The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 881 Re-entering the world of the magic stick (14)

He Susu is nine years old. She is usually well-behaved and sensible, and rarely lies or deceives others.

Therefore, seeing her being so solemn, He Qingfeng and Su Min still believed it, although they still found it absurd.

So they learned from He Susu that their world was filled with all kinds of non-human energy.

For example, there are some old ghosts and spirits around their Guiyuan Temple.

Only because the plaque hanging on Guiyuan Temple still retains the magic power left by the ancestors, which can deter those monsters and monsters, their Guiyuan Temple is so safe and stable.

However, He Qingfeng and his wife did not always stay in the Taoist temple. They often pretended to be gods and ghosts, and they were still contaminated with some "black gas" to some extent.

"Black gas" is what a child of He Susu said.

He Qingfeng and Su Min already knew that there were ghosts in this world, so they automatically understood that black gas = ghost!

Of course, a more rigorous statement would be the evil spirit.

However, no matter what the name is, this thing is not a good thing.

My daughter will suddenly become weak. Isn't it because she is haunted by evil spirits? !

Her every soul was infected.

If she cannot be expelled in time, her daughter will lose her soul and become a useless person even if she does not die.

This is just the beginning.

That fierce ghost clearly valued the body of his daughter, Si Zhu Chunyin, and wanted to take possession of her.

It ate away at He Susu's soul bit by bit until it swallowed up all three of her souls.

In this way, He Susu will be completely annihilated in this world, and there will be no possibility of reincarnation!

How could He Qingfeng and Su Min agree?

In order to save their daughter, they would do anything.

Now, even the junior aunt recognized him easily.

However, this little sister-in-law is quite reliable. After confirming the relationship, she gave the two a meeting gift——

A peace charm for each person.

He Qingfeng:...

He's very good at drawing talismans and stuff like that.

Moreover, after He Qingfeng got the talisman, he secretly opened it with "Little Senior Sister" on his back.

He was shocked to find that the strokes on the talisman were very similar to the "ghost-drawing talismans" he drew every day.

[Could this girl named He Tiantian really have something to do with our Guiyuan view? 】

[Could it be that she is really Master’s disciple, and she is not what she appears? ! 】

He Qingfeng's mind began to have random thoughts.

Soon, he calmed down and continued to study the talisman in his hand.

He found that the safety talisman of the young master's aunt was still different from the "intangible cultural heritage" works he drew.

The biggest difference is that the peace talisman given by the young master's aunt has an indescribable feeling of ambiguity.

It seems very powerful and effective!

Whether it works or not, you will know once you try it.

The shrewd He Qingfeng did not dare to mess with it anymore, and carefully re-folded the peace charm according to the original creases.

He put it close to his body in the lapel of his Taoist robe, placed the little master's wife in place, and then ran to visit his daughter.

Only an hour or two passed during this period, but the weak He Susu keenly discovered something unusual about her father——

"No more! Originally there were two black balls of gas on Dad's shoulders, but now they are gone!"

When He Qingfeng heard this, he subconsciously reached out to touch it.

Of course, he couldn't touch anything.

As for Su Min, they are worthy of being a congenial couple.

When He Qingfeng reached out and fumbled around on his shoulder, Su Min also turned her head and looked around her husband carefully.


Nothing at all!

Her naked eyes could not see those non-human energy bodies at all.

"Huh? The old man behind mom was also scared away!"

At this moment, He Susu stretched out his hand and pointed at Su Min.

"What grandpa? Oh, by the way, is that the old guy wearing Qing Dynasty clothes you mentioned?"

Su Min was stunned at first, and it took him a long time to remember.

When my daughter "confessed" to them before, she mentioned that a zombie-like grandfather was always following her.

A century old ghost!

She must have accidentally provoked him when she was "doing the trick" in the cemetery.

However, that old ghost probably didn't have any bad intentions.

It just followed Su Min, occasionally stretching its arms or legs to let Su Min touch or fall.

It's not like he's intentionally harming anyone, he's just playing a prank.

In this regard, Su Min also understood that it was probably because she had collided with or offended others when she was "doing it".

This person came back deliberately for revenge.

It won't hurt her life. At most, it will cause her to fall down or get a minor illness.

He Qingfeng and Su Min are both very transparent people, and they both believe in the principle of "fairness"——

I have offended someone else's old ghost, and the old ghost takes a little revenge. There is cause and effect, and we don't owe each other!

