The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1022: Goodbye, Captain ... Goodbye, everyone ...

"I ask to leave the team"

When Tagore's words came out, everyone in the Guding Pirates was stunned. Only Guding remained calm. Although this result was expected long ago, his heart was also not calm.

"Captain, I also got out of the team with Tagore boss"

Bruce flicked around and appeared beside Tagore, screaming at Guding with an apologetic face.

Tagore gave him a deep look, "You really decided?"

"It's decided, boss, wherever you go, I'll follow wherever I live with the captain, but boss, you're alone, I'm not at ease." Bruce nodded decisively.

"If our strength is strong enough, will you come back?"

Gu Ding took a deep breath, and then asked the two of them, his eyes still revealing the expectations.

"If it was alive at that time, it should be ..." Tagore lowered his head in silence for a moment, and finally raised his head to give such an answer.

Brue didn't speak, but nodded hard, his tears already swirling in his eyes. A pair of blue eyes, watery.

"That's good, I agree with you to leave the team" Gooding promised very simply.

"Guding, how can you do this ..."

Liliat wanted to prevent this scene from happening, but was stopped by Beagle and shook her head at her.

"Sister Lily, our current strength is not enough to become Tagore's partner. With them, they will only pull their hind legs. It is better to let them let go and do what they want to do. And we can also wait for the fighting power. After ascending, I reunited with them again. ”Although Mike explained this in his mouth, his tears swelled.

"Thank you for your understanding ..." Tagore extended his paw and patted Mickey's head. "Strengthen well. Don't drag everyone back in the future."

"Uh" Mick nodded forcefully.

"Tagore, remember your commitment today, and you must return to the team by then." Guding clenched his fists hard. He paused a little, then continued. "No matter what happens, we must strive to survive"

"I will do my best." Tagore nodded with a smile.

"Bru, you must survive well too" Guding looked at Bru again.

"Um" Bruce's tears finally couldn't hold back, and the big tears rolled down the ground like a string.

"What else can we do for you?" Gooding asked next.

"There are two things to do before I leave"

Tagore said that there were eleven more rings in his paws, and he slammed hard. Eleven rings turned into colorful streamers and galloped toward Guding.

Guding reached out and grabbed all the rings in his hands. He glanced down at the rings in his hands. They felt that these rings were strange, but they were not obvious. "These rings are ..."

"The eleven rings are all Lord Orders, but they are sealed by me and exist in the form of rings. Just need to reach the saint level and put on the ring, the Lord Orders will be refined. However, refined The process will bring great oppression to the body, soul and willpower. So you must wait for the cultivation to reach the tenth sequence of gods before refining. "Tagore explained," There should be twelve, but there is one One piece was taken away by the person who broke into the strange land in front. There are only eleven pieces left. You have twelve people, and allocate them as needed. "

"Lord order?" Gooding was a little shocked when they heard it.

The lord order is the treasure of those saint-level strongmen in the main plane, because the lord order is obtained, as long as it does not fall halfway, it means that it can become a lord-level strongman in the future. Of course, the premise is to be able to refine the lord order first.

Gooding opened with one hand, eleven rings blazed towards Bigger.

Bigger and his team grabbed the ring in their hands.

"Exactly eleven, each of you one," Guding grinned.

"Captain, what about you?" Bigger frowned slightly. Asked.

"I don't need it, even if I need it in the future. There are other ways to get it. Don't forget, I still have the quota for the path of the king. There should also be a lord order on the path of the king." Guding waved his hand.

"The reason why the lord order is strong is that in addition to the large increase in combat power, it is because the lord order contains all the memories and inheritances of previous lords who have held the lord order. However, because it is so powerful, the lord order is opposed Some people also have a great degree of restriction. If you want to take the initiative to release the lord order, all the memories of the lord order, even the magical powers that have been completed, will disappear completely. Only I can tell you, as for It ’s up to you to decide if you want to refine your lord order. If you change your hands, you can also get a lot of cultivation resources. There are countless holy places in the main plane to grab it. "

Tagore also outlined some of the pros and cons of the lord order, allowing Guding to make their own choices.

