The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1128: Scavenger 【I'm back ~】

With a heavy breathing sound, the Holy King-level attacker slowly revealed his figure.

It's a golden creature, his body is like a whole body made of gold, and the surface of the body looms with secret patterns of laws.

Although the whole body is in a metallic state, his form is still similar to that of human beings, and his feet are upright like humans, but the soles of his feet are similar to the claws of fierce birds. His hands, like humans, are all five fingers. In addition, there is a thick and long tail behind him

But the biggest difference with humans is not his tail, but his face.

His head is no different from ordinary humans, only that face, no facial features. No eyes, no ears, no nose, no mouth, no hair and eyebrows ...

Even so, Guding can still clearly feel the kind of gaze that passed on to him when he turned his head around.

Gooding knew that the other party was looking at himself, and he was also looking at the other party.

The first time he saw the attacker, the sea emperor's face was slightly difficult to look at.

"It turned out to be a scavenger ..."

"What is a scavenger?" Liliat couldn't help asking.

"A group of special lifeforms that are free in the space between the planes and feed on everything floating in the space between the planes. As long as they are given enough time, there is almost nothing that their digestive system cannot bear. And their favorite food There is nothing more than a flesh and blood life ... "The sea emperor's introduction caused others to hear some hairy headstands.

"Survival in the gap between planes? However, even the gap between the two basic planes, there will be endless force field pulling, and a lot of time and space cracks, right? Such a harsh environment, there are really living bodies that can survive Do you come down? "Docote also questioned this. As a doctor, he did not think that any living body could survive in the harsh environment of the plane gap for a long time.

"Scavengers are just a few creatures that can survive in this harsh environment. Their life structure is very special, and they can devour almost anything except a few extreme substances to obtain energy. Moreover, their bodies are naturally This kind of force field and energy radiation are extremely resistant ... "Haihuang said here. Can't help but frown slightly.

"Under extreme environments, hunting is extremely difficult, which also means that this creature must have extremely good predatory skills and hunting ability to survive. Coupled with their birth congenital conditions and bad The long-term adaptation of the environment has created their super defensive ability in combat. So, this creature is a natural fighting creature ... "Mi Ke can already imagine the terrible place of the enemy opposite.

"Holy scavengers are more terrible than humans who are also holy kings. Their innate genetic conditions are much superior to humans, and they have IQs no less than humans. Coupled with strong ethnic heritage memories ... Elsa won't necessarily win if he meets him ... "The Emperor added helplessly.

"This kind of ethnic group, or a high IQ creature ?!" Docott almost screamed.

Because from a biological point of view, destructive creatures in the universe usually have defects in IQ. This is also the rule of plane operation. If you get more in one aspect, it will be cut down on the other.

"Scavengers are placed on any plane and are the top lifeforms on the food chain and top IQ lifeforms. I am afraid that this battle is not simply a battle between Guding and him. We appear on this battlefield. It is estimated It has also become his hunting target for the first time, and no one should take it lightly. For him, this is a hunting game, but for us, his attack power is even in Elsa. Above, once any of us are attacked, there is a danger of falling ... "The Emperor of the Sea is not concerned about winning or losing at this time, but is worried that people other than Guding will become targets of attack, so from the beginning. His eyes never moved away from the scavenger.

The Emperor's words just fell, and the Scavenger turned his head towards him. Although he could not see his eyes, the Emperor could feel his gaze.

"You know a lot. Human kid!"

The voice didn't know where it came from, but it clearly passed into everyone's ears, including Guding. Moreover, the sound sounds a bit ghostly and erratic, and even gender is indistinguishable.

The back of the sea emperor was almost soaked in an instant, and he could clearly feel the killing intention passed on by the other party. It was indeed a horror he had never seen before.

"Hey. Your opponent is me, the scavenger!"

Gooding stepped out in one step, blocking the scavenger's sight and staring coldly at the other party. He can clearly feel the strong killing intention sent by the other party to the sea emperor. This kind of behavior that threatens his companion has already touched the anti-scale of Guding, making him really angry.

"You ..." The scavenger's face finally turned towards Guding again, and seemed to have looked at Guding a little, and then said with a slight disdain, "For me, it's just a snack that doesn't have enough teeth! The dim sum should have the consciousness of being eaten, and all resistance has no meaning. "

Hearing this, Guding grinned and glanced at Beagle not far away, "Since you said that, I can only kill you first, and then let our chef see how to make you Eat it. Although you do n’t look good at all ... "

"Human, you really annoyed me ..." Guding's words seem to inadvertently touch a certain nerve of the scavenger, making him a little emotional.

"Before you become my food, remember my name Scavenger Sgavinci!" The scavenger reported his full name, which is the dining etiquette of the scavenger family and is also observed by almost all scavengers The only rule.

Every scavenger has a rule that cannot be violated in the inheritance memory. For food, there must be a gratitude and gift. Dining etiquette is the simplest and most direct way to express this kind of gift.

Scarfinch's voice fell, and no facial features faced again in the direction of Gooding.

And while he looked at Guding, Guding felt a strong sense of crisis.

With a bang, the scavenger disappeared suddenly.

With Guding's eyesight, it was only a faint sight of a residual image flashing, but in the next moment, a violent and incomparable pain passed from the chest.

Guding felt a huge force coming from his chest and flew his whole body out. He also clearly felt that his ribs on his chest were completely crushed in an instant.

"So fast, so strong!"

This was the first thought that flashed in Guding's mind, but immediately afterwards, he saw the scavenger slowly floating in front of him, closely following his body that had been thrown out ~ www. ~ Although I can't see each other's facial features, I don't know why, Gooding can feel the mocking expression on the other side of the face.

"Stood out so boldly just now, I thought you concealed your strength, and it turned out to be just that, humans!" Sure enough, Svenvin 'mocking voice followed.

Gooding had just prepared to resist, but found that the other party's big hand no longer knew when to clamp his head. And his own body, under a huge pressure, began to decline sharply.

"Dead, human!"

Scarfinch's excitement sounded almost simultaneously with the roar of Gooding's head hitting the ground ...

After a month of "wandering" life, finally settled in Chengdu. I originally planned to stay in Chongqing, but I may not be well-suited to the climate of Chongqing. My two-time visit to Chongqing was the first day of my physical condition. After much consideration, I moved to Chengdu. I can finally say something to everyone: sorry, let everyone wait for a long time, I am back! (~ ^ ~) Mobile phone users please visit m.piaotian

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