The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 875 Re-entering the world of the magic stick (8)

Of course, whether it is Buddha Huizhi or Mai Xuanmo, they are both regarded as "double masters" by Xuanmen at this time.

But they are just juniors who have achieved fame, and both are only in their teens.

He is considered a young genius of Xuanmen's generation.

Moreover, the two of them have special status in their respective sects, and their status is aloof at a young age.

It's just that in the Age of Ending Dharma, which coincides with a special period, Xuanmen has gone into hiding. Except for a very small number of people, the vast majority of the people are unaware of their existence.

This old man who lives in seclusion in Furong Town is a member of Xuanmen. On the surface, he is just a bad old man selling some "groceries".

In fact, one of his descendants was very good at catching ghosts.

"...Mr. Xu, it's great that you are here. There is a Hundred Ghost Killing Formation in S City, Province B, and a Ghost General has spawned. Emergency measures have been sent to deal with it. My master is worried that the Ghost General will be too much. Overbearing, you specially ordered me to invite you over!"

The old man had just sent He Tiantian away, and was still sighing secretly, "Whose junior is this? He has such cultivation at such a young age," when a young man with a shaved head came to the door.

After listening to the crew-cut man's hurried words, the old man immediately calmed down and agreed: "Okay!"

After briefly packing up his magical weapons, luggage and other items, he locked the door and left the small county town with the crew-cut man.

He Tiantian, who was already on her way back, naturally didn't know what was happening here.

She continued to use the concealment talisman, carrying a heavy backpack and a cauldron, and walked lightly out of the county town, heading towards the mountains.

Although the concealment charm was used, He Tiantian still didn't dare to go too far with people coming and going around him.

She kept a fast pace, but not too outrageous.

Still setting foot on the mountain road, with fewer and fewer pedestrians around, He Tiantian took a breath, stepped lightly, and took several steps forward, like an afterimage, into the rolling mountains.

However, even though she has spiritual power to protect her body and no longer looks like a fragile body, she has not yet shed her mortal body.

When she returned to the small mountain village of Kaoshantun, a thin layer of sweat had already appeared on her forehead.

Her breath was also a little unsteady.

"I still haven't cultivated enough!"

He Tiantian sighed helplessly, slowly stopped, leaned against the big stone on the side of the road, and took a short rest.

Both shoulders began to feel numb and painful due to carrying nearly a hundred kilograms of weight for a long distance.

He Tiantian did not take off the heavy weight on her shoulders because she knew that once she took it off, it would be difficult for her to put it back on.

This is the inertia in human bones.

It is also a kind of self-protection for people who are extremely tired.

"It seems that there is still a convenient space!"

He Tiantian asked herself to stand up and continue on her way, while smiling bitterly to herself.

She does have a space, and she is still bound to her soul.

However, this space was not purchased from the system mall, but was a reward she received when opening the treasure box.

And according to the urinary properties of the system, no money = no permanent!

Once the item is worn, all rewards "gifted" by the system will be erased.

Among them, there are not only skills, but also plug-ins like space!

Through these several experiments, He Tiantian finally found the loophole in the system——

Well, in other words, this is a "secret" that the system deliberately let He Tiantian know.

Only items purchased from the system mall by the writer (that is, He Tiantian) who spend real money (ahem, points) can be truly "foolproof".

The future mobile phone last time and the Guiyuan Jue this time all proved He Tiantian's guess.

If He Tiantian wants to completely own a space that will not be erased no matter what, she can only buy another one from the system mall!

He Tiantian:......

It's very cunning, and it really lives up to the nature of the system as a profiteer.

Think about it, if the rewards obtained by opening treasure chests can be truly "permanent", who would waste points foolishly to spend.

Just like He Tiantian, her points can be accumulated from one to six points, directly to more than 130 points, but she has never been consumed.

It's not that she doesn't need it, but the skills or items from the treasure chest are enough for her to use.

He Tiantian sometimes wonders——

The so-called customization tasks and the so-called outfits are specially set by the system for old stalwarts like her who don’t like to spend money in the system mall!

No, He Tiantian has only completed two customization tasks and has already spent more than thirty points.

If it happens a few more times, ahem, the points she just managed to break through three digits will definitely drop to double digits.

However, the points for customized tasks are relatively high. Even if the "consumption" is discounted, there will still be a few points left!

