to hit his head.

He was excited and happy. He couldn't imagine how big the pie was and how full of meat it was!

Without a real visual impact, Niu Dakui made a promise without any obstacles, let alone feeling distressed.

"That's good! Remember what you said!"

He Tiantian glanced at Niu Dakui, and then said, "Look for a guy who digs things, come with me!"


Niu Dakui was still immersed in the dream of getting rich, and didn't react much to He Tiantian's words.

It took him a while before he realized what he was doing and hurried back to his yard.

These days, farm tools are all owned by the brigade, and when it's time to start work, they will be distributed uniformly by scorekeepers or warehouse managers.

However, Niu Dakui is a hunter who occasionally goes into the mountains and has some tools of his own.

He rummaged through the woodshed and found a somewhat worn iron pickaxe.

"Dad, why are you bothering me so late at night?"

Niu Dakui's wife heard the sound in the kitchen and hurriedly stuck her head out and shouted loudly.

"It's okay, I'm bored, let's go out for a walk!"

Niu Dakui suppressed his panic and excitement, gently picked up the pickaxe, and went out.

My wife took the half-washed bowl and chased her out, but she didn't catch up with him. She could only see a blurry figure from behind.

"Oh! I'm really worried to death!"

Of course my wife knows why her old man is so bored.

Not to mention him, she herself was so worried that she couldn't sleep all night long.

It's okay to go out for a walk and relax, but don't worry too much.

As a big family, they still count on the old man!

My wife didn't know that her old man was so excited that his heart was about to fly, but he still returned to the kitchen with a sad look on his face.

After washing the dishes and tidying up, I called my sons over and talked earnestly about the difficulties at home...

Not to mention everyone in the Niu family, just Niu Jizong, carrying an iron pickaxe, followed He Tiantian, avoiding the crowd and wandering into a forest.

"Oops, I forgot to get a torch!"

Entering the forest, the moonlight was obscured by the leaves, and the surrounding area suddenly became dark.

Niu Dakui slapped his forehead in annoyance and said with some regret.

"No problem! I have it!"

He Tiantian said lightly, and she picked up a thick branch, stretched out a white and slender finger, made a few random gestures, and with a bang, the branch was set on fire.

Niu Dakui:......

He was immediately dumbfounded.

If he didn't have the last trace of reason to remind himself, he would have rushed to He Tiantian rashly and pulled her robe up and down to check——

Where did she hide the matches or the fire folder?

Why did the fire suddenly light up? !

Soon, Niu Dakui reacted——

What are you thinking!

She is a fairy!

He can communicate with yin and yang, see ghosts, and light a fire out of thin air. It's not too easy.

Perhaps seeing Niu Dakui's astonishment, He Tiantian curled her lips and explained casually: "This is the Xuanhuo Talisman. I am from the Guiyuan lineage, and I am famous for my talisman. It's just a magic talisman, it's a trivial matter!"

He Tiantian speaks elegantly and smiles calmly, giving him the image of an expert hermit.

Niu Dakui was immediately shocked.

By the way, he already believed that He Tiantian could see ghosts and help ghosts send messages.

But after all, he never saw his dead ghost father with his own eyes.

Unlike this moment, seeing the "Spirit Talisman" appear with your own eyes, this kind of visual and psychological impact is definitely the most real and profound.

"oh oh!"

Apart from nodding and making unconscious noises of agreement, Niu Dakui could not say anything else.

But in his heart, he really regarded the little girl He Tiantian as a real Taoist master!

He suddenly felt awe and did not dare to have any other thoughts.

This kind of "awe" continued. Even if he really dug out a large bag of gold and silver jewelry under He Tiantian's guidance, even if he was dazzled by those yellow and golden things, he would not Not even the slightest thought of "repenting".

There was no need for He Tiantian to take the initiative to speak. After Niu Dakui got over his excitement, he began to carefully pack the big baggage.

He counted the silver ingots and large yellow croakers, as well as the jade bracelets, gold bars, rubies and sapphires.

Then, no matter how painful and reluctant he felt in his heart, he obediently chose one tenth.

"Xiangu, this is for you!"

Niu Dakui pushed the thing in front of He Tiantian and quickly turned his head.

Wow, I can't watch it. If I continue to watch it, he will really feel distressed and regret it.

Don't dare to regret it, this fairy girl is a very capable person.

If they offend such a strange person, even if their family has money, they will lose their life!

Seeing that Niu Dakui could remain sober in the face of money, not only He Tiantian was satisfied, but Niu Jizong, who had been floating around, was also very happy.

OK, my son is smart!

Better than me.

Can a foreigner be easily offended?

No, not only will you be retaliated, but if there is something embarrassing in the future and you want to ask for help, you won't be able to!

"These are the rewards your father promised me, and I deserve them. However, you are really kind. So, I might as well tell you that I am in Wuyunling. If you encounter any difficulties in the future, you can come to Wuyunling. Find me!"

He Tiantian did not ask for jewelry, but only took gold and silver ingots worth one-tenth of the total value.

It’s not too much, ten silver ingots and eight large yellow croakers.

She stuffed these directly into the sleeves of her wide Taoist robe.

"Thank you Fairy!"

Niu Dakui knew that he had obtained a promise from the fairy aunt.

If something happens in the future, he will have one more way out to save his life!

"Also, my dad, my dad -"

After receiving such a large bequest from his biological father, Niu Dakui was always a filial person, but now he felt even more grateful and missed his biological father.

His eyes searched the surroundings, trying to see his biological father fooling around.

He Tiantian thought for a while, raised her fingers, gathered the few remaining spiritual powers in her body, and drew a talisman in the void.

Finally, her fingertips landed on Niu Dakui's eyebrows, and she shouted softly: "Open!"

A transparent wave of energy rippled like water ripples.

Niu Dakui, who was swept by the "ripple", felt as if he had an inexplicable feeling.

Then, he "saw" a gray figure right in front of him.


Niu Dakui fell to his knees with a thud, crying and howling in front of the gray shadow.

He Tiantian took a few steps back to give the father and son some space to reminisce.

After a full quarter of an hour, He Tiantian felt the lack of spiritual power, and then returned to her father and son, "Okay, the time has come! It's time for me to send Niu Jizong into reincarnation!"

"Thank you so much, Fairy/Master!"

The father and son knew the priorities, and although they were extremely reluctant to leave, they still respectfully saluted He Tiantian and thanked him.

He Tiantian gently recited the mantra for salvation, used the last spiritual power in his Dantian to open the ghost gate, and sent Niu Jizong's ghost through.


"Son, you have to be good. Separate the family after the children are married. The two of you should keep the money for pension and medical treatment, and the rest can go with your children and grandchildren!"

After all, Niu Jizong couldn't worry about his son. Before disappearing, he warned him loudly.

"Yes! My son knows! My son listens to you!"

Niu Dakui knelt on the ground, tears streaming down his old eyes, and he did not forget to promise his biological father.

However, before he finished speaking, the gray shadow completely disappeared.

Niu Dakui lay on the ground, crying bitterly. When he raised his head again, he found that the fastest update please enter in your browser--Go to view

Disappear into thin air?

She is indeed a real fairy!

Niu Dakui prostrated himself on the ground again, muttering to a certain corner...


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Chapter 873 Re-entering the World of Magic Sticks (6) Free to read.

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