The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1083: Black Robe Gooding

Stepping out of the void, it was actually Guding. ?. ?? `c? om

It's just that, in his black robe, he couldn't see the slightest fluctuation in energy. Even the appearance just now didn't bring any ripples in the space.

"There are two conscious bodies ?!"

Kunlan looked at Guding in black robe, and then looked at Guding in a casual suit not far behind him and raised his eyebrows.

"Do you think that you can defeat me if you change your consciousness in black clothes?" Quinlan looked at Guding in the protective cover with a mocking expression.

"Beat you? When I was in his heyday, you were like this, I could crush tens of thousands with one finger." Guding in black robe said disdainfully.

"Do you think you are a king? A finger crushes thousands of lords, are you dreaming in daylight ?!" Kunlan looked at the black robe Guding with a mocking face.

"It's a pity that you didn't come from the deity. But it doesn't matter. Although it is just a projection of will, I can kill it first and charge some interest first." The black robe Guding's eyes began to chill.

"Then see who kills first!"

Quinlan sipped, and the three golden chains of order were put into full play, turning into three golden swords, with the might of tearing the sky, whistling toward the ancient black robe.

Guding in black robe seemed to be frightened. There was no movement at all. Until three golden swords appeared in front of him less than ten centimeters away, he suddenly pointed out. ? `

The slender fingers like jade point into the void, like the point above the water surface, rippling up and down.

While the ripples were rippling, the entire void seemed as if the space was still. The collapsed void no longer spreads, and even the three golden swords even slowed the breaking of the air under this finger, but only a few centimeters forward, they were completely frozen, and they couldn't get into nothing. At this time, the gold knife closest to Gu Ding, the tip of the knife was less than three centimeters away from the black robe Gu Ding's eyes.

Seeing such a scene, Quinlan was completely shocked. When he responded, he immediately wanted to re-energize his own chain of order, but now it seemed that his communication with the chain of order was cut off by some force, and he could not control the chain of order.

And just then. Black robe Guding's mouth widened, and the pointed index finger flicked in the void.

The three giant golden knives were impregnated into black with a degree visible to the naked eye, and the black spread from the tip of the knife to the back, as if the ink dripped into the clear water, and dipped towards the depths.

It's almost just a blink of an eye. The three golden swords turned into black completely, and then automatically spread out to become the state of the chain of order. After a moment, three black dragons condensed into the void, just like living creatures, rushing towards Kunlan.

Kunlan immediately retreated and wanted to buy herself time to escape from Guding's soul space.

But a black shadow suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, and then stopped on his escape route. ? `

"Where do you want to go?"

Quinlan had a physique, but it was such a pause that three dragons had drilled into his body from his back.

Afterwards, Quinlan began to mourn sorrowfully. "Ah, don't ... don't ..."

Quinlan's body seemed to be a balloon, and began to swell violently, and the shape of the body was still deformed from time to time, as if something was chasing inside.

This change also seems to be causing him severe pain, making him unable to bear the miserable birth and sounds extremely permeable.

But this scenario lasted only for more than ten seconds. Quinlan's body quickly swelled to the limit, and then burst with a loud bang. Completely transformed into energy particles.

From his body, a three-headed dragon was drilled into the sky.

But after a while, the three-headed dragon also completely collapsed. Disappeared.

The black robe Guding slowly landed from the void, and then walked towards Guding.

Xiaohei recovered the original half-size dog shape, and shuffled his head around his legs. Although it was defeated in the previous battle, it was not hurt.

"you are……"

Gu Ding looked at each other with surprise, although he could not capture the action of the lord-level battle, but after Xiaohei defeated. He had just talked to Quinlan and the confrontation between the two behind him.

Now that Quinlan's breath has completely disappeared, it is not difficult for Guding to think that the black robe man in front of him should have killed Kunlan's will projection.

"I am you, don't need to ask too much, you will understand when you should understand." Black robe Guding stood opposite Guding and looked at Guding at a position less than one meter away.

After some review, the black robe Guding shook his head helplessly, "I know you have a lot of questions, but you are still too weak to even awaken the memory. Hurry up, some problems will automatically come up There is an answer. "

He said, reaching out and patting Guding's shoulder.

Although Guding had many doubts, he heard the other person saying so and did not ask any more questions.

Black robe Guding and Guding passed by, and then pointed to the void, and ripples continued to pour in the void.

Subsequently, Guding's entire broken soul space began to repair quickly, almost two minutes later, it was completely restored, and the area was even a little larger than before it was destroyed, and the space stability was also a little higher.

"The soul space has been repaired for you, and I should go." Guding in black robe finished and turned towards Guding. "But before leaving, there is one more thing to do."

"What's the matter?" Guding asked with some surprise.

"Temporarily erase this memory of your meeting with me." Guding in black robe said that he had already deceived Guding and pointed at Guding's forehead.

Guding's body collapsed directly.

Black Robe Guding glanced at Guding lying on the ground, then turned his head toward the little underworld squatting beside him, "You take care of him, and I should go back."

Xiao Hei barked softly, and then the black robe Guding left.

But just a few steps away, he suddenly turned his head back and said, "I have forgotten one thing. I want to tell him not to refine the lord's order and compete directly for the crown of the king."

His words have just been exported ~ ~ Automatically make a small finger-sized secret pattern, floating towards Guding, then disappeared into Guding's forehead and disappeared.

The black robe Guding then turned away and disappeared into the shadow of the soul space.


Beyond countless cosmic distances, at the headquarters of the Ares Palace, a lord suddenly opened his eyes and then spit out a golden blood.

"Damn, I destroyed the projection of my will with just one blow, and also used the characteristics of the chain of order to attack me. What is in Guding's body?"

His speech was really Quinlan ’s deity. After a while, he spit out another golden blood.

"The thing that Ares is calling me should be quickly swayed by the palace owner. They know that my injury cannot be concealed, and it would definitely not work to monopolize the body of Guding. It would be better to direct the situation of Guding and check it out What coping strategies do they give ... "(To be continued.)


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