The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1192: Grab a dragon to experiment

For the next period of time, Guding has been immersed in various books in the library. After reading the magic class, Guding began to watch the combat class, then to the world class, then to the biographical class ...

His knowledge is rising to a new level almost every day.

Gu Ding also discovered unexpectedly that reading a book actually helped improve his mental strength. Over half a month later, his mental strength went from the fifth-level master to the level of the sixth-level master.

During this period, he also developed some new magic through his knowledge.

In the city of King's Land, after Lord Ador arrived, there was no calm in the past, and it began to become turbulent.

The entire city began to enter the state of combat readiness.

In fact, not only the King's Landing City, but also the city where other lords are entering.

The news of Lord Ed's defeat has long been passed on. The opponent is the legendary creature hundreds of years ago-the Legion. Although there are some gossip guys, most people still have great respect for this northern lord.

King Robert trusted Ed and even handed him the position of prime minister.

During this time, Ed has been busy integrating various forces to prepare for the fight against aliens.

Unlike Lindong City, here in Junlin City, even if the people heard about the coming of the ghost, they did not cause any panic.

The story of the strange ghost spread far and wide in the north, and every child knows it. But on the side of Junlin City, it is more like a monster story. If King Robert did not have enough trust in Ed, I am afraid that many people would disdain the alien invasion. For the people of Junlin City, the legendary witch who can kill people with shadow is far more terrible than the strange ghost.

However, after more than half a month of calm, Torun Fangcheng, Baigang and Kaling Bay successively fell. The three castles did not last more than ten days.

The fall of Carlin Bay finally made the nations in the south start to panic.

Carlin Bay is surrounded by swamps, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Even if it is dozens of times stronger than Carlin Bay, it is difficult to pass through. This is the reason why the southern countries had no fear before. But now, Carlin Bay is captured, which means that those aliens can drive straight into the south without any hindrance ...

Immediately after that, in less than ten days, Lishuiwang, Luanhe City, Haijiang City, and Huangshi City were all captured.

After that, letters of help came from Eagle Nest City.

Ed suggested a rescue, but the king and queen directly rejected his proposal.

For Ed, the Elin Valley is an easy-to-defense and difficult-to-attack canyon. If a large number of troops are brought into the Elin Valley, it is really possible that the alien army can return without success. And, there is another reason, the wife of the lord of Elin Valley, Lisa, is the sister of his wife. Elin Valley was attacked and he could not sit idly by.

But the king and queen were worried that if the army of the ghosts could not conquer the Elin Valley, they might abandon the Elin Valley and go south. In that case, Junlin City is in danger.

Ed repeatedly persuaded the king, and finally the king only agreed to let Ed draw a thousand people from his own northern guard to go to Elin Valley to help.

In desperation, Ed had to agree.

Ailingu is indeed a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It took nearly two months for the alien to attack. Eagle Nest City and other cities in Elin Valley have all been turned into ruins. Even the savages living in Elin Valley have been slaughtered by aliens.

The fall of Elin Valley made the people of Junlin City realize the seriousness of the situation.

In the past three months, Guding has read all the books he needs in the library and bachelor tower.

Gooding's mental strength has also risen to the level of a 7th-level wizard. In the bachelor's tower, those real books of magic have given him further understanding and control of magic.

Not only did the spells he created begin to get more powerful transformations, but even some of the magic in this world was almost perfectly controlled by him.

In addition to the four elements of earth, water, wind and fire, Guding mastered the thunder system, the light system, and even a small amount of dark magic.

In this world, dark magic is more hated, and dark magic is evil, so there is very little information. Gu Ding has only seen a small amount of introductory text in the Bachelor's Tower. It was through this small amount of text that he developed several dark spells on his own.

After reaching the seventh level of spiritual power, he has been able to fly with the wind, and his magic has at least nine levels of magic power. It is not a problem to destroy a city with his own power. The gods are there.

It's just that nobody knows that such a terrible power is hidden in such a six-year-old child.

While Gu Ding lived in Junlin City, he also had a general understanding of the situation of the whole city. King Robert is not a bad person, but he is good at fighting, not good at running the country. Every day spends a lot of time, watching beautiful women dancing, hunting for friends and friends, watching noble horse duels ... anyway, how to enjoy every day.

A place called flea nest in Junlin City is a slum in the whole city. Everyone is starving to death here every day, even if the skinny child sees moldy brown bread, he will go crazy.

When he first walked into the flea den, Guding even felt that it would not necessarily be a bad thing to let the ghosts clean the continent.

Knowing that the Aring Valley was captured, Gooding knew that it would not take long for the war to burn to the city of King's Landing.

At this time, the high-level officials on the side of Junlin City received another piece of bad news. On the mainland of Essos, the Danieli of the Tangerian family with her three-headed dragon and army has occupied the free trade city state. And completely control the port of Pantos. Completely cut off the retreat side of Junlin City.

And it is conceivable that this young girl of the Tangerian family should be eager to see Junlin City being attacked by a ghost. At that time, she may still take the dragon through the narrow sea, use the dragon to drive away the ghosts, UU reading www. reoccupies Junlin City.

The strange ghosts fear the dragon, this is something many people know. Hundreds of years ago, the outbreak of ghosts was suppressed by the dragon.

It did n’t take long for Guding to hear about Daenerys. He did n’t care about the contradictions and disputes between these families and the fight for kingship. He was more interested in the dragon.

"There are dragons in this world!" Guding has seen introductions about dragons in many books during this time, and they also mentioned that dragons are the nemesis of the ghosts. The dragon spit out of their mouths can directly burn the alien ghost.

"Alien ghosts are not afraid of fire, but they are afraid of dragon inflammation. Then it shows that dragon flame should have characteristics that other flames do not have ..." Guding's eyes began to shine, "The three giant dragons have only been hatched until now. I am more than a year old and still in my infancy. I can cope with it. Otherwise, if I grab one and do the experiment, I will be idle anyway. "


[Regarding this episode, some readers said that I put together the word count, but in fact it is not at all. In this book of the Supreme, this volume is completed, and there are two volumes left. Even if it is completely on the main line, at least 800,000 words or more can be written. And I also want to finish opening a new book as soon as possible, because the new book has great breakthroughs in both world settings and grade system. I ca n’t even wait to open a new book, so there is no deliberate delay. The reason why it has been written for so long, one is because many readers in the front said that it is boring to watch the upgrade and Daguai, and recently the game of rights is very hot, I specifically changed the way of writing to let everyone ease the fatigue of reading. Another reason is that since the new plot has begun, the sloppy ending is also irresponsible. But since some readers have proposed it, I will also speed up the ending of this part of the plot. 】 (To be continued.)

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