It's like a carrot dangled in front of a donkey. He knows it's a bait, but he still can't help but chase it!

He·Donkey·Tiantian: I am very angry, but there is nothing I can do about it.

"Forget it, forget about this! Let's go back quickly!"

He Tiantian looked at the sun and saw that it was dusk again.

She spent half a day in the county seat and another half day traveling back and forth.

That is to say, she has already started practicing, and her overall strength has reached the level of a second-rate martial arts master.

If it were her original self, she might not be able to call back and forth in two or three days.

"Gugu, gugu!"

He Tiantian stood up again carrying heavy items and continued on her way.

Suddenly, her ears moved, and she heard a slightly peculiar bird call.

He Tiantian's heart moved as if she thought of something, and she followed the sound.

"Cuckoo! Cuckoo!"

Cooing, cooing, as if someone was calling "Auntie".

He Tiantian already had some guesses, but she still needed to verify them.

Sure enough, in the Kaoshantun cemetery I visited yesterday, there was a bird with bright feathers and a thick crest walking back and forth.

This bird has an elongated beak, like a woodpecker.

There is also the iconic feather crest. He Tiantian knows that if this kind of bird has emotional fluctuations, its feather crest will quickly spread out.

It's like a peacock spreading its tail, and its spread feather crest is like a feather fan.


He Tiantian blurted out the name of this bird.

The hoopoe bird is also known as the "coffin bird" in some rural areas because it often appears in cemeteries.

Coupled with its physiological characteristics, its surroundings exude a stink.

What's more, this bird, which was originally a beneficial bird, is even the mascot of the national bird in some countries. However, it has been given a lot of mythical color in Chinese folklore.

However, more hoopoe birds are regarded as ominous.

Some supernatural beings also regard the hoopoe as the messenger of death.

"Wait a minute, this should be the 'Xiao Dai' that the ginkgo tree mentioned! "

He Tiantian was carrying a heavy object and stood not far from the cemetery, looking at the bird that was obviously larger than the ordinary hoopoe from a distance.

And He Tiantian was keenly aware that there seemed to be some slight spiritual power around this hoopoe bird.

It has already opened up its spiritual wisdom and has a certain level of cultivation.

Not to mention anything else, He Tiantian speculated that this bird was probably over the age of its age.

The average age of birds is only twenty to thirty years.

There are relatively long-lived ones, such as certain types of parrots, which can live for ten years without any problem.

However, the hoopoe is obviously not a long-lived bird.

Moreover, this one in front of me is really, really, really unusual.

"Xiao Dai!"

He Tiantian thought for a while and shouted tentatively.

Sure enough, the hoopoe walking in the cemetery suddenly stopped.

Visible to the naked eye, the hoopoe bird was obviously agitated.

Almost in the next second, its rich crest opened in a flash, and its dark brown feathers fluttered in the wind like a fan.

This bird is on alert!

First, it is very sensitive to the name "Xiao Dai". Nine times out of ten, that's what it's called.

Second, it is unfamiliar with He Tiantian's voice.

Just imagine, if your name is suddenly called out from a stranger's mouth, everyone will be surprised, even surprised and on guard.

This, there is a "third", which further verifies He Tiantian's guess——

This bird has developed spiritual intelligence and has the thinking of a higher creature, so it reacts like this!

Seeing Xiao Dai's hairy and extremely alert look, He Tiantian quickly added, "I know the old tree, it's the ginkgo tree by the pond!"

"When I was chatting with him yesterday, Laoshu mentioned you!"

He Tiantian deliberately made the words "ambiguous", and Xiao Dai really listened. She slowly put away her feather-fan-like crown.

"Do you know the ancestor? Uh, no, you can see him?"

Xiao Dai cooed, but He Tiantian could hear clearly what it meant.

"Yes! A three-year-old boy wearing a red bellyband, fat and white, very cute!"

He Tiantian said truthfully.

Xiao Dai continued to coo: "Look how stupid I am. You can hear what I say, and you can naturally see your ancestors!"

"Are you from Xuanmen?"

It seems that Xiao Dai has really learned a lot from the ginkgo tree.

Even Xuanmen knows it.

"No, I am a practitioner!"

He Tiantian once again revealed his identity.

"A cultivator? What is a cultivator?"

Although Xiao Dai has developed spiritual wisdom, he also learned a lot about human beings from the ginkgo tree.

