The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1045: 【Linked Fields】


A violent explosion came from [Absolute Realm].

Subsequently, [Absolute Realm] was broken through a big hole. Although the big hole was closing quickly, Brin's body leaped out of the hole.

He looked coldly at Docote not far away, and a pair of silver gloves in his hand caught the attention of Goodin and his party in Dream.

"It stands to reason that if it is not that the combat power can absolutely crush Docot, it is unlikely that the [Absolute Realm] will be destroyed. The blond kid has just broken through to the median master god, and his combat power is not enough to force a breakthrough. [Absolute Domain]. Now that he forcibly broke the success, it should be the reason for the pair of gloves. "

The sea emperor looked at the pair of gloves in Brin's hand.

"The gloves are a terrestrial warrior." Robert said suddenly. "And it seems that it should be able to increase the attack power."

"In this way, it is a bit difficult for Docott to win this battle." Bigger also frowned slightly.

On the battlefield, Fatt stood beside Docot, and saw Brin break through Docott's attack, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. He turned his head to look at Docot beside him, "Would you like to help?"

"Not needed for the time being." Docott gave the negative answer very simply.

"I think you two should go together!" Brin also heard the conversation between the two, and smiled at Docott with a taunt.

"Anyway, it ’s just Samsung Shura, and one and two are no different to me. I ’m using terrestrial soldiers now, even your captain Guding may not be my opponent now, let alone the two of you. A little chat. "

"The more I look at this kid now, the more I feel that he is beating." Crimson hugged his chest with both hands and squinted at Brin in the video projection.

"Don't worry, I still believe in Docott's strength." Gooding grinned slightly.

He heard Brin mention Guding. And repeatedly hung the word Xiao Heo on his lips.

Both Fatt and Dorcott are intolerable.

"Whether you can win or not later, I will beat him into a pig's head!" Fatt said, staring at Brin fiercely. Only then retreated to the sidelines.

"Do you still decide to be alone? You care about your face." Brin saw Fatt stepped aside and continued to ridicule, "However. What did your companion say just now, will you beat me into a pig's head? Then I have decided now Beat all of your pirate group into pig heads! "

"Everyone will say that you are such a thing, our captain can kill hundreds of them in a single stroke. However, in my opinion, you don't have the opportunity to fight with our captain because you will lose in my hands!" Kurt's voice just fell. The flying knife that made up the [Absolute Realm] in the void rushed towards Brin again, and enveloped him again.

While Brin was trapped, Docote's hands quickly pinched out the intricate handprints again, this time several times more complicated than before.

With a "boom", the [Absolute Domain] formed by the flying knife was once again opened a big hole.

Brin walked slowly out of it, and looked at Docote sarcastically. "This move has no effect on me at all."

"I know, I just want to buy myself a moment." Dorcot smiled, and the fingerprints on his hands were completed.

In the cuffs. Massive flying knives poured in like crazy storms, pouring down towards Brin.

Seeing such a violent attack by Docot. Brin did not dare to be negligent. Although he has strong attack power, after all, the defensive warrior cannot restore the defense effect in a short time. Each of Docot's flying knives was enough to injure him.

Brin lifted his body to the extreme, his body fluttered and flashed in the rain curtain of flying knives. Heavy punches blasted again and again, and the powerful attack caused many flying knives to be disturbed in their travel routes. Many flying knives were directly destroyed by Brin's punch.

However, the number of flying knives is too large, after Brin made some efforts. After all, it was still engulfed in the rain curtain of flying knives.

After Brin was wrapped in, Docot's cuff. Still madly pouring into flying knives.

Until the three thousand six hundred flying knives were all gathered in the void. Condensed into a huge sphere.

Guding they can only see the ball formed by the flying knife on the spaceship, and can't see anything else.

"Is this sphere, like before, a sleepy array?" Gooding asked. "If this is the case, the blond guy spends more time, can't he still come out?"

"The sphere is right, but Docote has follow-up moves." The Sea Emperor pouted towards Docot's position on the screen.

Guding and they realized that Dorcot was pinching his fingerprints again.

"In the sphere, there is a means to attack ?!" Although Guding can't see the inside of the sphere, he can guess the movement of Docot.

"This is a set of consecutive [absolute domains]. The outer sphere serves as a captivity and prevents the opponent from escaping in a short period of time. Inside the sphere, there are additional means of attack that make the opponent tired of coping with it while also There was n’t enough time to escape the captivity of the sphere. ”Mickey nodded and smiled.“ This serial field is what I came up with. The attack method inside is what I call the Forest of Ten Thousand Snakes. It ’s all a snake made of flying knives. After the blessing of the mysterious lines of heaven, it is almost the same as living creatures. "

On the battlefield, the size of the round sphere is getting smaller and smaller, and it has been reduced to about a third of the original before stopping.

On the other side, there are hundreds of flying knives in the sphere that are constantly attacking Brin. Those little snakes composed of flying knives may have lengths and shorts, and some may consist of only two flying knives, while the long ones may consist of five or six flying knives. It is precisely because the composition is different that the attack mode and attack speed are also different.

At the beginning ~ ~ Brin didn't care too much about this kind of attack. Instead, he felt that the intensity of the attack was reduced, which was easier than before.

But as he defended and bombarded, he felt that these little snakes were becoming more difficult.

Because every time he bombarded, those little snakes would automatically disintegrate, and then attack from another angle, and, after the attack was completed, those little snakes would be combined again in a new way, and the route of travel also changed .

Anyway, every attack, the attack angle of all kinds of snakes are completely different, making people unpredictable.

It took only a moment for him to be cut through a dozen openings, and this flying knife also seemed to have a special function, making his wounds heal very slowly.

"Damn, what the **** is this! Is the mentor so difficult ?!" Brin couldn't help yelling.

"Don't you just be arrogant? How can you become the fish on my cutting board now?" Docote's mocking voice passed in. As the promoter of the entire [domain], he can naturally know that what is happening in the domain Something. (To be continued.)

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