As time passed, Su Min became accustomed to it after she was sure that the old ghost was just playing a prank and was not really trying to kill anyone.

Let a century-old ghost follow you around.

Ahem, in fact, even if Su Min wasn't happy, there was nothing she could do.

Her methods are basically used to deceive those superstitious old rural ladies.

As a century-old ghost, Su Min can't do anything to others.

In fact, if it weren't for his daughter who was born with yin and yang eyes, Su Min wouldn't have known that there was such a ghost behind her!

"Yes! Mom, I, I just seemed to see a golden light suddenly burst out from your body, and then the old ghost was frightened."

He Susu's pale little face was full of excitement.

Obviously, the scene just now really "opened her eyes".

"Golden light?"

Su Min and He Qingfeng looked at each other again.

Suddenly, He Qingfeng seemed to have thought of something, and quickly took out the peace charm from his clothes.

Well, the peace charm is still there, but it doesn’t seem to be as good.

He Qingfeng had some suspicion in his heart, so he took apart the talisman again.

Then, he discovered that the runes written with cinnabar seemed not as bright as before.

The vermilion color seemed to be covered with a layer of gray, and as if something had happened, the original bright color faded away.

"This, this--" Is this the result of the Peace Talisman expelling the evil spirit?

Su Min knew her husband too well. Seeing his behavior, she guessed what he was doing after just a moment's thought.

She also quickly took out the peace charm from her pocket.

However, she didn't even need to open the peace charm to see something strange——

There were some cracks in the folded talisman.

It was like accidentally tearing the talisman open.

Su Min was very sure that although she was dubious about this peace charm, she still kept it well.

She didn't take it apart without permission, and she was extremely careful when storing it, not even folding it.

How could a good talisman be torn apart? !

“Could it be that——” This peace talisman helped me expel the old ghost and lost some mana, which caused the talisman to crack? !

Su Min was surprised and looked at her husband with a pair of beautiful almond eyes.

He Qingfeng seemed to have guessed his wife's thoughts. He nodded slowly——

That’s right, wife, it’s exactly what you guessed!

Su Min realized this and nodded slowly, "Hubby, it seems that our little junior sister-in-law does have some skills!"

Perhaps, she is really the master's disciple.

And their master has indeed become a god!

Combining these thoughts together, He Qingfeng and Su Min's eyes suddenly burst out with burning light.

Immediately afterwards, one of them, the couple, reached out and hugged their daughter, and the other quickly rushed forward to open the door.

The couple has an incomparable understanding, and when they work together, they are very smooth and harmonious.

"Dad, Mom, where are we going?"

He Susu yawned. After talking so much to her parents, her already weak spirit became even weaker.

His eyelids began to feel heavy and his breathing slowed down.

She tried very hard to open her eyes, but she couldn't control herself at all.

At this moment, He Susu looked like a seriously ill person, sleeping and falling asleep every day.

He Qingfeng felt that the little body in his arms fell into coma again, and his heart seemed to be squeezed hard, which hurt him so much that he almost couldn't breathe.

"Su Su, just wait, we'll go and beg our junior sister-in-law right now!"

"Yes! Yes! Little Senior Sister is a true Taoist expert and will definitely be able to save you!"

Su Min also echoed.

The couple quickly came to the wing next door, which was the temporary residence arranged by He Qingfeng for He Tiantian.

Ahem, since he still wasn't sure whether the other party was a "true god" or a liar, He Qingfeng didn't think too much and was too thorough.

"Little Sister, have you rested? I have something to ask for!"

He Qingfeng held his daughter in his arms and stood politely outside the door.

He did not trespass, but acted respectfully and humbly.

He Tiantian was very satisfied and shouted, "What's the matter? Come in and talk!"

"Yes! Thank you, little sister-in-law!"

He Qingfeng thanked him and strode up the steps.

Su Min rushed to the door first, opened the door, and let He Qingfeng in.

"What's the matter? Tell me!"

He Tiantian sat cross-legged on the bed and meditated.

She asked casually without raising her eyes.

"Little Senior Aunt, it's like this. This is my daughter He Susu, she is nine years old this year."

He Qingfeng didn't care at all about the "arrogance" of his junior sister-in-law.

Masters are like this.

How can a truly capable person not have a temper? !

Even he, a magic stick, often pretends to be arrogant and disdainful for the sake of his high-ranking persona.

