The heroine was created with cards

Chapter 389 [Effect Separation], announce the clone = body

"So what if you know now?" Su Yun asked curiously.

"Perhaps we can find a way to deal with it?" Liuli Meng said, "In comparison, the value of a [God-level Escape Skill Reflection Card] is too high."

"what can you give me?"

"How about a card that can disconnect the opponent's card master from an [effect] card?" Liuli Meng said.

Su Yun was startled. Unlinked the [Effect] card?

This means that if his enemy has a [book], he can also terminate the connection and take the [book] as his own, instead of disappearing with the death of the other party!

For Su Yun, the current income of the card killer is really just that. It may be better to go to the Perfect World of Superpowers, because [effect cards] cannot be retained, and their [fusion cards] cannot be retained either.

In this case, even if you kill a card master who has a [Book], it doesn't make any sense, because you can't get his [Book], unless he hasn't comprehended the connection yet.

But it would be interesting if we could disconnect the [book]!

Liulimeng actually has such a card?

She is willing to change because there are currently very few young card masters who own [Book], and this card may not be usable for a long time.

But the most urgent task is Su Yun's method.

Of course, Su Yun would not refuse. He narrowed his eyes and said, "Okay, change."

Liulimeng took out the card and put it in Su Yun's hand.

【Effect separation】

Type: Effect

Level: Black Gold Level 10


Disconnect one of the opponent's [Effect] cards and keep the card's existence.

Overview: It can live on.

"Then, I'll just announce it here, but unfortunately, you won't be able to find a way to target me." Su Yun chuckled.

He turned around and came into everyone's sight, smiled and said: "Someone asked me to purchase some information, so I will announce it while there are many people."

Everyone held their breath and widened their eyes, waiting for Su Yun to speak.

Presumably at this moment, there are even card gods in the depths of time and space waiting for this information, because everything about Zhenlong's chess game has already been analyzed.

The world is silent and everyone is watching.

Su Yun put his hands behind his back and said calmly: "I think many people are interested in how my wife Song Xianer can improve her progress so quickly."

He took out a card.

[The Emperor of Swords-Song Waner]

"What I want to say is"

"The clone is equal to the original body!"

"What?!" an old card master yelled.

In the shocked eyes of him and the surrounding card masters, the white clothes moved, and Song Xianer was summoned by Su Yun face to face in front of Su Yun.

She took out a card, lit it up, and said with a chuckle: "I am Song Wan'er, and I am also Song Xian'er!"

"In the end, Wan'er in the story is still the same as before, and this does not disrupt the logic of the story."

"That's it." Su Yun hugged Song Xianer's waist and disappeared.

The scene was dead silent for a while.

Avatar = body!

This piece of information set off a huge wave in the hearts of all card masters and card masters around the world!

"She can still use cards in the [King of Swords] state!" A card master discovered a blind spot.

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[The heroine was created using cards][]

Everyone was in an uproar.

What is this concept?

Su Yun has three card master wives. If he fights against him, is it equivalent to fighting four card masters? !

The most terrible thing is that he can use 12 of the biggest variables in the world, [Effect] cards? !

That’s okay!

Everyone recalled the [Book of Space], an SS-level [Book]. If this guy had 12 [Books], wouldn't he be completely invincible? !

Su Yun also lifted the rules and can summon 2 characters at the same time

Plus lossless transformation

All card masters were suffocated.


"Once something appears, it cannot be the only one." Youka Master calmed down.

"Is he because of [Wonderful Writing]? What about us?"

"Research the clone card quickly!"

"Fusion, fusion is the solution!"

Suddenly, the whole world was in turmoil.

Su Yun came out again and said: "Don't think too much, the price is very high. Currently, I only have Xian'er to summon, and it was a card I got by chance. I came up with a way myself, and that is to use [Equivalent Exchange] Go and change and lift the ban rules.”

This is his rhetoric.

When he was able to summon the three girls of Gusu Yao and discovered that the clone = the original body, he knew that since there was the former, it meant that summoning the card master card could be done in the first place!

This in itself is one of the ways to play the clone card.

Therefore, having the [Three Thousand Dao Realm], he figured out an optimal solution while knowing the answer.

That is the "consciousness restriction" of unlocking the [Clone] card.

Doppelgänger = body, there is a line between the two, so lifting the restriction of consciousness can definitely be done!

When the clone's consciousness is complete and can understand everything in the card master's world, the clone and the main body will naturally be connected!

But the cost is terrifying.

First of all, you must be a card master of [Equal Exchange].

Secondly, you must be a rules master with higher authority.

Then go and release the "consciousness restriction" of the clone.

Mao knew how expensive the cards that "increase the rules' authority" were after thinking about it.

Last time, Su Yun needed to use the card [Lawless] to lift the rule of "summoning two characters".

But this time, he thought it was unnecessary, because clone = body, which is how the clone card is played.

It is allowed to exchange rules and authority for something.

It's just that "summoning two characters" is an illegal operation, which requires [Lawlessness].

Su Yun is not afraid that other card masters can also summon card master cards. It doesn't matter, it's too difficult. You can only have one at most, and I have three.

If we move our lower body, we can add more people! And it's easy.

If Su Yun hadn't learned about "control", "emphasis on emotion" and "responsibility", Su Yun would have sown seeds indiscriminately.

And [books] are too rare. If you have this idea, you must have [books].

Card masters are racing against time. If you try to fiddle with the [Clone] card, you may have to lose a large part of it, which is not worth the gain.

Letting the card masters in the world mess around, Su Yun solved the Zhenlong chess game on his own.

And a month later, one of the card gods, the Demon God, spoke, and he really did it!

These card gods are rich, and they can do experiments at will. Even cards that increase the rules and authority can be taken out after a while.

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[The heroine was created using cards][]

It was actually done in a short period of time.

Su Yun also smiled at this. His "suggestion" was of course not without purpose. He was the owner of the [Three Thousand Dao Realm]. Knowing the solution to the problem by inferring the answer was of course well-founded and feasible!

Very good, in this case, he is no longer an "extraterrestrial", and this hidden danger in the future has been solved.

It is also significant for the Card God to obtain the Card Master card, because the "concept-level" [effect] cards also take effect. This is a way for the Card God to increase his combat power!

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