The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 884 Re-entering the world of the magic stick (17)

"Guiyuan Temple? It's quite popular on the Internet! Where's the internet celebrity Taoist Temple!"

It was very easy, the two little girls were discussing with a smile while scrolling through their mobile phones.

"What internet celebrity Taoist temple?"

Zhang Duoduo came to hand over the task in a hurry.

After handing in the few captured monsters and exchanging his points for some training materials, he was about to leave. When he passed by the front desk, he happened to overhear the conversation between the two.

Words such as internet celebrity and Taoist temple attracted Zhang Duoduo.

She hurriedly came over and asked curiously.

"Here! This is the Guiyuan Temple. It is said to be a Taoist temple that has been passed down for more than a thousand years. Although it is small, it is very efficacious, and their talismans are even more unique!"

A little girl turned the phone around so that Zhang Duoduo could read the words on the screen clearly.


Upon hearing these two words, Zhang Duoduo became even more interested.

She comes from the Zhang family of Tianshi Mansion, and what the Zhang family is best at is talismans.

As a direct descendant, Zhang Duoduo naturally paid the most attention to Fu Lu.

It's a pity that in the Age of Ending Dharma, spiritual energy is thin, and it is difficult for people in Xuanmen to cultivate innate energy.

Without spiritual power, it is naturally impossible to draw a real spiritual talisman.

Even the Zhang family in Longhu Mountain only has one or two ancestors who are over seventy years old and can still draw talismans.

In addition, the Zhang family has a rich heritage, and some talismans left by ancestors of past generations are still preserved in the treasure house.

But these treasures are non-renewable resources.

Use one, use one less.

That is, the younger generation in the family, or the child who is favored by the elders. When he or she goes out for training, the elders will give him or her one as a gift to save his life.

For example, Zhang Duoduo, when she came out of the mountain, her father gave her a high-quality ghost-expelling talisman.

Zhang Duoduo knew the value of this talisman and was reluctant to use it.

She is in cities all over the country,

Or search for other talismans on the black market.

It's a pity that most of them are just in name, and they don't even reach the level of magic talismans.

Although Zhang Duoduo was disappointed, he was not discouraged.

After all, the world is huge, and there are always hermits and masters that she doesn't know about, or Taoist temples and temples that are not famous but are really capable.

As long as you search carefully, you can always find the magic weapon you want, right? !

With this in mind, Zhang Duoduo paid special attention to talismans and so on.

At this moment, I heard about a Taoist temple with a thousand-year heritage and good at talismans. Although the word "Internet celebrity" seemed a bit LO, Zhang Duoduo still paid attention to it.

"Nanshan District, City B, Province A?"

Zhang Duoduo tried hard to recall and found that she had no impression of this place.

First, there is not enough fame;

Secondly, it is not a paradise filled with spiritual energy.

This, this looks like a wild Taoist temple in a remote mountainous area!

"It shouldn't be a wild Taoist temple. It's registered with the Taoist Association, and the temple owner is also a Taoist priest certified by the Taoist Association!"

The lady at the front desk heard Zhang Duoduo's muttering and hurriedly said with a smile.

Another young lady seemed to have thought of something. She said "Ah" and said while sliding her finger on the screen of her mobile phone: "By the way, this Internet celebrity Taoist temple also has a store online, specializing in - "

Before she could finish saying the words "Selling talismans", Miss B silenced her voice.

"Eh? Why has it been taken off the shelves?!"

Although the store originally had very few products, only a few peace charms, peach blossom charms, good luck charms, etc.

But at this moment, all the talismans have been taken off the shelves, making the poorly decorated shop look even more desolate and lonely.

"It's all taken off the shelves? Is it out of stock?"

Miss A curiously guessed.

What's that? Regardless of what they said, they actually didn't believe that Guiyuan Temple would have magical talismans at all.

They themselves work in special offices and face those ghosts and gods all day long.

They are themselves, spirits that have given birth to spiritual intelligence, or monsters that have taken human form.

For example, Miss A, her pair of little tiger teeth are not only cute, but they can also bite the neck of prey when she wants to be sharp.

Another example is Miss B. She has several pink flower marks on her forehead. This is not a simple tattoo, but the greatest evidence of her identity.

Its own particularity, coupled with the reasons for the work, made the two of them very clear——

In this world, there are very few true talismans.

That is to say, only some big families or famous sects have some stocks or very few talisman masters.

Oh, by the way, they also worked extremely hard and gathered the strength of the whole country to enshrine two talisman masters and a very small number of talismans that exceeded double digits.

A random Taoist temple that is a celebrity on the Internet, the price is only a small amount, but it claims to be an efficacious talisman? !

Haha, anyone with any brain would not believe it.

This is just like the bag that was sold on a certain night and was given free shipping.

It’s clearly a capital word “fake”.

It's just that Guiyuan Temple itself is a formal Taoist temple, and the things it sells are not too expensive. They can be regarded as "intangible cultural heritage" handicrafts, so the relevant departments turned a blind eye.

Of course, the most important thing is that there are no "victims" to complain.

