The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1007: Barren ancient promenade

The Abandoned Ancient Corridor is a broken place left in the ancient times. It was accidentally encountered by the Viking strongman before hundreds of epochs. It was opened by many Viking strongmen with great magical powers. A taboo place for the Vikings. Among the Vikings, only geniuses above the saint level are eligible to enter the practice.

Guding's entry of foreigners like this can be said to be an exception that Barryn helped to fight for.

"Abandoned Ancient Corridor, the main effect is to promote your understanding of the secret patterns of the law. Elsa has already become a holy king, has 180 secret patterns of the law, and it has little effect to enter, and I have other things for her. Arrangement. I will now take you to the Abandoned Ancient Corridor. No matter what the result is, you will only have one hundred days. When the time is up, I will open the teleportation array, go with you to the palace of the king, and send you to the road of the king. "Barryn has already arranged everything in order.

Leading Guding and his entourage through the winding road and into the deepest part of Shenshan, Barryn stood before a stone wall.

The stone wall looked unremarkable, like an ordinary cyan boulder. But after Barryn pinched out a series of handprints, on the cyan boulder, a mysterious pattern of heavenly paths began to emerge, and the entire bluestone slowly exuded an endless ancient and powerful atmosphere.

When Barryn's handprint was finished, the cyan boulder split in half from the very center, and then slowly moved away on both sides, revealing a hole emitting endless white awns.

"There are many battle traces in the Abandoned Ancient Corridor, but there are some particularly powerful battle traces. Once you feel uncomfortable, do not force comprehension. You must immediately exit the state of comprehension. Or you will damage your consciousness. "Barryn made a reminder," I won't say anything else, go in. "

"Thank you!"

Gooding thanked Barryn and led a group of people behind him.

When a group of people disappeared into the hole, the cyan boulders slowly closed, and the cracks in the middle were completely closed. No traces can be seen, at the same time, the original ordinary appearance is restored, and there is no difference from ordinary stones.

When Barryn saw the recovery of Bluestone, he turned away.


Famine Ancient Corridor, the name sounds like ≯ ▼ style_txt; is a long closed space, like a corridor.

But in fact, it is an extremely vast area, Guding they looked up. You can't see the border at all.

However, the sea emperor detected that if the entire area was reduced to numerous times, it would indeed look like a straight corridor. And the space above the sky dome leading to the surroundings is completely an enclosed space, and it really feels similar to the corridor in the house building. Therefore, the name is considered appropriate.

Such a vast area exudes an ancient atmosphere everywhere, and it is also barren, and there is no living creature except Guding and his colleagues.

The only thing left. Only the ground is large and small, with crisscrossing ravines. And all kinds of broken ones. Broken magic soldier, and a small amount of bone fragments. Highlighting the entire area, it was once a huge battlefield, and above this battlefield, the fighting situation was extremely tragic.

"I have explored this area. Apart from us, there are no living bodies. You can rest assured that you are each looking for opportunities." The voice of the sea emperor quickly cleared.

"Although it doesn't seem to be dangerous, it's still the old rules, so let's go in groups of two." Gu Ding still felt a little worried.

Except for Robert and Elsa, the remaining ten of the Guding Pirates are divided into five groups. Only then did they come apart.

Bigger took Liliat and galloped toward the location of a knife mark not far away. Others have also sought their own opportunities.

Gooding stood on the spot, his eyes fell on a mountain in the distance.

There was a huge gap in the waist of that mountain that penetrated the whole mountain.

Gooding could sense that the gap was caused by a punch.

He jumped out of the figure and instantly reached the gap of the mountain.

The sea emperor who was divided into a group with him immediately followed.

After reaching the gap, Neptune's body grabbed a gravel and raised his eyebrows after a while. "The stability of this space is nearly a hundred times that of the main plane. The plane is much higher. This punch strength can achieve this degree, and the penetration is really strong. And depending on the smoothness of the cut, he can carry either the wind attribute or the space cutting attribute.

"Let's see if we can gain something." Gooding nodded with a smile, he pressed a cut surface with one hand, and then closed his eyes slowly.

After a moment, a strong will surged out of the cutting plane, and Guding's consciousness was also pulled to another piece of time and space at the same time.

It was a tall man in black armor, fighting against an octopus monster without a head, hitting a heavy punch on the body of the octopus monster, striking a mountain into a hole.

Seeing the pictures that didn't know how many years ago, Guding was stunned, but immediately realized what happened.

The scene just now is a retrospective of the mirror image, and also a picture of the remaining fighting will recorded by the strong man who made this punch. When encountering Guding, it resonates, so it will show the picture just now.

But the picture dissipated, and things were not over. The fighting will surged from the cutting surface, and it slowly condensed into the appearance of the tall black man in the void. And sent a strong message to Guding: Fight me!

When Guding sensed this scene, he was obviously stunned for the first time, but he quickly opened his mouth, because he really wanted to try how powerful the Taikoo era was.

Guding's eyes closed, and a strong fighting will surged out of his body, quickly condensing into his own appearance.

This is a confrontation at the level of will. It is a space similar to a dream. It does not interfere with the physical level. It is also a battle that outsiders cannot see with the naked eye.

Condensed into a fighting will, Guding can see clearly the appearance of the other's will. It was a black-clad man with a rugged face, and looked like he was in his early forties, but his eyes were full of wildness and madness.

Almost at the moment when Guding's will body condensed and formed, he rushed towards Guding ~ ~ Three hundred and sixty law secret lines wrapped around his arms, and directly rolled towards Guding Come.

Guding showed no signs of weakness. The strongest hand covered the sky and opened instantly, carrying a secret pattern of 150 laws, and collided with the other party's attack.

Almost just for a moment, Guding's fighting will collapsed directly, consciousness returned to the body, and spit out blood.

"Are you all right?" The sea emperor did not expect Guding to lose so fast.

"It's okay, I just forgot that the strength of the other party's fighting will was the same as when his deity left a mark. This guy is an extreme perfectionist ..." Guding wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and directed it at the emperor Shook his head. "We can only change one trace ..."

In the entire desolate promenade, not only Guding, Bigger, and Scarlet, and their entourage have encountered the same thing one after another, and they have all begun to re-find new suitable battle traces to comprehend. (To be continued.)


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