Again, as long as he can save his daughter, even if the young aunt is just a little arrogant, even if she is arrogant and domineering to the point of anger, He Qingfeng will still lick her smile and serve her respectfully.

"Her horoscope is a bit strange. She was born in a yin year, a yin month, a yin day, a yin time, four pillars of pure yin, and was born with yin and yang eyes. It is very easy to attract ghosts..."

He Qingfeng was introducing his daughter's situation, but he was interrupted by He Tiantian's hand out of his hand just in the middle of his words.

He Tiantian opened her eyes and said helplessly, "My dear nephew, I have already said that there are no ghosts in this world. We must pay attention to science!"

"Huh? This child seems to have some deficiencies. Have you been to the hospital?"

"Oh, I'm not telling you. If your child feels uncomfortable, go to the hospital first! Don't always talk about feudal superstition——"

He Qingfeng and Su Min:...

Once again, I was speechless and choked.

By the way, little sister-in-law, when you say this, if you don't meditate upward, wouldn't it be more convincing?

You yourself are a Taoist priest who draws talismans, but you still keep saying "Don't be superstitious, be scientific"!

This this--

Just like the He Qingfeng couple in the past, they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, but they pretended to be ghosts every day!

It's better for the little aunt to just do it to them.

Su Min sighed silently. She was finally able to understand the helplessness of those experts who could see through the nature of their magic sticks (goddess) but could not expose them!

After sighing, she silently took out the talisman from her pocket.

"Little sister-in-law, you see for yourself! Just now Su Su said that a century-old ghost that had been following me was forced back by a golden light. Then, the peace talisman cracked!"

The facts are right in front of you. You can no longer pretend to be confused.

"Oh, the peace talisman is cracked. It must have hit an energy body that repels each other!"

"You also know that our world is full of various energies, some that attract each other and some that repel each other. To give a scientific example, it's like a magnet!"

"In fact, our world is a complex and huge magnetic field, with various..."

He Tiantian started to live in vain with her eyes open again.

He Qingfeng \u0026 Su Min:...

Sister-in-law, please, this is not "Approaching Science", you don't have to explain for the sake of explanation.

Moreover, our eyes are still there. We have seen it and felt it ourselves. Why bother if you do this again? !

"..." Taking a deep breath, He Qingfeng, whose mind was racing, decided to give up the explanation and follow He Tiantian's words.

"That's right, little sister-in-law, what you said makes sense. My Susu must not be haunted by evil spirits, but rather be radiated by conflicting energy bodies."

"You know science best, you must have a way to help us Su Su, right or wrong!"

He Qingfeng deliberately said something sarcastic, and then put He Susu in front of He Tiantian.

He Tiantian seemed to be very satisfied with He Qingfeng's rhetoric, "That's right, nephew, you are right to say that. We must use scientific methods to solve the problem!"

As He Tiantian spoke, she took out a folded talisman from her arms, "Here, the ghost-expelling talisman, put it on this girl first!"

The corners of He Qingfeng's and Su Min's mouths twitched together.

He said there was no ghost, but he took out the ghost exorcism charm.

I really don’t know how to describe my little aunt’s acting style!

They vomited silently, but the couple didn't dare to delay.

He Qingfeng quickly took the talisman from He Tiantian's hand, and then stuffed it into his daughter's lapel with great care.

Not sure if it was an illusion, He Qingfeng and Su Min vaguely heard a shrill scream.

But their daughter, who had fallen into a coma, had her eyelashes trembling slightly at this moment, as if she was about to wake up.

So magical?

It's really effective immediately.

He Qingfeng and his wife had hope in their eyes.

He Tiantian was not very satisfied, "There are still residues? Humph, isn't this a blow to my brand!"

She muttered, then stretched out her right hand and started to fight with each other quickly.

Wisps of transparent energy fluctuations began to ripple from He Tiantian's fingers.


Deep in He Susu's sea of ​​consciousness, a black energy mass let out shrill ghostly screams.

Immediately afterwards, the energy group was shattered, and wisps of black energy floated out from He Susu's sea of ​​consciousness.

After leaving the sea of ​​consciousness, the black energy disappeared instantly.

"Dad! Mom! I'm so hungry..."

He Susu opened her eyes, and her face no longer looked weak and lifeless, but instead looked filled with vitality.


The third one is a little later.

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Chapter 881 Re-entering the World of Magic Sticks (14) Free to read.

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