The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1085: The popular Guding Pirates

The Ares, the old master of the Ares, led the tens of thousands of people to siege the Guding Pirates, and the news of the final defeat was spread to the entire main plane almost overnight.

Ares's photos and videos are spread all over the world. For a while, the main plane network is all about discussing this war.

You know, Ares has achieved the Holy Master level as early as a century ago. Unlike the defeated Theo, Ares's identity actually symbolizes the face of the entire Ares Palace.

Because there are only five strong players of the Holy Lord level on the main plane, Ares is one of them.

And for a hundred years, in the eyes of ordinary people, he is simply the supreme **** above the altar. But in such an identity, he was defeated, and it was a disastrous defeat with no underwear left.

All of a sudden, Ares became a laughing stock.

At the same time, he also became a stepping stone to the Guding Pirates.

After this incident, the Guding Pirates finally received the attention of almost everyone in the entire main plane.

On the 28 major web search engines in the entire main plane, the first in the search list has become the Guding Pirates.

In particular, the white-read search engine with the largest search volume, the search volume of the words "Guding Pirates" broke through petabytes overnight, dozens of times more than the second-ranked one.

In all kinds of social tools, the "Guding Pirates" has also become the number one hot search term, and has become the focus of public discussion.

It can be said that there have been hundreds of epochs in the main plane that have not seen such a grandeur.

This battle made the Guding Pirates completely establish themselves in the main plane and became celebrities.

Of course, the media is forced by the pressure of the Ares Palace, and the evaluation of the Guding Pirates is naturally a one-sided negative evaluation.

However, many lies deliberately fabricated by the media have been refuted one by one, pointing out logical errors and omissions, making ordinary people very doubtful of the authenticity of the news.

There are only a few small media that dare to tell the truth and give all the beautiful words. There are even several small media outlets who do not know where to get all the materials of the Guding Pirates from the basic plane to the present day, and disclose the information.

This complete piece of information has made many people misled by public opinion see the truth.

A pirate group that has risen from the basic plane has reached the main plane through various difficulties. Now it has grown to such an extent that many holy sites in the main plane are incomparable, even pressing the Holy Lord of the Seven Star Holy Land.

The experience of the Gooding Pirates is an inspirational legend for many ordinary people in the main plane. And they have never done anything damaging, which makes the Guding Pirates more and more liked by the vast majority of ordinary people in the main plane.

And at this time. The Guding Pirates are sitting around and holding a meeting.

This is the habit of the Guding pirate group, usually after each experience of an event, everyone has to sit in a group and make a summary.

When everyone was here, the sea emperor spoke first.

"This time, the whole main plane has been broken. The God of War Palace wants to use the power of the media to pour dirty water on us. I have pointed out the logical loopholes and refuted the rumors one by one."

"In addition to that, I have also copied some of the more complete information about us collected by the major holy sites and distributed it to many media. Those materials. All of the seven-star holy sites have retained their imprints, which also include God of War. Of course, only a few media dared to publish the information. For the information they sent, I also secretly helped, hacked several large-scale online social tools, and automatically popped up the truth given by these media. Report. "

"Now many people have seen the truth of the matter and have changed to support us. On the Internet, there is more and more applause for us."

The sea emperor said that the messages sent by everyone on the network were projected one by one, and Guding looked at them one by one. After reading it, my mood was also happy.

After reading hundreds of articles in succession, the Emperor changed the projected picture, and the picture became the appearance of Ares.

"Although this incident won the hearts of the people, it also made us completely stand on the opposite side of the Ares Palace."

"Aris is a strong master of the Holy Lord level cultivated by the Ares Palace, but his identity is not only a strong master of the Holy Lord level, but also one of the five strong masters of the Holy Lord level. The face of the Ares Palace, more accurately, he represents the face of the Ares family. We humiliate Ares in this way, the Ares Palace will certainly not be willing to give up. "

The Emperor shook his head helplessly.

"Speaking of the Ares. I have always wanted to ask Liliat." Guding interrupted the sea emperor's words and turned to look at Liliat. "Lily, why have you been preventing me from killing people in the Ares Palace?"

"Some time ago, when my pupils evolved, I awakened a new supernatural power." Liliat then explained, "That supernatural power is to look into the future."

"At present, I don't fully grasp this magical power, and I can only vaguely see some pictures. Under this magical power, I saw the lord of the Ares Palace coming and pointing at your forehead. I didn't see the previous picture. Arrived, but the other party came to the lord, I guess it might be caused by you killing a saint or the lord. So I have been blocking you, but I ca n’t tell the truth, I ’m afraid that what I say will affect the future and incur What a worse consequence. "

"Fortunately, things have happened now, and it won't matter if you say it again."

Liliat turned to Guding and said, "My question has already been answered, but I still have a question I want to ask you."

"Just listen." Guding asked very calmly.

"What the **** happened between you and the lord? Why did his projection of will suddenly disappear?" Liliat raised this question that has plagued her all day.

Hearing this question ~ ~ Everyone looked at Guding because they were very curious and wanted to know what happened during that time.

"Actually, I do n’t know what happened ... The lord named Quinlan entered my soul space and wanted to erase my consciousness and take my body as my own. After he entered my soul space It did n’t take long for me to pass out. When I woke up, his breath disappeared from my soul space. ”Guding reluctantly concealed the little black dog in his body and simplified the whole thing. Narrated out.

Although this answer didn't make everyone very satisfied, since Guding said so, they can only do nothing, and haven't studied anything further.

When the crowd fell silent, the Emperor suddenly spoke again.

"There is movement in the Ares Palace!"

Dear friends, whether it is a single dog or not, you must be happy on Valentine's Day. For the time being, I will take a break today. I will rest early tonight. I will return to Hangzhou tomorrow. I will try my best to rush out a chapter after arriving in Hangzhou tomorrow night. Do n’t worry, every chapter owed during the Chinese New Year period will be filled up within this month. (To be continued.) Mobile phone users please visit

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