The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1017: End of the screening

"Intelligence?" Gooding turned around and stared at Blaze. "The screening will be over soon. What role do you give us now?"

"Of course it is not information about the screening game, it is some information about the main plane. And, if you do not listen to this information, you will definitely regret it at that time." Blazer was very determined.

"It doesn't seem to be lying." The Emperor on the side whispered.

"He should be telling the truth." Melissa also nodded her confirmation.

"Okay, I accept your challenge, but now the deity in your body is seriously depleted. It takes too long to wait for you to recover. It is better to use the deity instead of fighting with the body directly." Guding made this suggestion.

"Are you sure? If it's a physical battle, your original strength advantage will be greatly reduced, but I have practiced physical magic." Blaze thought Guding looked down on himself.

"Relax, I have spiritual practice as well."

Guding said, the scale-free body was fully opened, and the whole body seemed to be hazy like an ancient immortal body, and the figure appeared unreal and unreal, and some people were unrealistic.

Blazer is full of blood and blood, and the **** war body is fully opened. The war body is somewhat similar to the unparalleled war body of the God of War Palace.

Gooding and Alders at the level of the Holy Master have fought, and naturally, at a glance, Blazer's magical powers are a simplified version of the Warriors of the Warriors Palace.

In terms of physical combat, Alders at the level of the Holy Lord can only compete with Guding with a real unparalleled war body. Blazer is far inferior to Alders in terms of combat power and physical supernatural power, and naturally differs from Guding by more than one grade.

Alders is full of confidence, thinking that his physical supernatural powers are the main **** level, and will not be much weaker than Gooding. With this advantage, it should not be killed by Guding, and there is even the possibility of winning.

Wrapped in **** red awns, he flew towards Guding, wanting to bang Guding head-on and bring his advantage to the limit.

It was only an instant that his huge figure rushed to Guding. When Guding seemed to be proud of him in his heart, Guding slowly raised a hand.

Then Blazer's huge size struck Guding's palm.

At the moment when the two touched, Blazer also smirked in his heart, "Let you take care. This hand is useless!"

But then he discovered that his movement seemed to be static for a moment, and the force striking Guding's palm was like a mud bull entering the sea, disappearing strangely.

"what happened?"

Just as Blazer thought in his mind, Guding blocked his palm from suddenly applying force. Slapped on his left shoulder.

Blazer only felt a great force came, and then the whole body flew out.

And the **** battle body on his body, under the bombardment of this palm, directly collapsed into nothingness.

"It's strong ..." When Blazer had just raised the idea, he had plunged into a mountain range in the distance, and broke more than 20 mountains one after another, before he could stop.

You know, the density of matter in this battlefield is almost the same as the main plane.

Blaze broke more than 20 mountains one after another. His head was a little stunned. But he finally realized that the gap between himself and Guding was far from being as simple as a fighting class.

The embarrassed climbed out of the gravel, and Blaze found that his left shoulder bone was completely broken by Guding, and the broken area was just controlled on the left side of the neck. If he went further to the right, his own The cervical spine must have broken together.

The precise control of this force also amazed him. He also knew that Guding had actually just hit this. Fully capable of killing yourself directly.

With the injured left shoulder, Blazer rushed again in the direction of Gooding's group.

When he arrived in front of Guding, he finally lowered his head, "I lost. I'm afraid I can't make up the gap with you in a short time."

"Actually, you can't make up for a long time ..." Dorcot on the side couldn't help but tell the truth.

"Help him to heal." Guding directly interrupted Docott's back words, because he knew the familiar character of Docot and couldn't hold his mouth as soon as he opened the conversation box.

The Docot game nodded, and ran to Blazer. One hand pressed on Blazer's wound.

After a while, Blazer's injury recovered, and he looked at Docot with some surprise. This medical method was unheard of.

"Okay, now it's time to talk about your intelligence." Gooding looked at Blazer.

"The information I want to talk about this time is related to the situation after you entered the main plane. You are really in a big disaster on the screening battlefield this time! Slaughtering millions of people, there must be someone on the main plane. Please trouble you. It is best to prepare before you enter the main plane. "Blazer said.

"Aren't these people who participated in the screening are all high-level planes? What does it have to do with the main plane? If we are in trouble, should it be the high-level planes?" Guding asked with some confusion.

"I'll explain it to you from the source of the matter!" Blazer was silent for a moment, but decided to tell the details of the matter. After all, he promised Guding that they gave information.

"The main plane now has a total of 318 holy sites, and these holy sites divide the jurisdiction of the high plane according to the level. The 3,328 high planes, all All are managed by these holy places, without exception. "

"All the Shura-level strongmen cultivated in the high planes are members of the reserve designated by the high planes for their corresponding holy sites. In other words, millions of people died in this screening contest. The reserve members of the Great Holy Land. Although most of the screenings will be lost this time, the major Holy Lands of the main plane will also slowly absorb these reserve members in other ways. Now these reserve members have all fallen, equal to the major Holy Lands Before the start of the next screening, almost no newcomers joined. "

"And among the major holy sites, there will be a newcomer competition soon after the end of each screening game. Use this competition to watch the newcomers’ real level and formulate the corresponding training plan. In addition, this This kind of newcomer competition is actually related to the games of the major holy grounds. Especially the top holy places, each time the competition must be divided into a high ~ ~ But you have a trouble this time, In the entire screening competition, except for you, the remaining people are almost the weakest guys in the second round of screening. This has led to the major holy places not only the weakest members of this screening, but even the back-up places. Almost no more ... the major holy places will naturally anger you because of this matter. "

Blaze finally explained the whole story.

"Now your only option is to choose a top holy site to join in the fastest speed after entering the main plane. After you join the holy site, you will naturally be sheltered by the holy site, and other holy sites are not easy to see. I'm in trouble for you. "

"Thank you for the information, it's really useful." Guding nodded his thanks.

At this time, above the sky dome, the previous female voice also sounded again.

"After the screening competition, the invitations that passed the screening will be sent to your token later. As for those who have not passed the screening, your token will be automatically recovered. Please prepare for leaving the screening battle ..." ( ~ ^ ~)

... ()

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