The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1120: Your wish, let me help you complete it

Guding's behavior made everyone present look at him.

Be bold!


wishful thinking!

This is the first impression of Guding in many people's hearts.

But soon someone recognized him.

"He's Guding! The one that made a lot of noise recently."

"Humiliate the two holy masters of the Ares Palace, the guy wanted by the Ares Palace?"

There was a lot of talk in the crowd.

A group of people on the other side of the Ares Palace are not very good-looking, especially those who have been humiliated by Guding, some of them also want to participate in the road of the king. Especially after hearing someone talk about the previous photos, many of the parties' faces were instantly dark.

And Guding was not only fighting the face of the Shrine, but now he has once again done a bold act-inviting the Virgin to dance.

Will definitely be rejected!

After most people heard Gooding say this to Elizabeth, this is the first thought that comes to mind.

"Can I invite you to dance?"

This sentence of Gooding made Elizabeth stunned, but just stunned, she nodded without thinking.


The maid on the side wanted to stop, but was stopped by a voice.

"Let her go!" It was the old lady who hosted the entire banquet.

Gooding took Elizabeth's hand, and the two quickly became the focus of everyone's attention.

Gooding in a black suit, tall and handsome, and Elizabeth in a white dress complement each other. Many people who were looking forward to seeing Gu Ding's ugliness were all surprised, because the feeling of being together was not abrupt, but it made people think that they were both natural beauties.

In the middle of the dance floor, the two swayed vaguely.

Gooding is the first such close encounter with a woman. Looking down at Elizabeth, she seemed a little thoughtful.

"You have something to worry about?" Guding heard the voice.

"The transmission between you and me can be intercepted by the strong lord level." Elizabeth shook her head slightly.

"It doesn't matter. Interception is useless. Michael can add a special enchantment to me, as long as I touch you. The enchantment will also spread to you, and the transmission between us has been encrypted. Think To decrypt, you must have the same computing power as Mickey. Forcibly remove the encryption, and the audio content will be automatically destroyed. "Guding explained," So, what do you want to say. Just say it. "

After listening to Elizabeth, she fell into silence. After a moment of silence, she shook her head. "I'm fine."

"You don't seem to be okay." Gudin directly denied Elizabeth's answer. "Since you don't want to talk about your own things, let me ask my questions."

"How could you be a saint?" Gooding asked the first question.

"I do n’t know. After I entered the main plane, I originally planned to register with a small force to practice slowly. As a result, just a few days after registering with a force, my mother-in-law brought someone to come and said that I was hand-picked by the king. Holy lady, let me go back to the king ’s palace with her. And promise to give me a lot of benefits. Also said that you can get the personal guidance of the king. At first I thought she was a liar until later. She took out the king ’s order It was n’t until I was true that I came back here with her. "

"Since then, I have been practicing, and all the cultivation resources are provided by the palace of the king. The projection of the king's will has appeared several times, and every teaching has benefited us a lot."

"How did Medea stay with you?" Guding felt strange.

"Medea came after me. According to her, she was also found by her mother-in-law just after she was promoted to the main plane, and then brought it back. I also asked the other two. The experience is similar to ours, both are recent From the high plane to the main plane. I think the reason why the king can find us. It should be inseparable from the orderly soldiers at the entrance of the main plane to scan. "Elizabeth said her guess.

"So, it was the king's palace who took the initiative to contact you. Let you be a saint, give you resources to practice, and guide your practice ... What does the king's palace want? There will never be all the benefits I give it to you in vain, do they want nothing? "

Guding is no longer a fledgling bastard. He is well aware that there is nothing white in this world. If you want to benefit, you must pay for it.

"Their request is-to marry the wicked geniuses who participated in the path of the king." Elizabeth hesitated for a moment, but still said this fact.

"Then why did you agree?" Guding asked frowningly.

"Because being a saint is a shortcut that allows me to reach my goal as quickly as possible. I can't refuse it." Elizabeth shook her head bitterly.

"Is it worth it to trade in my own life's happiness?" Gooding disagreed with Elizabeth's behavior.

"No value is not worth it, only what should be done." Elizabeth raised her head and looked at Guding, her eyes showing a firm attitude.

Guding was silent for a moment, took a deep breath before speaking, "What is the goal? If I can, I hope to help you achieve it. I don't want to see that you take your lifetime happiness as a bet."

Elizabeth could see through Guding's eyes. Guding's words were not spoken casually, nor even to comfort himself. Those eyes were full of determination. Let her also vaguely believe that Guding is really possible to help herself fulfill her wish.

But Elizabeth only calmed down again in an instant, "Are you sure you want to do this? You still don't know what my goal is, so I agreed to it?"

"No matter what, I will help you achieve it ~ ~ Gu Ding slightly grinned.

"Okay, my goal, don't be surprised if you listen." Elizabeth froze for a moment before finally speaking again, "I want to be a king, or someone who can control the king's will."

"Does the king's will mean to be the wife of the king?" Gooding asked.

"The same can be said," Elizabeth nodded, then looked at Guding again. "How are you, surprised?"

"I don't deny that there is one thing, but I will try my best to help you complete it." Gooding's attitude is still firm.

Elizabeth was stunned when he heard Gooding promised to be so refreshing. But she immediately remembered that the Guding she knew had always been of this character. She has been paying attention to the entire Guding team since she debuted. Reminiscing about Guding's experience and various incidents, and thinking about how she is now, Elizabeth couldn't help but shake her head and smile.

"What are you laughing at?" Gooding asked, seeing Elizabeth suddenly laughing.

"Nothing, thank you ..." (To be continued.)

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