The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1062: Throne of Redemption

Rank energy crystallization, under normal circumstances, is the energy spar used by the Great Constellation Lord God who has broken through the rules and understood the rules of order, and even the Lord-level strong.

Each rank energy crystal, the energy contained in it is extremely terrifying.

Guding swallowed tens of thousands of them at a time, far exceeding the amount his body could carry. It's like a small river suddenly filled with water from the entire ocean. No matter how the dam is built, it's useless.

Guding himself is also very clear that in this situation, he wants to contain the energy dissipation has no effect. The only way is to speed up the process of cracking the gene yoke.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Gooding forcibly absorbed the strong willpower into the projection of the soul space, prompting the waves to form faster and advance faster.

He did not expect that his own method was actually effective.

In the projection of the picture, the formation of a huge wave is much faster than before under the blessing of willpower.

One after another, huge waves crashed towards the isolated island, and the cracks on the gene yoke became bigger and bigger.

However, the situation is still extremely urgent. Guding, with a cracked flesh on his body, has begun to crack ...

Those are the cells that make up the body, which can no longer withstand the injection of energy and begin to burst. The effect presented on Guding's body is also terrifying.

The first is that the epidermis of Guding's body slowly began to evaporate, slowly turning into waste and leaving the body, drifting into the void. Exposing the muscle tissue that should have been wrapped under the skin ...

Guding looked like a muscle monster ...

But with the passage of time, one second after another, the **** muscle tissue on Guding's body also began to dry up, and the muscles became more and more dry. The whole person looked like a dead body.

With the loss of water, Guding's body also began to enter the third stage of disintegration.

Muscle fibers begin to age rapidly. Piece by piece turned into powder. It's like a sand-built castle, which lost its moisture after being exposed to the sun. It becomes granular.

Guding's muscle fibers began to continually turn into powder and drift into the void. Slowly exposed the bones inside.

The internal organs surrounded by bones, like muscle fibers, quickly turned into powder.

Guding has also become a skeleton ...

But at this time, the cracking of the gene shackles is still continuing, and Guding naturally sees what he is now. He knows that he has no way out.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Guding frantically used his willpower to quickly urge the giant wave to knock on the island. Time and time again, and faster than time.

Compared to the strangely silent outside, Gu Ding's soul space is almost lively.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! ..."

Every impact will bring a loud bang. Like the beaten drums of the last days, each time it is rushed, once fiercely, once crazy.

Because Guding knew that if he could not successfully break through this time and greet himself, it would be death!

This is an unprecedented crisis ...

And cultivation tower. Guding began to crack slowly on a white bone.

Although bones are stronger than flesh, they still cannot withstand the impact of rank energy. It's just that the rate of disintegration is slightly slower than the rate of disintegration of the body before.

On the bones of Guding's whole body, as time went by, the cracks became more and more deeper and deeper.

In the quiet practice room, a slight click came suddenly, and Guding's finger broke first.

First is the little finger, then the ring finger, then the middle finger, the index finger ... the thumb.

Ten fingers. Almost in less than three seconds, the ground fell one after another, and then fell into a white powder.

Then. The wrist joints of both hands also began to break. Guding's palm also fell to the ground, although it was not directly thrown into powder when it fell. But it also fell into more than ten small pieces, and then turned into powder at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Immediately after, is Guding's arm with both hands ...

At this time, in the space of Guding's soul, the first yoke finally disintegrated completely on the picture of conscious projection.

This small success made Guding couldn't help but drink loudly.

But things are not optimistic, because there are thousands of shackles binding the whole island. Although all shackles are scarred and may break at any time, after all, it is only the first break.

Checking the physical condition, Guding knows that his life has entered the countdown ...

Above the projection of consciousness, the impact of the giant waves has been crazy to the extreme, almost one after another, continuous, and the shackles binding the isolated islands have also broken one after another.

On the other side, the complete disintegration of Guding's skeleton has also entered the countdown.

Guding's two arms were broken shoulder to shoulder, all turned into white powder. The legs have also broken from the bottom to the thigh position.

Guding's body is only half of the upper body of the skeleton, and it is still the gesture of lying on the ground.

The disintegration of the body continued. After the two thigh bones were completely transformed into fly ash, Guding's ribs and spine began to break from bottom to top, and turned into white powder ...

At this moment, Guding has put all his energy on the screen of the soul space, completely abandoning the physical changes of the outside world. One is that he has no time to check his physical condition, and the other is that he can't divide his energy to care about anything other than the impact of the giant wave.

Outside of the House of Ice and Fire, it is impossible for people such as the Sea Emperor to know what happened to the retired Gooding.

Only the house spirits of Binghuo Palace saw such a strange scene in their eyes.

"little Master……"

Fuling can feel that ~ ~ Although Guding's flesh has become like this, it has not fallen, but the breath of life has weakened to the limit, giving people the feeling that they may fall at any time.

"No, the little master can't die!"

After sipping low, Fu Ling looked at the throne in the deepest part of Binghuo Palace and leaned into the throne.

After a while, the throne forged by thousands of master gods and soldiers spontaneously rose and entered the room where Gu Ding was trained in the training tower.

As soon as the throne appeared, he covered the remaining half of Guding's body, and the disintegration rate of Guding's body suddenly began to slow down.

At the same time, a crack appeared on the throne.

But I saw the throne slowly lowered, lifted Guding's remaining body and placed it on the seat.

The disintegration rate of Guding's body suddenly eased to a state of near stagnation. Instead, the throne under him was disintegrating into fragments at a terrifying speed ... (to be continued.)

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