The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1143: 10 points simply concede defeat

[Broadcast] Pay attention to the "starting point of reading" and get the first-hand news of 515 red envelopes. Students who have not grabbed red envelopes after the New Year can show their skills this time.

Seeing Elsa's arm was ripped off, the Vikings underneath face all changed drastically.

Elsa, as strong as the Holy King, is still defeated, which they did not expect at all.

"The strength of the holy kings of other races should be similar to her. In this way, I should not have too much hindrance to reach the end of the king's road." Anderina whispered, "After all, I got two inheritances ... … "

Although Elsa heard her whisper, she did not make any comment, but thought about how to solve her current dilemma.

The puppet technique of the other party is too weird. Even if he has the same combat strength as the other party, he can be controlled without any warning, and he can't get rid of it.

While the other party is distracted, Elsa has gathered a lot of gods in her body and wants to break through the other party's restraint in one fell swoop.

Just as she was reenergizing, Anderina seemed to be aware of it and looked towards her, her mouth raised again, "No need to do useless work, I know what you are thinking. , Can you wash away my ban on you? Is it too naive ?! "

Elsa's face changed slightly when she heard what the other person said.

Andrina also noticed the change in Elsa ’s expression, and then smiled, "May I tell you, this puppet technique, under the same combat power, runs the bloodline rule. As long as your bloodline strength is not as good Me, even if you are the Holy King with me, you are absolutely impossible to break away from my control. And as far as I know, the blood of your Vikings ... "

Elsa frowned slightly, and she still ignored what Andrea said, although she also thought Andrea didn't lie. But she still decided to give it a try.

Realizing that Elsa is not stubborn, Anders Lena is still not in a hurry, "Since you don't believe it. I will give you a chance to try it, so that you can completely die."

Elsa glanced at Anders Lena. The other party really didn't intend to pursue, and she also immersed her mind in her body, and began to accumulate the source of madness.

"Girl, I only slept for a few days, so you are so embarrassed?" A voice suddenly entered Elsa's ear.

"Are you ... a world-destroying dragon?" Elsa was not the first to hear this voice, and she was no stranger.

"You should call me, Honorable Blood Dragon King!" The Blood Dragon King snorted coldly, and the World Extermination Dragon was what he called him. He didn't like this title.

Elsa hesitated for this title, but still couldn't help it.

"Forget it, and later slowly adjust the * etiquette to your girl. Now let's talk about the crisis you are facing now." The Blood Dragon King found Elsa's reluctance to speak and did not continue to struggle with this topic.

"You have a way?" Elsa felt a little surprised. She hadn't had her own dragon for nearly two decades, so she didn't know how the dragon would help her fight.

"Of course there is a way, but I am the honorable Blood Dragon King!" Blood Dragon King's tone is full of pride.

"Then ... let's hear it." Elsa asked quickly.

"The method is very simple, you summon me to go out. I ate the witch's female doll. Her bloodline is also good, and the taste should not be bad." Blood Dragon King breathed heavily.

"Can you beat Andrina?" Elsa didn't quite believe it.

"I am the blood dragon king, if it weren't for Ronald's **** pit. I'm still safe and secure as my king! Don't say that girl, I even dared to fight with their ancestors in their heyday "Blood Dragon King snorted, but in his words, only he knows the truth and the difference.

However, Elsa took it for granted that the kings have long lives, and the dragon kings are several times longer than human kings. If the Blood Dragon King is not sealed, it is still possible to live as a king.

"No, I can't call you out yet." Elsa gave a negative answer. "This level doesn't hurt my life. Victory and defeat are my own affair, and I should also bear the corresponding consequences. If I call the seniors out, I will not be happy even if I walk to the end of the king's road. Yes. Because it is not based on my own skills, but on the strength of my predecessors. "

"The captain once said that he is really strong when he is strong. The strength that comes from relying on foreign objects will one day decline." Elsa remembered what Guding once said.

"It also makes sense. The blade is hard to be sharp without being sharpened. This king's road is indeed a good one. If I take action, the meaning is not significant." Blood Dragon King nodded when he heard it. After a while, he looked up and asked, "Do you want to win this battle?"

"Think! But I still don't want to let the seniors shoot." Elsa gave her position.

"In this case, this time I helped you solve this puppet technique, but not as an example. I will not help you the second time, whether you win or lose, it is up to you. If you are not in danger of life, I will It will never be shot! "Blood Dragon King said, a drop of blood penetrated from the claws and then sank into Elsa.

At this time, the source of God in Elsa has also accumulated to the apex, and under the guidance of blood, it erupted wildly.

"Click ..."

Elsa vaguely heard the sound of something shattering in her body. At about the same time, the hair on the waist of the puppet in Anderina suddenly spontaneously ignited.

"Huh ?!" Anderina couldn't help but stunned for a moment when she saw this strange scene.

When she came back to look towards Elsa, Elsa was already able to act and rushed towards herself again.

"How is it possible?" Anders Lena's expression was unbelievable.

"Nothing is impossible." Elsa's cold drink had appeared in front of Anders Lena, the halberd slashed out frantically, the crescent-like **** giant blade was slashed towards Anders Lena again go with.

The power and speed of this blow were several times before the transformation, and almost immediately appeared in front of Andrina.


Anders Lena could not dodge, her hands were raised, two short blades bombarded towards the crescent moon blade at the same time, trying to stop the blow.


The crescent moon blade shredded Anders Lena's attack in an instant ~ ~ struck the two short blades, Anders Lena's body suddenly shot back like a cannonball.

But Elsa had no intention of letting go of the other party so easily, her figure swayed and caught up.

In the void, Anders Lena, who was exploding, couldn't help but spit out blood, and Elsa had already traumatized her internal organs with just that blow.

After all, although the two are also holy kings, Elsa is a close combat player, and her strength is terrifying, which is far from comparable to wizards like Andrea. Coupled with the other party's forceful blow just now, she was in a hurry to defend, so she was hit hard just by the blow.

Seeing Elsa dragging her halberd to chase up again, Anderina frowned slightly, but just a moment later, she shouted decisively at Elsa who was about to catch up, "I admit defeat!"

ps. Children's shoes, are there any free appreciation tickets and starting coins? 515 The red envelope list has counted down. I'll pull a ticket to ask for overweight and appreciation tickets. (To be continued.)

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