But, obviously, it is far less knowledgeable than the ginkgo tree.

He Tiantian carefully observed Xiao Dai through his eyes.

She discovered that Xiao Dai was not like the ginkgo tree in that it had not yet cultivated a spiritual body.

Now it is just a somewhat spiritual and relatively long-lived bird!

"Well, they are similar to people in Xuanmen. They all practice martial arts. If they have cultivation skills, they can catch ghosts and subjugate them!"

He Tiantian had no intention of fooling Xiao Dai.

In this supernatural world, metaphysics is the orthodoxy, and practitioners are rather special beings.

And He Tiantian didn't lie. In a sense, the higher level of metaphysics is to cultivate immortality.

"Catch ghosts and subjugate demons? You, don't catch me! I'm just a bird that lives a little long, and I haven't become a spirit yet—"

Xiao Dai obviously misunderstood.

The crest it had just put away suddenly turned into a feather fan.

The whole bird was trembling.

He Tiantian:......

This Xiao Dai is really timid.

However, He Tiantian thought about it and understood.

In the eyes of Taoist practitioners, monsters like Xiao Dai are probably one of the targets that need to be "managed".

If you encounter some extreme heavenly masters or monster hunters, you may regard Xiao Dai and other spirits not far from the human world as objects that need punishment!

"I'm not here to arrest you, we are neighbors and we will live in harmony from now on!"

He Tiantian quickly smiled and said to Xiao Dai softly.

Xiao Dai seemed to be frightened and did not listen to He Tiantian's explanation at all.

It suddenly flapped its wings and flew into the forest with a whoosh.

He Tiantian:......

She didn't extend Erkang's hand, she just marveled at how unusual this hoopoe bird was.

Not only is it large in size and long-lived, but its flying speed is also excellent.

After muttering something silently, He Tiantian felt that her future "seclusion" life would not be too lonely.

In addition to an old ginkgo tree that has lived for more than two thousand years, there is also a timid hoopoe bird.

Perhaps, there are other spirits.

Oh, yes, there are all kinds of ghosts.

Ahem, since he opened his eyes, He Tiantian has seen too many energy balls.

There are people, cats, dogs, tigers, leopards, jackals, etc.

When her cultivation level rises, like the original heroine Duoduo, she raises a few ghost generals, or simply refines a few paper figurines. Will there be "someone" to relieve her boredom?

He Tiantian was thinking wildly as she continued on her way.

By the time she flew past the cold pool, the sky was completely dark.

The moonlight is like water, reflecting the earth gently.

The area around Hantan was relatively empty, and the moonlight was particularly bright.

He Tiantian stood on the tree and could clearly see Xiao Dai huddled under the ginkgo tree, cooing and crying to the spirit of the ginkgo tree.

That crying little look is exactly like the mentally retarded little D!

The corner of He Tiantian's mouth twitched. I was really too lonely, and I actually thought about my classmate Xiao D again.

He Tiantian did not interrupt Xiao Dai's crying, nor did he go down to say hello to Lao Shu.

She ground her feet, took a leap, and headed directly towards the wooden house.

Back at the wooden house, He Tiantian simply packed up her belongings and then ran to the wooden bed to continue meditating.

Relying on the heaven-defying skills inherited from ancient times, the spiritual energy quickly traveled through the eight meridians, and finally merged into the Dantian and turned into a group of spiritual energy.

In the early morning of the next day, the birds sang happily, the insects whispered quietly, and the first ray of innate purple energy was successfully absorbed by He Tiantian.


The spiritual energy group finally expanded again, and He Tiantian successfully broke through the third level of Qi training.

She looked inside her dantian and saw the white spiritual power, which made her feel more confident.

After standing up and stretching his muscles, He Tiantian began to prepare the meal.

Tsk, she went from being a worldly expert with an air of immortality to a human world full of fireworks in just one second.

Get water, mix noodles, and while the noodles are awake, He Tiantian cuts meat and wild vegetables.

The big iron pot has been cleaned, and the thick pig skin is used to boil it. It is dark and shiny.

Put it on the fire pit, the pot is heated, He Tiantian pours the diced meat into it, and stabs it——

Accompanied by the noise, the appetizing fragrance spread instantly...


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Chapter 875 Re-entering the World of Magic Sticks (8) Free to read.

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