The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1115: King City

King City, where the legendary king lived.

Said to be a city is actually a super star field composed of dozens of star fields.

In this star field, the most prominent people in the entire main plane are inhabited. This star field is also the safest area in the entire main plane. No one dared to do anything here, it was blasphemy against the king, and he would be severely punished. The result of the punishment is usually death.

The Hall of Kings is located on a blue planet in the central area of ​​King City.

It is said that this is the place where the king stays. No one can enter the planet without the king's permission.

On the blue planet, in a splendid palace, in a luxurious room, a woman was sitting in front of a mirror, staring at it in a daze.

In the mirror, the woman in a purple dress with long hair like a waterfall, and a pair of blue eyes as magnificent as the ocean, but at the moment her eyes were slightly dull, as if thinking about something.

"Holy lady, the clothes are brought over, you try it."

At the door, two girls dressed in black and white maid walked in carefully holding a white dress.

The woman recovered, and nodded at them, "Okay, I know."

At this time, a woman in a black dress walked in at the door. The woman was tall, with devil-like lines, and bare shoulders above the long dress. All the male creatures might be looming. Eyes.

"You're in a daze, my skirts are all ready." The black skirt girl strode toward the purple skirt girl.

"Media, do you need to wear such high shoes? It's two meters away." Looking at the pair of hatred under the skirt of the other party, the purple skirt girl couldn't help shaking her head.

"Two meters and three, Elizabeth, you don't know, I always like high heels, this hobby has never changed." Medea said. With one hand pinched to the other person's face, "Hurry up and put on your clothes, the dinner will start in a few hours."

"Got it, you can't wait to see the handsome guy." Elizabeth gave Medea an eye.

"It's not just me who wants to see handsome guys. Who were you thinking about in a daze just now?" Medea teased. "As far as I know, there are 28 acquaintances on the road to the king this time, but how many acquaintances are there."

"I know, you know, what's the difference?" Elizabeth didn't breathe.

"Of course there is a difference, for example, what is the name of Guding ..." Medea leaned into Elizabeth's ear and whispered.

"Okay, I'm afraid of you, I change clothes. You can wait for me outside." Elizabeth's face was helpless.

"It's not that I haven't seen it, I'll change it for you!" Medea said, and rushed towards Elizabeth with a smirk.


There are a total of 128 reception planets in King City, and each planet corresponds to a teleportation array of hundreds of forces. But under normal circumstances, these teleportation arrays are in a closed state, and they will only be used when the road to the king is open.

The teleportation planet corresponding to the Vikings is called Viking Star. It is named after the Viking ethnic group because the Vikings also had monarchs. It represents the nostalgia of the past kings in the king city.

Viking Star is also one of the few major host planets.

When Barryn appeared with Guding and his entourage in the teleportation array, outside the teleportation array, a middle-aged Viking in a red robe waited outside with the group of Vikings.

Seeing Guding they appeared, the middle-aged man in red robe immediately greeted him. "Patriarch!"

"Take care of it, long time no see!" Barryn also smiled.

"Patriarch. You look stronger than the last meeting." Middle-aged red robe smiled.

Barryn's body is inherently thin and thin. Among the Vikings, it is a different kind, with a height of only three meters and less than four meters. Many young people in the family are bigger than him. Therefore, what he likes most is that others say he is bigger than before.

"You are also a lot thinner than I saw last time. It must be too busy for business." Barryn patted the middle-aged red robe.

Red robe is middle-aged and is more than five meters tall. It is a little taller in the Viking ethnic group, but he is relatively fat and not as strong as other races. Although it does not become a ball, the belly is not small. As a fat man, what I like to hear most is naturally, "You are thin or you are thin again."

Watching the two sides slap each other, Guding they are also speechless.

The two greeted each other a few words, and Barryn introduced them to Guding. "This one, named Hardman, is our manager in the king city. The position of manager is that the king city is specially for the passing king. The forces or ethnic groups are usually set up in this position, and they are also the representatives of the entire forces or ethnic groups. It is important to know that Hardman has also been a strong man who has obtained a place on the road to the king.

"The patriarch, I still don't mention this in front of a group of evil geniuses. I couldn't compare them back then. I'm just a saint. However, in our time, the saint-level strongmen were rarely born, because the number of lord orders is too small. Therefore, many forces have chosen to seal the saints, and then slowly wait for the lord to order and then unseal. And in their era, the lord has ordered the most vacancies, so there are many ancient demons that have been unsealed, which directly led to this This year, it became the fiercest competition for the road of the king. There are more than 20 people in the main master class alone, and the number of saints is more than 100. Looking at the posture of the major holy sites, this time it seems to be ready to fight Almost all the evil spirits of the ancient times have been unsealed. "

Hardman also said the current situation, and these are the first time they heard about Gooding.

"Why did you fight so hard this time? The competition is so fierce, how can those holy places not wait for the next edition after ten thousand years?" Gu Ding couldn't help asking.

"This matter, when it comes to the source, is still because of you." Hardman looked at Guding with a smile.

"Because of us?" Guding was even more surprised.

"Yes, you Guding Pirates, repeatedly made the Ares Palace ugly. Knowing that you must enter the road of the king, so the Ares Palace intends to find the place in the road of the king, and they will take the previously sealed Holy Lord. The saints and other evil spirits are all awakened. "

"The Ares Palace is so engaged, and the other seven-star holy places are naturally not to be outdone. Because if there is no additional manpower, then one or two saints will go in, and then they will only be swept by the Ares Palace. God of War Palace contends ~ ~ to get better results in the path of the king, you can only choose to send additional personnel, so they all began to awaken the evil of the seal. This also led to a vicious circle, in addition to the Seven Star Holy Land, Other holy places have also started to follow suit. As a result, this session has become the most prosperous one ever. "

Hardman's explanation made Gooding silent when they heard it.

"I was going to tell you about this matter when I was planning to have a dinner, but now Hardman said it also saved me a lot of time." Barryn laughed.

"I came here this time to pick you up for the dinner." Hardman said, making a gesture of invitation.

Not far away, an aircraft with official seals landed slowly and then opened the door.


[Well, the process of changing the skirt will not be written, because the parts below the neck can not be described, everyone understands. 】 (To be continued.)


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