The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1154: Blood Moon Limit

Crescent-like blood-scythes in Nasiri's hands waved toward Guding one after another, and in the void, a crescent-like blood-stained mansions cut toward Guding.

Guding's long bow raised, and he stood firmly in place, without shaking at all. The movement of the right hand bow actually turned into a phantom. If you don't look closely, I'm afraid no one will find that his previous action is actually pulling arrows and shooting, but the continuous bow drawing movements are almost overlapping.

Dozens of black arrows rushed out almost in succession, striking toward the **** crescent.

boom! boom! boom……

The impact of the two attacks caused shocks in the void, and a space crack suddenly formed in the shock.

Nathery's body was oscillating in shock, and she was rushing towards Guding again, as if seeing that the long-range attack did not work, and the idea of ​​close combat began.

Because she knew that Guding archery was amazing from the beginning, and with the close blow just now, she did not know what Guding's melee strength was. However, as far as she is concerned, human art has a specialization, a holy master, who can practice archery to contend with the holy king, then the melee strength is definitely not as good as archery.

Unfortunately, what she didn't know is that Guding has always been a melee strongman, and the bow and arrow were just recently learned.

Guding naturally guessed the opponent's idea by seven or eight points, because he did not show strong melee strength at this level. It's normal to be mistaken for weak melee capabilities.

Seeing the other party rushing in, Gu Ding calmly pulled the bow again, and another black arrow shot out.

This arrow is the fifth arrow in Guding's original archery technique-Wufeng.

After receiving the inheritance of Salome, Guding perfected his archery again. The set of his own archery has made up for the previous defects and is more powerful than before.

This arrow has no edge. The effect is not to penetrate and kill, but to crush.

Once the black arrow was shot, the empty space collapsed.

The arrow came out. Rao, who does n’t understand archery, knows that it ’s unusual. Although Guding ’s previous archery was sharp. But there is no one arrow that can make space collapse.

"I don't know what's the name of this arrow?" Naseli immediately reduced her speed slightly, and changed her offensive posture to a semi-offensive defensive posture.

When the black arrow of the arrow arrived in front of him in a flash, the **** scimitar slashed it out, and the blade directly hit the black mountain.

But only at the moment of contact, Nathery's face changed greatly, and she clearly felt the unstoppable heaviness of the arrow.

The feeling from the edge of the blade is like that my own scimitar hit the horns of the wild barbarian bull.

Almost immediately, she changed her strategy. The blade edged, avoiding the force of the arrow, and turned to the side of Heimao with the back of the knife.

Since it cannot be forcibly blocked, follow the trend and change the direction of the attack to avoid this blow.

Under the shock of the back of the knife, the black mango changed the original route and shifted away.

Even so, Nathery felt a tremor in her arm, and then a slight sense of numbness came. Guding's arrow is really terrifying.

"I'm afraid this arrow is enough to crush any Holy Master-level strongman directly into blood foam ..." Naseli sighed inwardly.

Just as Nathery's mood was slightly relaxed, a black awn burst into himself at a terrifying speed.

"It's fast!" Almost as soon as the thought flashed in Nathery's mind, Heimang had reached a position less than ten meters in front of her.

This arrow. It is the speedlessness of Guding's own archery. After improvement, it has become a sharply accelerated horror.

And when Nathery had just glanced, the arrow had already started to accelerate.


Nathalie snorted, but immediately, a layer of blood filled her body. The blood-mang was like a blood-colored wave, and it was wandering towards the black arrow-mans.

The black arrow, which was approaching to the extreme, suddenly slowed down after touching the **** wave, like a mud cow entering the sea, and it quickly dissipated from the position three meters away from Nathery. When it was close to one meter, it disappeared completely.


Gooding made a surprise. Not only because this arrow was strangely resolved, but also because of the ongoing changes that Nathery was doing.

At this time, Nathery's eyes. It turned into a blood-red without pupils, and a mist of blood-colored energy quickly poured out of her body, more and more.

Even if the distance is far away, Guding can still clearly feel the horror and coercion transmitted by that **** energy.

Gooding even noticed that the intensity of Nathalie's breath was rising.

"This is a supernatural power to increase combat power!" Guding was slightly surprised.

After reaching the level of the main **** level, that is, above the level of the saints, all kinds of magical powers that previously improved the combat power cannot be used. This seems to be a default world rule.

Only master-level supernatural powers and lord-level supernatural powers can be used. Among these two types of supernatural powers, supernatural powers that directly increase the combat power are extremely rare. Even if it does, it usually only improves the combat power by a few percent, and rarely doubles the combat power, let alone more than triple it.

At least, Guding and their entire team have been mixing for such a long time.

But Naseli's combat power in front of him seems not to be so simple to increase by two or three times.

"This breath is at least ten times as much as before ..." Guding was a little speechless. The other party was originally a Holy King. Now his combat power has increased tenfold, which makes Guding have a headache.

It didn't take long for Nathery's breath to stabilize gradually ~ ~ She had red hair floating and looked at Guding.

"This is my supernatural power, the blood moon limit, can increase my combat power by ten times the original, if at night, it will increase by twenty times. Moreover, this supernatural power instinctively suppresses all supernatural powers and makes it ineffective . "

"Not only that, once the supernatural power is turned on, it will automatically form a layer of **** protection on my body. This layer of protection is based on the standard of the strongest attack power after my combat power increases. That is to say, All attacks that are not as strong as my strongest blow will be nullified. "

"Furthermore, I just stand here and do nothing, and you can't break my defense." When Nathery said this, she was secretly observing Guding's reaction.

To tell the truth, Gudin felt more headache after hearing this explanation from Natherine. To know that Naseli is a holy king-level strongman, and now his combat power has increased tenfold. So now her defense power, I am afraid that most of the Holy King-level strong can not break the defense, not to mention the ancient King of the Holy King has not been promoted.

But after seeing Guding frown slightly, he took the initiative to rush towards Natherie, "Since this is the case, then I will try to see if your defense is really as powerful as you said!" (Unfinished Continued.)

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