The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1081: Lord's Fury

After the Ares tribe falls, the corpse will appear blue. .? `c? om

Kunlan, as a strong lord, naturally saw at a glance that Opatou was in a state controlled by Dead Soul Seal.

For the God of War tribe, the clan who died in battle is glorious, but the clan after death is sacred and inviolable. Any behavior that desecrates the corpses of the members of the Ares will be regarded as a dead enemy by the Ares, which can be said to be a counter-scale of the Ares.

Guding, however, touched this counterscale, although he didn't know that Opatou was the God of War at first, and even used the Soul Seal at the time, it was also a helpless move.

But for the God of War, any reason is not a reason, they only look at the facts already born.

The fact is that Gooding did control Opatou with the Soul Seal.

At this time, Kunlan was completely irritated. He didn't even think about how the gods of God of War tribe in the space of Guding's soul came.

He stretched out a big hand to clamp Opato and lifted him out of the small world of Gooding.

Even if Opato closed in the cultivation tower to the tenth sequence of **** level cultivation, his combat power has reached the level of saint level, but there is no slight resistance in the front of Quinlan. It was like a thin, fledgling chicken just born, and was directly caught by Quinlan.

In the void, Kunlan stood down and gazed at the Guding below. The Opato next to him was completely imprisoned by him when he appeared in the void, floating aside, completely unable to move. .? `

When seeing Opatu, all the Ares clan, including Ares, were surprised, but then cast a hostile look on Guding.

"Guding, you are so brave! How dare you use the soul of death to enslave the powerful warlord who has fallen!" The pressure on Kunlan's body burst out completely, and the entire void space prohibition collapsed instantly.

The terrible coercion swept everything like a suffocating tsunami. Under the coercion, Elsa and others could barely stand still and could not even move their feet, let alone continue the fight. .

Fortunately, his coercion was released indiscriminately, and pursuers such as Ares were also affected.

Guding, who was stared at by Quinlan, felt the oppressive horror in it. Most of the coercion released by Quinlan concentrated on him, and he couldn't do it even with a finger.

See the appearance of Opato. Guding was also stunned for a moment. He immediately remembered that someone had warned himself that the use of the Seal of the Dead Soul on Opatto would cause him a lot of trouble, and now this trouble is really found.

"The lord of the Ares Palace is really awesome!"

At this time. A female voice sounded in the void, and it was Liliat from the Guding Pirates. ? `

"The will will come over and suppress a newcomer who can't even master the master's cultivation. He doesn't speak, and he is afraid that outsiders will gossip and deliberately incriminate us."

"A good-smiling female doll. Adding guilt to you? My God of War tribe kills, and never needs any guilt! However, since you said that I have added guilt to you out of nothing, I would like to hear how you swindle this fact." Quinlan said Opato who was pointing aside.

"This matter, let me tell you!" Although Guding could not move, his voice could be heard.

"We were in a burial ground earlier on the base plane. Opato was encountered in the burial ground. Here, I have a few points to declare. First, we met Opato He was already an undead creature. Secondly, we did n’t know that Opatou was the God of War. Thirdly, when I cast the death mark on him, it was entirely because of a phantom burst hidden in his body. At that time, with my attack power, I could not break his defense, and I could not take out the formation. In desperation, I used the Seal of Death Soul on him, and then controlled him to spit out the formation. Fourth, if you We do n’t have any objections to bring Opatu ’s body back. Fifth. Once the Soul Seal is cast, it is irreversible. Even if Opatu returns to your God of War, his Soul Seal will always exist. Sixth, the whole thing is done by me. If there is anything, you can just come to me and have nothing to do with others. "

Gooding's explanation was only about the facts. He knew that Quinlan had no intention of letting go of himself before he appeared in Opato. Now it is even more impossible to let go of yourself, even if you are talking about it. It's just in vain.

"You are still loyal. At this time, you still think about others." Kunlan smiled coldly. "Relax, your companions, I will squeeze the surplus value one by one, and then send them to see you, let You meet again in another world. "

"As for you, this physical body is quite good, whether it is qualifications or various resources accumulated in the body, even the strength of the soul is not weak, and the physical strength is quite good. I will erase your consciousness and remove your physical body. According to your own. Maybe you can use your physical body to rebuild and break through to a stronger state. "

"As for other people, if they meet my requirements after my investigation, I can also leave their flesh and use them to make a clone or something. However, if they do n’t meet my requirements, I ’m sorry, I will completely erase you, from consciousness to soul to body. "

Kunlan's mouth twitched slightly, and after investigating Guding, he made a decision to dove the nest. At the same time, there are plans for how to arrange other people.

"Let's start with you first-Guding ..." Kunlan finished looking at Guding, and in the next moment he appeared again less than a meter in front of Guding.

Guding had no way to react at all, and he was once again pointed at his forehead.

Gooding's consciousness was instantly pulled back into the soul space.

In the soul space, Kunlan's figure began to slowly form.

"Lord level strong ..." Gu Ding looked at each other with dismay, he was very clear that in the presence of this level, he had no chance to resist at all.

But at this moment, a half-sized black puppy appeared in front of Guding.

"Little Black?"

Guding naturally recognizes that this is the little black that occasionally appears in his soul space, and is also the source of the power of the black magic face. Guding has borrowed the power of the magic face many times.

Just under Guding's gaze, the black puppy began to transform, and its body began to swell, but in a flash, its length increased from less than one meter to several kilometers.

At the same time ~ ~ claws have grown wildly, and even fangs have become extremely scary.

The biggest change, however, is the fur on his body, which not only grows violently, but also has a metallic luster of blue-gray color, and also has a blue mane around the neck, which looks like a flash of flame. The head, chest, and abdomen are covered with a golden armor, which looks majestic.

Guding also noticed that Xiaohei's breath rose all the way from the same level of the Holy Lord as himself to the upper main god, then to the extreme main god, until finally, he stayed at the level of the extreme main god.

Even the secret patterns of the law surrounding the whole body have begun to turn into chains of order ...

Quinlan looked at the change in front of the giant beast, and couldn't help but narrowed her eyes slightly.


[Today ’s thunderstorm weather, the computer was affected and suddenly shut down ...] (To be continued.)


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