Gooding nodded, then asked Tagore and asked.

"It is the first thing to give us the lord order, what is the second thing you said?"

Hearing Guding ’s question, Bruce turned to Tagore and asked in a small voice, "Boss Tagore, do we have to do this?"

"Well, I don't want to be like this, it's just that they are the safest for Guding." Tagore sighed.

"What the **** is that?" Gooding couldn't help but ask, hearing a conversation between the two, he had a bad hunch.

"Sorry, I have to delete your memories. Delete all memories about me, even about Bleu." Tagore was silent for a moment before finally speaking.

"What? No," Liliat objected first.

"Is this necessary?" Bigger, who has always been reticent, also frowned, and he was unwilling to be treated for amnestics.

"I need a reason to convince me."

Gooding was still very calm. He looked up and looked at Tagore. He could also see that Tagore was not joking.

"The main plane has a memory review process for all entrants. The purpose is to prevent terrorist forces from infiltrating into the main plane. This kind of memory review only checks personal experience and will not delve into it, but you about me Hebru ’s memories appear on almost every day in the past four years, and only complete deletion can pass the memory review. ”Tagore explained.

"Can't think of other ways? For example, censorship is blocked, or the memory is temporarily sealed ..." The sea emperor proposed some other plans.

"Useless, this kind of censorship is carried out with order soldiers, using the power of rules, and various small means have nothing to hide from the rules. The only solution is to delete the memory directly." Tagore shook his head. .

"I understand. Deleting our memories will not only protect us, but also keep your information from being leaked out. But, how can we retrieve this lost memory in the future?" Gudin understood Tagore's idea, But he still hopes to find a way to retrieve this memory.

"After you reach the level of the lord, the power of the rules of order will make you feel the lack of memory. It is only a matter of time when the lack of memory is found. But if you want to retrieve the deleted memory, you can only find a master of soul order. The strong ruler repaired his soul ... "Tagore explained.

"Understood, then do it." Gudin listened to Tagore's explanation and quickly made a decision.

"Guding ..." Liliat still didn't understand why Guding could agree so readily.

"Lily, this is good for everyone. Although we will lose a lot of precious memories, we can still find them in the end. Rest assured, some things, even if the memory is deleted, will not be forgotten." Guding said Comforted.

"Okay ..." Liliat agreed reluctantly.

Although the other members of the Gooding Pirates were unwilling, they chose to accept Tagore's amnestics.

"I'll come first"

Gooding was still hesitant to see everyone, and he walked towards Tagore with a wide mouth.

Tagore put a paw on Guding's forehead. About two or three minutes later, Guding slowly closed his eyes and his body collapsed to the ground.

"Guding" Bigger looked at Guding anxiously.

"It's okay, he just went to sleep temporarily because the brain information is missing, and a lot of related information will be processed by the brain on its own, which will take some time," Tagore explained.

"Second, let me come" Bigger came over the second.

Immediately afterwards, the members of the Guding Pirates' group were deleted by Tagore's memory, and they became paralyzed.

"Boss ..."

Until the last Fatt fell to the ground, Bruce's tears ran out again, and he knew that it was Tagore himself that actually hurt the most. The feeling of being completely forgotten, when we meet again, everyone is just strangers.

Tagore also had two tears on his cheek ~ ~ He looked from left to right, looked at each one of them, and finally fell on Guding.

"Goodbye, Captain ... Goodbye, fellow Guding Pirates ... Thank you for your care and tolerance all the way ... I'm sorry, I have done cruel things like deleting memories ... If you can, I will I hope that one day, Bru and I will be able to return to the pirate group and live the carefree days of the past ... "

Tagore closed his eyes slowly, letting tears flow across his cheeks. It took a long time before he opened it again, but he dared not look at Guding again. Then he pierced the time and space with one paw, and then turned his head toward Bruce.

"We should go"

"Goodbye, everyone……"

Bruce followed Tagore galloping away, tears across the sky, after all, he couldn't help but look back at the sleeping people and murmured.

After that, the two plunged into the cracks in time and space, and the cracks in the space and time soon began to heal without leaving any trace ... to be continued.

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