The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1199: 5000 years of memory

The continent of Esos, under the guidance and help of Gooding, Daenerys took only two years to completely rule the entire continent and became the queen of Esos.

She conquered all the tribes on the continent of Esos, and made these tribes their own army, so that they would not fight against each other.

She also started a city-by-city campaign to open slaves, bringing freedom to the continent.

On the Westeros continent, in the past two years, the original barren northern border, river bay, and Eileen Valley have been re-established, slowly returning to their former glory.

Dorn, Yulin, Gao Ting and other places, the regime has undergone large-scale rectification, and some families with bad habits have even been directly cleansed. Although the Bolton family in the northern border fled to the Junlin City under the attack of the strange ghosts, they also fled because they did not fight.

In Junlin City, many nobles' habits have been changed. From time to time, they will donate some money and goods to the poor people in flea nests and other places. Moreover, the city has also started to establish free schools for children from families who cannot afford tuition. The atmosphere is much better in the whole city.

Other cities are also studying like Junlin City and improving in this direction.

In the next few years, Gu Ding restored his appearance as a deity, and he clearly saw the changes of all people on the two continents.

Over the years, Guding is growing up, but he no longer appears in front of Ed and Daenerys, because they manage the two continents very well.

Ed chose to retire at a healthy age when he was sixty years old and passed on the kingship to his son Rob. The Prime Minister is Jon, who has returned from traveling abroad for many years.

During the two decades in which the brothers were in power, the entire mainland prospered to the extreme.

In the same year that Robb abdicated, Daenerys also abdicated to her son. Under her management, Erzos became a unified country, and was no longer a chaotic state of its own.

Gooding's cultivation behavior, after reaching the tenth level, he never made any progress. It seems that due to the broken rules of this world, he could not be promoted.

Guding lived on this continent for five thousand years with the cultivation of demigods.

In these five thousand years, the dynasties of the two continents have been replaced many times. The Stark family has only remained in Westeros for more than four hundred years, and it was eventually replaced. The descendants of Daenerys were replaced by people more than six hundred years later.

But the replacement of the dynasty, Guding did not intervene, because he knew that this was the choice of time.

In 5,000 years, the two continents added up, and Guding only intervened three times.

The three shots were all because the country was going to fall apart and plunge into war again, and Gu Ding shot forcefully to suppress it.

Legends about Guding have also been circulating in this world.

When the fifth thousand years came, Guding's body began to show the state of decay, he knew that this was a near-foreboding of Shouyuan. He could clearly feel his aging, and even his mana was waning.

This year, he rarely went out, most of the time sitting on a lounge chair in the yard, basking in the sun, reading a book, drinking tea.

The group of strange ghosts at that time were also exhausted by Shouyuan, and disappeared into dust. The only one who followed Guding was the King of Ghosts. He seemed to be an immortal life.

King Yijing stood quietly, making tea for Guding. He broke through to the tenth level many years ago, and now has reached the peak of the tenth level early. Gooding had even cancelled the contract long ago and let him go, but he chose to stay with Gooding.

Looking at the ancient Guding day by day, the strange ghost king's blue eyes flashed inexplicable emotions.

On this day, he finally couldn't help but said to Guding, "Looking at you getting old every day, I seem to feel sad, before I never had human emotions ..."

Gooding just smiled lightly, "Emotions, although sometimes it will trend us to do wrong things, but in general, having emotions is a good thing. Especially for you, you can feel the human feelings, indicating that you are degenerating . Perhaps you can break through the rules and limitations of this broken world and reach another level. "

"I have seen a life transformation technique in a book these days. Perhaps, I can transfer part of my life to you, and we can try it." The King of Ghosts looked at Guding expectantly.

"No, I've lived enough for this reincarnation. Everything I should have done, I have no regrets. I'm ready for the next reincarnation." Guding waved his hands, his five fingers and arms, both Already withered, symbolizing that his vitality is running out. "Don't worry about me ..."

As time passed and months passed, Guding's breath of life became weaker day by day, and his sleep time also became longer and longer.

The time soon came to winter, and snowflakes fluttered almost every day.

On this day, very early in the evening, Guding was wrapped in a black blanket and sat quietly in a wheelchair ~ ~ watching the flashing fire in the fireplace daze.

Hearing the shattering sound outside the window, Guding knew it was snowing again.

"Push me out and see!"

"It's too cold, don't go out anymore." King Yigui dissuaded.

"It's okay, I'll just look at the door." Guding still insisted.

The King of the Ghosts couldn't but Guding, so he had to push open the door and push Guding to the balcony at the door.

Snow flakes fell from the sky above, flying freely, like a beating elf.

Gooding couldn't help thinking of the first day he arrived in this world, "That day, the sky is also snowing like this ..."

Gooding looked up at the sky, and there was a foggy sky above the sky dome, and nothing could be seen.

Gu Ding suddenly felt that his body was floating like that, he had been walking up the sky, breaking through the unknown chaos, and suddenly his eyes suddenly turned black.

"the host!"

The King of Ghosts immediately discovered the anomaly and stepped forward to check it.

Guding's eyes are still open, and his pupils reflect the gray sky, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, but his vitality has completely dissipated ...


When Gu Ding came back, he seemed to be standing on the first step of the stairs untouched. The five thousand years of memory is not like a dream, but a real experience. Gu Ding clearly remembered every bit of it, even where he walked by, the people he met and the words he heard did not seem to be constructed from illusion.

He checked the time on his smart watch and it turned out that only one minute had passed ...

Gooding looked up at the steps ahead, took a deep breath, and stepped up towards the second step ... (to be continued.)

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