The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1038: The old lady is a Viking, do you have an opinion? !

Dream, at the conference table, the crowd of Guding Pirates sat in a group, only Liliat was absent. ◎,

"It's been a month since our spacecraft came out of the Xiaoyao Immortal Palace, and has never stayed on any planet. Because I deliberately avoided the sailing routes of those pursuers, so far, the entire main plane has not been People can determine our coordinate position. "Haihuang smiled with his mouth covered.

"After a month of cultivation, everyone has improved their combat strength and other aspects, and it is almost time to test the results of cultivation." Gu Ding's eyes swept across everyone present. "Everyone suffocated this time ..."

"My big knife is already unbearable!" Bigger whispered, brushing the knife handle with one hand.

"Yeah, I have itchy hands too!" The violent doctor Docote smirked.

The rest of the people are all excited, and everyone who has just improved their combat power hopes to try their hand in a battle as soon as possible.

"Then ... Ocean Emperor, follow the original plan!" Gooding nodded to the Ocean Emperor.

"Okay!" Said the sea emperor, projecting a three-dimensional star map.

"This glittering point is where our Dreamer is now. And our destination this time is here ..."

The sea emperor said, hitting a nebula not far away, and from that nebula, selected a planet.

"This planet, called Brada, is a planet with extremely developed economy and finance. Due to the high prosperity of this star field, many powerful forces have established observation points here. The most important One thing, this is a branch of the Vikings, and there are many businesses of the Vikings who trade here. "

The Emperor said, looking at Melissa.

"The last time we encountered the Viking Lord God said that Elsa must arrive at the Vikings before the age of thirty and enter the awakening pool to maximize the potential. This time the navigation route we came all the way, in fact They are also heading towards the Vikings headquarters. This stronghold of the Vikings. It ’s just the first stop. We stayed here to get more information about the main line of the Vikings. "

"Of course, there is another reason to stay here. It is to deliberately expose our whereabouts so that the pursuers can find us ... And, if we expose our whereabouts here, the major holy places should not be difficult to guess our voyage route. They ’ve been in control for a long time. Elsa ’s news that you are a Vikings will certainly not be concealed. They should be very clear that we must go to the Vikings headquarters next. ”

"Will this cause trouble to the Vikings?" Bigger couldn't help asking.

"No, although the Vikings did not form forces, the Vikings themselves are no less powerful than those six-star holy places, and those who pursue them will not break into the Viking headquarters. As long as the Vikings do not openly speak out, say asylum We, the Vikings will not be targeted by other holy places. "

"As for the pursuers, they are at best blocking the port. We are not allowed to escape. We will only need to wait for Elsa to awaken to complete before we can kill a **** road and leave."

Neptune had already calculated the follow-up plan long ago, and he had made a detailed calculation of the reactions of all parties and what the results would be. It was precisely because he knew that the Vikings would not be affected that he made this plan.

"That awakening pool ... really has the legendary effect?" Elsa could not help asking.

"This awakening pool with special effects, in fact, not only has the Viking tribe, but also the God of War tribe, and there are several other special bloodline races that have similar things." The Haihuang explained. "According to my speculation, the effect of this awakening pool should be to purify the blood vessel concentration in your body, so that the blood vessel can return to the ancestor to a higher degree, and obtain stronger blood vessel strength. Therefore. For you, it is definitely beneficial. "

"Elsa, you are now at the saint level. Maybe you can soak and go directly to the level of the Saint Lord. I also think it is necessary to check it out!" Guding also nodded.

"Then we will do it according to the arrangement of the sea emperor!" Elsa heard the increase in combat strength. I couldn't help but shine.


The spaceship sailed for another six days, and finally reached the Brada Star.

Prada Star is indeed a bustling planet, with various buildings straight into the sky and through the clouds. Various means of transportation are also diverse, and they are ubiquitously interspersed in the city.

When Guding arrived at Brada Star, the port was already late at night.

Liliat and Robert were left in the spaceship, and Guding they walked out of the hatch.

Although the stars outside can't be seen on the ground, the flashing lights of various colors in the city shine the whole city like a day. And the lively night is no less than the day.

"At this time, should the Viking stronghold be empty? Should we rest and adjust for one night, and wait for the morning to pass?" Guding looked at the sea emperor.

"I forgot to tell you that the stronghold of the Vikings is a bar that is open 24/7, and that night is the busiest time for that bar." The sea emperor said, projecting the map, pointing at the map "That bar doesn't look far from the port. Let's go!"

Turning off the map, the sea emperor led Guding and his party towards the location of the bar.

Less than two kilometers away from the exit of the port, Guding they found the bar that the sea emperor said.

Above the door of the bar, the red lights flashed unstoppably, and a few crooked characters were the name of the bar, called-Captain Pirate.

The strange thing is the bar's door, which is nearly ten meters high, and the height of the whole bar is more than twice as high as the surrounding buildings.

There was a lot of noise in the bar, and the party had obviously begun.

Gooding raised his eyebrows and pushed in.

Walking into the bar step by step, all the noise suddenly stopped suddenly, and everyone in the bar's eyes were projected towards Guding and the others.

Guding and they discovered that all the people in the bar were members of the Vikings, and all the men were between four and five meters tall. Only a woman is a normal figure.

Among the Guding group, only Big is as big as them, and even slightly shorter. Therefore, all the Vikings looked at Guding and his group with a sneered face.

"A little dwarf went to the wrong bar again ..." A red-bearded Viking spewed out a mist of wine.

"That big guy doesn't seem to be our Vikings, can't feel the power of the blood in his body ..." Someone was whispering about Bigger.

Guding they didn't care about this kind of gaze, but walked straight towards the bar of the bar.

The behavior of their group made the hundreds of Vikings in the bar surprised and surprised.

"It didn't even leave, interesting!"

Someone even shouted at Guding and his party, "Hey, little man, here is a special bar for Vikings, you are in the wrong place!"

Elsa appeared in front of the bearded wine table ~ ~ The sharp axe was placed on the neck of the beard. "The old lady is the Viking, do you have any ideas ?!"

Elsa's behavior was naturally learned from Liliat. During the three years with Liliat, the two of them were often ridiculed by various men because of their outstanding appearance, so they also learned how to protect themselves.

Sure enough, her move also worked, and the Viking lowered her head obediently, because the other party also felt the blood in her body.

The rest felt the blood of Elsa, and all laughed at the beard, no one raised any objections.

"Hello, we are looking for the bar owner!"

Guding went straight to the bar and said towards the young female bartender with pony tail.

"Dog, someone is looking for it!" The bartender shouted and turned towards the backstage kitchen.

"Come!" A thunderous thunder came from the background, and then, with heavy footsteps, the ground began to tremble ... (to be continued.) SJGSF0916

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