The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1034: Internal warrants in major holy places

"Issued an internal wanted order, rewarded all members of the Guding Pirates Group, and gave double rewards for live catching! At the same time, the reward order was issued to the Tribunal, giving a triple points reward, and live catching gave a five times point reward!

Not long after walking out of the conference hall, Ulan directly dialed a number, and after being connected, gave instructions directly.

"Directly wanted? Which holy place did Guding choose? If it were several other seven-star holy places, would this be bad?" A voice came across the communicator.

"They didn't choose a holy place, so this time there is no need to have any scruples." Wulan's eyes flashed a cold color.

"So arrogant ..."

"I don't know the sky is thick, so the lesson is learned!" Ulan finished hanging up the call directly, flashed up and appeared in the port and got into the spaceship.

Of course, there are many other holy places that made the same decision as Ulan.

The major holy sites soon received the results of internally wanted decisions, and the news that the Guding Pirates refused to join all the holy sites began to spread quickly.

Gooding quickly left Xiaoyao Immortal Palace the same day they met with the messengers of the Holy Lands.

By night, the news that the Guding Pirates refused to join all the holy places began to spread wildly on the Internet.

This news was deliberately passed out by the sea emperor, and it was naturally sea emperor and mico who discussed this method.

Spreading such news, naturally many people in the main plane will start to pay attention to the Guding pirate group as the protagonist of the event. In this way, the major holy places cannot be too blatant about the encirclement and suppression of the Guding Pirates, because they need to worry about the reactions of the people.

Now the Guding Pirates have begun to appear in the public eye. If something happens to the Guding Pirates suddenly, it is easy to think of the major holy places.

Therefore, the major holy sites can only control the pursuit of the Guding pirate group within a controllable range, and it is unlikely that a hand can be sent to solve the strong existence of the entire team of the Guding pirate group. In case of being discovered by the time, and then exposed, the people will only think that the Holy Land forces are bullying the small. And sending guys of similar strength, even if they were accidentally seen by the people. It will only be considered a normal challenge, and there will be no partiality.

In the major holy places, the wanted results of Gooding were finally posted one after another.

"Boss, look quickly. New wanted order!"

Reward: Gooding

Attribution: None

Strength level: Holy Master

Reward amount: 30 million virtual **** crystal block


Reward: Bigger

Attribution: None

Strength Level: Suspected Lord

Reward amount: 8 million virtual **** crystal block


Reward: Robert

Attribution: None

Strength Level: Suspected Lord

Reward amount: 8 million virtual **** crystal block


Reward: Sea Emperor

Strength level: Saint level

Reward amount: 3 million virtual **** crystal block


Reward: Crimson

Attribution: None

Strength level: Saint level

Reward amount: 3 million virtual **** crystal block


Reward: Huck

Attribution: None

Strength level: Saint level

Reward amount: 3 million virtual **** crystal block


Reward: Beka

Attribution: None

Strength level: Saint level

Reward amount: 3 million virtual **** crystal block


Reward: Elsa

Attribution: None

Strength Level: Suspected Saint Level

Reward amount: 2 million virtual **** crystal block


Reward: Liliat

Attribution: None

Strength Level: Suspected Saint Level

Reward amount: 2 million virtual **** crystal block


Reward: Mickey

Attribution: None

Strength level: Samsung Shura

Reward amount: 1 million virtual **** crystal block


Reward: Docot

Attribution: None

Strength level: Samsung Shura

Reward amount: 1 million virtual **** crystal block


Reward: Fatt

Attribution: None

Strength level: Samsung Shura

Reward amount: 1 million virtual **** crystal block

The new wanted orders issued by the major holy sites have similar results for the strength judgment of the members of the Guding Pirates Group, and the amount of the reward is basically the same.

The new reward order was soon discovered by members of the major holy places.

As for some special organizations within the major holy sites, many members have received the wanted orders and other conditions issued by the holy sites.

The power of the ruling hall is within the scope of coverage. In a castle-like building.

A young man in a white shirt was drinking coffee while watching the news report projected in front of him. Suddenly, the smart watch on his wrist rang.

Click on the smart watch, a message pops onto the projection.

"Reward order? Gooding?" The youth clicked on the information and looked at the past one by one. "This seems to be the group of guys who were making trouble on the battlefield some time ago."

"Strength assessment, the level of the Lord ... a little interesting ..." After reading all the wanted orders, the youth found that the information had an attachment in addition to the reward order.

Click on the attachment. The young man's eyes lit up, "Oh, it was even released as a mission of the Tribunal, or a triple points mission. The live catch is five times the points ... It's really tickling, it seems that it's no good not to go.

Just turned off the file and was ready to continue reading the news, the shirt youth's communicator rang again.

"I just want to drink a cup of coffee. I haven't finished this cup but I have been interrupted twice ..."

The shirt youth shook his head helplessly, and turned on the communicator.

On the projection ~ ~ Several people's heads are projected one after another. This is the group conversation function of the communicator. Obviously the shirt man is not the first person invited to enter the conversation.

But after him, several figures were projected, and the number of projections in front of the shirt youth had reached seven.

"Captain. Everyone was here except Valeri was taking a shower." A thin young man with glasses looked at the shirt young man.

The young man in the shirt glanced at the projected team members, and his eyes stayed on a guy who looked a little gruesome, "Salomi, what are you doing?"

"Squatting in the bathroom ..." Salome's unhappy expression, "I don't know if I have eaten the wrong thing these days. I can't pull it out ..."

"Then you have to finish things first, then come on." The shirt youth did not wait for Saromi to finish, kicking him out of the video conference directly.

"Let's start discussing the Guding pirate group now!" The youth of the shirt began to get to the point. (~ ^ ~)

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