The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1168: Show your magical powers

The road to the king came to the fourth level. The Guding Pirates left nine people, more than the other four groups combined. Moreover, Gooding, Elsa, and Bigger are all holy kings. Although Liliat and others are only at the level of the Holy Master, the combination of six people may exceed the fighting power of a Holy King.

It can be said that the Guding Pirates have become the least willing to provoke the existence of other groups of people. The King's Road came here, and Guding and his team could be regarded as the biggest winners.

Thirteen test takers gathered together, and after some discussion, they finally started to act.

Headed by Guding, the crowd rushed towards the five tribes.

Guding's opponent is the biggest guy in the opponent's camp, with a height of more than nine meters, which is nearly twice the size of the big guy.

Despite his arrogant personality, Rong Ye of the God of War Palace admitted that he was injured when he killed the Holy King Ape, resulting in a defeat with the big guy. But he also reminded Guding that the big man has a natural divine power and his strength is not weaker than that of his heyday.

Because of his strength, Rong Ye chose Lampard, who was also hit hard in the opposing camp.

Immediately after, Bigger and Elsa also chose a Saint King as their opponent, leaving the weakest Saint King to Anders Lena.

Anders Lena was slightly injured in the previous battle with the Golden Scale Carvings, and when she broke into the vicinity of the purgatory demon tree, she also clashed with the tribal holy king who guarded the demon tree. Therefore, had to choose a relatively weak opponent.

As for the Liding of the Guding Pirates and others, they were assigned to eliminate other tribal warriors together with Kord Brad and Soya.

The battle soon began near the purgatory demon tree.

Guding they naturally know that this area is the opponent's home field, because the purgatory demon tree may attack at any time.

But the people of the five tribes firmly guarded the area and refused to leave. Guding had to put the battlefield here.

Gooding first greeted him toward the other's strongest man, and everyone else locked their opponents.

The war is on the verge!

Liliat and his party, although including Kord and Soya, are only eight people, facing tens of thousands of saints, hundreds of lords are not afraid.

The power of Liliat's soul swept out, and thousands of saints were immediately controlled, which in turn attacked the saint-level strong on his side, causing chaos in the other's camp.

Huck is like a ghost in the other party's camp. He locks all the strong masters. Every time his body flashes, he can take away a life of the master.

Crimson also chooses to be a master of the Holy Master level. The fast sword is like electricity. Three or two swords can solve a Holy Master. Obviously the combat power is not at the same level as the ordinary Holy Master.

Although Beka is not much weaker than Scarlet, he chose the saints. With the strings struck, every sound of the piano is like a sharp blade, cutting towards those saints. It is as simple as cutting vegetables and cutting grass. The killing speed is amazing.

Mie can condense several giant beasts into the enemies and penetrate deep into the enemy group, just like a hungry tiger entering the flock, and every time he hits, a saint falls.

The sea emperor was suspended in the void and did not shoot, but coordinated the overall situation and gave various instructions to everyone.

For the first time seeing the true combat power of the Guding Pirates at such close range, Rao Kou De and Suo Ya were a little surprised.

Under the arrangement of the sea emperor, the two became free men on the battlefield. Wherever there was a sacred master who had leaked the net, the two went wherever they could to kill them, and they were also responsible for guarding against the attack by the monster tree.

Tens of thousands of tribal warriors lost almost one-third without much meeting.

Although the five leading kings were anxious, their own situation was not optimistic.

Even the strongest big guy was completely suppressed by Guding. With his nearly invincible physical strength and strength, he was even weaker than Guding. Every time Guding's impact made his muscles tremble.

"What kind of monster is this guy ?! How could there be a holy king with more physical strength than me ?!" The big man couldn't understand it at all.

He did not use supernatural powers because his strongest natural supernatural powers merged with the flesh, which was used to strengthen the flesh and increase strength. Other supernatural powers are not as good as his physical attack.

In the battle between Guding and him, he also never used magical powers, but shook his body hard. Even so, he stabilized the opponent and almost kept him from fighting back.

Rong Ye, not far from Guding, was stunned to see the battle between the two. He played with the big guy and knew his strength. Now seeing that Gu Ding repressed the opponent without using magical power, his eyes were almost staring out.

Fortunately, Rong Ye's opponent Lampard was hit hard by Bigger, almost hung up, and the injury was even worse than him. Therefore, the battle between Rong Ye and the opponent is almost one-sided, which gives him time to observe the battle of others.

Rongye watched the battle of Guding and turned to see Bigger. He knew that Bigger had just been promoted to the Holy King, but after seeing Bigger ’s battle, he was a little uncertain whether he could fight Bigger in his heyday Too.

Bigger ’s opponent is a thin King. He seems to be practicing a supernatural power. The supernatural power is displayed, as if he is covered with gold. And Rong Ye also judged that it was a lord-level Buddha-Tao magical power, called the Buddha's golden body, which was an extremely terrifying physical power.

But it was in this state of supernatural power blessing that the battle with Bigger caused him to swell blood, only a few meetings, he had more than thirty wounds on his body, and the recovery rate was extremely slow.

"It is worthy of the swordsmanship. After he was promoted to the Holy King, his swordsmanship may be extremely sharp. As long as he does not encounter the upper master, he can almost be killed." Rongye Bing's swordsmanship is quite high.

Elsa's opponent ~ ~ is a strong man with heavy weapons, and his breath is second only to Guding's opponent.

Originally, Bigger wanted to choose him as an opponent, but Elsa said she prefers to play against people who also use heavy weapons, and Bigger changed her opponent.

The strong man's weapon is a heavy hammer, and the heavy hammer handle is nearly two meters long. The hammer has a diameter of about 20 cm and a length of about 50 cm.

Obviously, when hit by this heavy weapon, the strong master of the Holy Master level may be instantly hit by the flesh.

However, Elsa's strength is not vegetarian. She used a giant axe when she debuted. Although she is now replaced by a halberd, she may not be much lighter than the opponent's weapon.

The impact of two heavy weapons each caused a violent shock in the void, and pieces of space collapsed.

Without using supernatural powers, the two had a similar fight.

Similar to Elsa, Andrea.

After all, Andrea is a wounded body. Although her opponent looks the weakest, it is actually not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Her opponent is a fat man, short, but amazingly fast, and as slippery as a loach. Although the attack power was not good, Anderina couldn't take him for a while.

If in the heyday, Anders Lena must have tried her best to win the opponent with the strongest attack. But now that she is injured, once the other party finds an opportunity to take advantage, she will easily overturn the boat in the gutter, so she dare not venture.

Not far away, after some observation, the purgatory demon tree finally locked its first target. The three golden branches broke out like a long whip, and the target pointed directly at the sea emperor who commanded the battle in the sky ... … (To be continued.)

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