The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 890 Re-entering the world of the magic stick (23)

"Ah! My fairy binding rope!"

Not long after He Tiantian collected the bundle of fairy ropes, a young man in his twenties chased him.

The moment he arrived, he happened to see the immortal rope "disappearing out of thin air".

They are all members of Xuanmen, so that person will naturally not think that he is dazzled or has encountered some kind of deception.

He knew that he had met an expert!

Gee, who would have thought that such an internet-famous Taoist temple could have such a powerful figure.

Although the young man is dandy and arrogant, he is not a fool.

Witnessing with his own eyes that the incomplete high-grade spiritual weapon given to him by his biological father was actually subdued like this. Apart from the initial wailing, he never made any noise again.

He did not break into the Taoist temple's gate without permission, nor did he yell or speak harshly at the Taoist temple.

He was very obedient and bowed deeply to the mountain gate, "Su Wenbo, a member of Mai's lineage, I didn't know that senior is here. I have offended you so much, please forgive me!"

He Tiantian:......

Oh, Su Wenbo, an old acquaintance.

When she first entered this world, she had some connections with this arrogant Xiu N generation.

Through him, he also made a small name for Master Qingfeng of Guiyuan Temple.

He Tiantian couldn't say how disgusted he was with a spoiled playboy like Su Wenbo.

She took revenge on the spot because she had a grudge——

Su Wenbo said sarcastically that Qingfeng Temple was a wild Taoist temple, and also secretly mocked He Qingfeng as a magician.

Although it was true, He Tiantian was He Qingfeng's daughter at that time, and her status determined her stance. He Tiantian had never been a saint who could help with matters or not.

What she is best at is helping relatives but not taking care of others. She is Chi Guoguo's partiality.

So, she quietly used some tricks to bring a "bloody disaster" to Su Wenbo.

Su Wenbo was beaten to a bloody head, but he was not a tough guy.

Realizing that Guiyuan Guan (he Tiantian to be exact) is not easy to mess with,

People just admit their defeat "from the bottom of their hearts".

After learning that his junior uncle's soul was damaged because of saving him, and that only He Tiantian could save him, Su Wenbo forgot his old grudges and tried every means to lure his junior uncle to Guiyuan Temple for "treatment."

In the end, He Tiantian successfully cured his junior uncle, and Su Wenbo, the ultimate idiot fan, also loved Wujiwu and respected He Tiantian extremely.

Although He Tiantian didn't care about a "little brother" with average abilities, she was very satisfied with Su Wenbo's performance.

After the last time they got along, He Tiantian had a deep understanding of this arrogant and arrogant Xuanmen dude——

This person is indeed a bear and has a poisonous tongue, and he can easily attract hatred.

But he is the most aware of current affairs. Knowing that he can't defeat him and knowing that he needs to beg in front of others, he quickly gives in.

If you don't care about face, just kneel down and that's it.

For example, this time in Small World, He Tiantian did not go to the capital, so there was no conflict with Su Wenbo.

However, Su Wenbo still went to Guiyuan Temple, and he inevitably had a conflict with He Tiantian.

Gee, this "fate" is really powerful.

"Did you hurt my hoopoe?"

The memory flashed through his mind, and He Tiantian quickly calmed down.

She used her spiritual consciousness to transmit her voice, and her voice was cold and arrogant. She sounded like an unreasonable young master.


Damn, that huge spiritual bird is actually a coffin bird?

Although people in Xuanmen are not as superstitious as ordinary rural elders, they still care about some taboos.

For example, the hoopoe bird is not "eating on corpses" as in country legends.

But it does often appear in cemeteries, and it is full of stench, and it is also contaminated with a lot of evil spirits.

Some fastidious Taoist practitioners find it difficult to regard it as a spiritual bird.

Just now in the forest, Su Wenbo only saw a huge bird with bright feathers. He felt the spiritual power fluctuations on the bird's body, which showed that it was a demon clan that had opened up its spiritual wisdom.

Su Wenbo saw the hunting spirit and wanted to catch the spiritual bird.

He didn't care about the type of spiritual bird at all.

Ahem, the main reason is that this bird is too big, and has a different physique than the ordinary hoopoe bird.

"It's all because I was greedy for a moment. I didn't know that the spiritual bird had an owner. I just thought it was a wild bird that enlightened itself in the mountains and forests, so I wanted to take it for myself!"

Su Wenbo was very bachelor, he didn't even lie to cover up, but told the truth straight away.

It’s not that he is stupid, on the contrary, this is what makes him really smart——

Don't lie in front of a real expert, let alone commit fraud.

Telling the truth and confessing sincerely may still have a chance of survival.

Of course, he would not passively wait for death. As early as when he saluted towards the mountain gate, he secretly pinched a help talisman given to him by his junior uncle in his hand.

As long as the situation is not right, he will immediately tear off the talisman.

The junior uncle will get the news immediately and lock his position.

Estimating the time, given the young martial uncle's cultivation, he would be able to arrive in less than an hour after receiving the news.

