The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1204: Mike's means

Early the next morning, the crowd gathered in the square in front of the palace of the king.

The number of people is not less than when it was the first day of the feast.

In addition to the Holy King who participated in the competition, all the other contestants were also present. They also wanted to see how far they are from the Holy King.

As for the lords of the major forces, naturally they are not willing to miss the top confrontation of the younger generation. After all, it takes hundreds of epochs for a holy king to appear in the past, and now there are so many suddenly, it is a pity to miss.

Although Guding did not participate, he also arrived with other pirate members who did not participate. He knew that he had become the prey of the king, and it must appear at this time. If it does not appear, it will cause doubt.

In the same way, Kord, who is not participating, also arrived at the scene. He arrived earlier than Guding.

Seeing Gooding and his party, Coulter just glanced at them and put his attention back on the ring.

Under the ring, in addition to Bigger, Liliat, Elsa, Michael, Anderina, Soya, and four saints, a total of ten people participated in the competition.

The four saints are already strong in the rank of saint king, and it is said that the king has also personally tuned himself, so the Biggers did not dare to underestimate their four.

Under the ring, her mother-in-law stood in front of ten people, and she had a black box in her hand.

"Ten of you, first extract your serial number."

Bigger and his team reached into the box one by one and pulled out their own number.

Bigger, Liliat, Elsa, and Mike were drawn No. 8, No. 6, No. 2, and No. 1, respectively.

After all the numbers were drawn, the mother-in-law put away the black box, and there was another red box in her hand.

"Now, extract the opponent's serial number in turn, and if it is your own number, re-extract."

Bigger and his team pulled out the opponent's number one by one.

Bigger picked up number 7, Liliat picked up number 10, Elsa picked up number 5, and Mick picked up number 9.

Several of the Guding Pirates had good luck and did not encounter each other.

Mi Ke is No. 1, and his opponent is Anders Lena.

The ten games in the first round started from 1 to 10.

Therefore, No. 1 Mike became the first player to play.

Seeing Micco's opponent is Andrina, Elsa preached to Micco, "Be careful, that woman is a witch, and has two kinds of holy king inheritance! She has a kind of supernatural powers, do not be She controls! "

Mi Ke nodded. In fact, he had already done his homework the first night, knew the details of all the contestants, and formulated a coping strategy.

Anders Lena is indeed a tough opponent, but Michael is very confident in himself.

Anders Lena walked slowly into the ring and saw that she was standing opposite him with a boy of similar height, and couldn't help shaking her head.

"Junior, you met me, it's not so lucky."

"It's only you who lose." Mike finished, and quickly pinched his handprint.

But before he finished pinching his handprints, Anders Lena moved. She appeared in front of Mike almost instantaneously, and a knife was cut towards Mickey's neck.

When her hand knife fell over Mickey's neck, Mickey's handprints had not been pinched.

Both Gu Ding and Bekaa under the ring were a little surprised. They didn't expect Mike to stand on the spot and pinch their fingerprints. But the two immediately felt that things were not that simple, because when they were discussing on weekdays, even if it was a beagle, it would take a lot of effort to win.

Other audiences obviously don't think so. They all think that Mi Ke is too young and has not much experience in the game, resulting in such a big mistake at the beginning.

Even kings think so.

But soon, a surprising scene happened, because Michael could actually hit the hand knife, but he did not react. Instead, a variety of brilliance rose from him, making him breath. Fast and powerful.

At the same time, a white mantle enveloped the entire ring.

After a moment, Bai Mang dissipated, and Mi Ke had disappeared from the ring.

In the next moment, Anders Lena's figure flew out.

"What happened ?!" Even many lords were surprised by this sudden scene.

"The power of time?" Her mother-in-law almost exclaimed.

Andrina's figure hit the ring's protective cover, and then spit out blood.

At this time, Michael's figure appeared again in front of Anders Lena, and another blow hit her belly.

"Ask for defeat, you have no chance." Michael's voice sounded very determined about the outcome of the battle.

"What the **** did you do? How could you be faster than me, or so fast that my fighting instinct was too late to react!" Anders Lena couldn't figure it out.

"That's because, I control the time of this ring. It's not that I got faster, but that I accelerated my time, which increased my speed by 30 times, and at the same time slowed your time, let Your speed has been reduced by 30 times, and the time difference is almost 900 times. ~ Therefore, it is normal that your fighting instincts cannot react too much. "Mi Ke's explanation did not use sound transmission. , But to be heard by everyone present.

"Actually, last night, I sealed all the enchantments that I need to use. I also want to thank you for the attack just now, because I set the opponent ’s attack to understand the trigger conditions for opening the enchantment seal. So, at the moment you attacked me, all the enchantments attached to me opened instantly. As for the pinch of the pinch in my hand, it was completely a guise, just to lie to you. "Mi Ke finally gave up the plan.

His words heard everyone stunned.

No one thought that Michael, who was obviously weaker, actually had an invincible advantage in this battle.

"Recognize the defeat, according to the existing time difference, your movements are almost as slow as snails in my eyes." Mike shouted mercilessly.

Anders Lena glanced at Mike bitterly.

She was also very suffocated. In a battle of the battles, she didn't even have the magical power to use it, she already lost. But she also knew that according to the time difference set by Mickey, she couldn't even touch the corner of the other party's clothes. After hesitating for a while, she finally gritted her teeth and gave the right choice, "I admit defeat!"

The first race was over so simply, it took less than two minutes before and after, and the result was quite unexpected.

After Mi Ke walked down the ring, Elsa walked up. She is No. 2, and her opponent is No. 5's Saint Angelica.


[These two days are not quite in the state. I do n’t know whether it was caused by poor sleep or the air conditioner. The head is a little groggy, and the manuscript is written very slowly. It takes only a few hours to squeeze out a chapter ...] (to be continued.)

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