The people do not hold officials accountable, and those who do something extraordinary will only treat it as an interesting thing and gossip casually.

However, Zhang Duoduo is young and energetic, and because of his background, he attaches great importance to the talisman and cannot tolerate such fraud.

"Has it been taken off the market? Was it because someone reported or complained about it and had to be taken off the market? Or did you realize that you shouldn't sell fake charms and rein in the situation?"

Zhang Duoduo looked at the row of gray icons on the screen of the young lady at the front desk and thought to himself.

Her fists are a little hard!

As an orthodox Taoist practitioner, what she hates most are those magicians and liars in the world.

Not only did they deceive ordinary people, but most importantly, they ruined Xuanmen's reputation.

Let the public think that anyone who touches the word metaphysics is a liar!

How can a true Xuanmen person endure this? !

"No! We can't let this Guiyuan Temple ruin the reputation of the Fu Lu Group!"

Zhang Duoduo made up his mind and wanted to eradicate the cancer of Guiyuan Guan for Xuanmen.

Of course, Zhang Duoduo still needs to verify it before taking action officially.

If there is no conclusive evidence, she can't unjustly accuse people, right?


Zhang Duoduo had something on his mind, so when he was walking, he didn't pay much attention to his surroundings, and he actually bumped into a person coming from the opposite direction.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"

Although Zhang Duoduo is young and energetic, he is not unreasonable.

Realizing that she accidentally bumped into someone, she quickly apologized.

"It doesn't matter! I left too quickly!"

The speaker was a young man, who looked to be in his twenties, tall and handsome.

The key is his overall temperament, which is aloof, cool, and a perfect gentleman.

Ahem, I'm just too young, so I'm still a bit different from the real master who has returned to his original nature.

It feels a bit like exerting too much force, and like a child deliberately pretending to be mature.

Zhang Duoduo herself didn't realize that she was paying too much attention to this young man. She could even clearly see the mole on his nose.

"Fellow Taoist, do you have anything else to do?"

Ge Fuli saw Zhang Duoduo standing still and blocking half of the corridor. He hurried over and gave a reminder.


Zhang Duoduo woke up and found that he was dumbfounded by a strange man, his face flushed with embarrassment.

She quickly turned aside and kept saying, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Ge Fuli raised the corners of his lips, and his reserved look was somewhat similar to that of the young master uncle Xuan Mo in Mai who was astonishingly talented and looked like an immortal.

"It doesn't matter!"

Ge Fuli uttered two words lightly and walked in with quick strides.

"Pretend! Try to imitate others!"

Not far away, an equally young man curled his lips disdainfully and said several idioms that were not very complimentary.

"Su Wenbo, you are here too!"

They are both Xuanmen families, and Tianshi Mansion has some contacts with Mai's lineage.

Zhang Duoduo and Su Wenbo are also acquaintances.

However, Zhang Duoduo looked down upon Su Wenbo's playboy style.

Oh, by the way, Su Wenbo's poisonous tongue also disgusted Zhang Duoduo.

"You can come, why can't I come?"

Sure enough, Zhang Duoduo just said hello casually, and Su Wenbo could also sound like he was shaking the sky and the ground.

"..." Zhang Duoduo regretted, she shouldn't have talked to such a rude person.

However, deep down in her heart, she wanted to know who the cold male god who passed by just now was.

Obviously, Su Wenbo, this die-hard dude, knew each other.

You may also know many of his stories.

Zhang Duoduo was so anxious that he forgot how disgusting Su Wenbo's mouth was.

Huh, you have a sharp tongue, you are amazing, I still don’t pay attention to you.

She didn't believe it. With so many people there, there must be others who knew the little brother just now.

For example, the couple at the front desk, the tiger demon and the flower demon? !

"Why, do you like Ge Fuli?"

Zhang Duoduo didn't want to talk to Su Wenbo, but Su Wenbo came up to him humbly.

He lowered his voice, his tone full of teasing, "Zhang Duoduo, do you want to know Ge Fuli's identity and origins?"

Zhang Duoduo said nothing, but a bright light flashed in his eyes——

It turns out that the little brother’s name is Ge Fuli.

"I have some connection with you. You were born in the Tianshi Mansion, and Ge Fuli claims to be a descendant of Maoshan!"

Su Wenbo deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of the word "self-proclaimed".

Not to take it seriously, but to be extremely disgusted, with obvious disdain!

It was very obvious that Su Wenbo did not believe that Ge Fuli was a descendant of Maoshan.

Originally, Su Wenbo would not have been so hostile to a country bumpkin who emerged from a remote mountain village.

He is indeed a playboy and has a sharp tongue, but he is not stupid.

Although Ge Fuli is suspected of bragging, he does have some real abilities.

If nothing else, just refining elixirs makes many big families and sects want to recruit him.

But Ge Fuli shouldn't do it at all. He shouldn't "touch porcelain" with his junior uncle!

Xiao Xuanmo? !


He deserves it!

As a king-level fan of his junior uncle, Su Wenbo had a fight with Ge Fuli...

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Chapter 884: Re-entering the World of Magic Sticks (Seventeen) Free to read.

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