Su Wenbo only needs to delay time and wait for the rescue of his junior uncle.

Besides, he only injured a spiritual bird belonging to the senior master. Firstly, no "bird's death" was caused, and secondly, he immediately confessed and apologized.

As long as that expert wasn't as hot as fire and as hot-tempered as a bomb, she wouldn't kill him.

And the most important point is that the expert is not a fool, nor is he so arrogant that he would casually form a deadly feud with a famous sect——

Being able to possess a slightly incomplete high-grade spiritual weapon at such a young age is no ordinary casual cultivator or a child of a small family.

It was easy to kill Su Wenbo, but it was not worth it to face the anger of Mai's lineage!

Even a young Su Wenbo could calculate this account clearly, let alone an old monster who had lived for who knows how many years.

He Tiantian:......

You are old!

You are the monster!

We are little fairies, pretty, pink and tender.

Why did he become an old monster? !

Fortunately, He Tiantian didn't have the ability to read minds and didn't know the random thoughts in Su Wenbo's mind.

Otherwise, she must let Su Wenbo know why the flowers are so red!

Su Wenbo: Still saying that you are not old? What's the point of this? We haven't heard of it at all!

He Tiantian:......

"The hoopoe is a national second-level protected animal. According to our country's laws, anyone who illegally hunts or kills rare animals shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment or criminal detention, and shall also be fined!"

He Tiantian's voice sounded again.

However, what she said almost shocked Su Wenbo's jaw.

what's the situation?

Wasn't it just the supernatural world of seniors and spiritual birds, why did it suddenly become a Dharma popularization program on Japan? !

\u003cr/The following is a fixed-term imprisonment, and what kind of fine?

This, this is not what God has unfolded.

What kind of brain circuit does that senior have?

Su Wenbo was full of complaints, but he didn't dare to say it out.

But his "subway grandpa looking at his phone" expression still showed some of his inner feelings.

He Tiantian clearly "saw" it through her spiritual consciousness.

"Xuanmen is not a place outside the law! Our Guiyuan Temple has always been a formal Taoist temple that abides by the law."

He Tiantian said righteously.

Su Wenbo was even more speechless.

God's "Xuanmen is not a place outside the law", yes, this is the truth.

But the country still has special policies for Taoism.

There are also special "extraordinary affairs" responsible for Xuanmen affairs.

This concept of Guiyuan... has so many flaws that Su Wenbo doesn't even know where to start.

"...Senior, what do you mean-"

Su Wenbo swallowed and asked cautiously.

He didn't want to know whether Guiyuan Temple was a good Taoist temple that abided by laws and regulations. He just wanted to know what he could do to make the senior expose this matter!

Of course, the following fixed-term imprisonment will definitely not work.


Wait, fine!

Su Wenbo's eyes lit up and he hurriedly held up his mobile phone and said, "Pay compensation! I accidentally injured yours, oh no, I accidentally injured a national second-level protected animal. I am willing to pay the fine in accordance with the law!"

Yuan, do you think that's okay? "

It's not that Su Wenbo is reluctant to "spend money to avoid disaster", it's just that the senior's words just now were too righteous.

Su Wenbo always brought up the law to make matters worse, and Su Wenbo almost mistakenly thought that the other party was a government official.

When you are in public, you don't dare to talk nonsense, let alone throw money around like a nouveau riche.

Everything must be done according to regulations!

It’s a fine, Si Xiaodai’s medical expenses, nutritional expenses, lost wages, and compensation for mental losses! "

He Tiantian was still serious, but what she said was quite a bit like a lion opening his mouth.

Su Wenbo really wanted to complain again: Damn the mental damage compensation, a bird, where did it get the mental damage?

Uh, okay, spiritual birds are not ordinary birds. People who have activated their spiritual intelligence may actually be mentally harmed.

Su Wenbo was in the wrong, and he was frightened by his senior's unfathomable cultivation. Even if he was extremely resistant in his heart, he could only hold his nose and admit it.

"Okay! Senior, junior accept the punishment!"

Su Wenbo shook his phone and wanted to ask his senior for his payment code.

Well, he was really funny and actually asked for the payment code from the air.

But, soon, a scene that shocked him happened.

A snow-white fox suddenly jumped out of nowhere.

It has a QR code hanging around its neck.

Su Wenbo was stunned, but the white fox stood up and raised the QR code with his two front paws, signaling him to pay quickly.

Su Wenbo:......

As expected, he was an expert. Not only did he have a huge coffin bird with spiritual intelligence, he also had a fox that became a spirit.

Tsk, this is a real vixen.

The white fox rolled his eyes and said, "You are a vixen, and your whole family is a vixen!"

Su Wenbo was completely confused.

He paid the fee in a daze, turned around in a daze, didn't even ask for his fairy binding rope, and just walked down the mountain in a daze.

"I'm a good boy. Forget it, I won't argue with you this time!"

He Tiantian used her consciousness to watch Su Wenbo, who was like a puppet, go down the mountain, and then revealed the matter.

She had a hunch that if Su Wenbo came, would the junior uncle be far away? !


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