The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1216: Restlessness

For a long time, challenging new people has been a pleasure for many people in the true king city, because this kind of challenge opportunity is hard-won, and it is rare to join a few new people in a hundred years.

And not only can you get the thrill of winning the competition, but also earn experience points, why not do it?

Of course, not all newcomers will not win a game. Some good newcomers who meet their own opponents can also win the game, but this chance is very small. Moreover, the challenger who loses the game will be laughed at by others for a long time.

But like Guding, who has risen strongly in the rookie competition, the entire Palace of True Kings is also rare. You know, the Palace of True Kings has selected participants from countless main planes, but from the thousands of eras since the establishment of the Palace of True Kings, it has shown terror in the rookie competition. . Only five people have won a 100-game winning streak, and Guding is the sixth.

The last time this kind of newcomer appeared, it was already sixteen epochs ago, and it has been a long time since many people have forgotten such a thing.

Guding's strong rise finally brought back the memories of many old guys in the Palace of True King back to sixteen epochs. But they saw the scene before the sixteenth century with their own eyes, so similar to the scene caused by Guding today.

As a philosopher said, history is always surprisingly similar.

Gooding's 100-game winning streak has aroused the attention of many high-ranking kings. It also made many people who issued challenge applications start to panic. They were all worried that they would become Guding's next stepping stone.

But a hundred-game winning streak is far from the end point he can reach. This is what many people in the palace of the True King know.

Guding didn't stop the pace of winning streak, he just checked the prompt message issued by the system and his 11,000 experience points, and then went into battle.

After the news was released, many people entered the Guding Arena as spectators for the first time, and in an instant, the original empty stadium was quickly full.

Those who cannot enter the arena have chosen to watch the live broadcast online.

On the ring, Guding's winning streak continued. He was like a super boss in the game. A group of brave men charged him, but they fell down one by one.

Game 101, Game 102, Game 103 ...

After one challenge after another, Gooding has always stood up.

The voice of Guding can be heard everywhere in the True King City.

"Obviously a newcomer, how did it happen?"

"His fighting style is totally unlike what a person who hasn't even stepped in to cultivate the Lord's behavior can do it."

"God, seeing his battles, I think that before I was promoted to the Lord God, all the battles were played by children ..."

"It has been 197 games in a row ... a group of unusable guys, can a good guy put an end to his victory ?! I just bet a thousand points of experience and bet he couldn't win two Hundreds of games! This thousand experience points are going to float ... "

After another three days, Guding has won 197 consecutive games.

His winning streak also gave rise to the gambling industry that had been quiet for a long time.

A big bookmaker set up a gambling tool to make everyone guess where Guding's winning streak will end, which caused many people to participate. The two hundred games are also the first.

Almost 60% of the people involved in this game thought that Guding could not win 200 games in a row.

The reason they think so is that a hundred games in a row has made everyone vigilant. Moreover, Gooding puts the weakest man in the arena in front, and the further back, the stronger the challenger.

Another reason is that the odds that Guding cannot complete a 200-game winning streak are very high, reaching 1 to 10. Many people are willing to bet on this game to fight this probability.

But no matter whether you are willing or not, the results are still coming out soon.

After completing the 197th consecutive winning streak, Gooding has won three straight and has completed a 200-match winning streak.

The system prompts were sent to the inboxes of all the members of the King's Palace again.

Guding originally thought that his own experience will increase by 10,000 points again. Unexpectedly, the system gave a hint that the winning streak in two hundred games was twenty times. Therefore, on the basis of the original 11,000 experience points, he added another 20,000 experience points.

The 200-game winning streak caused another sensation, but for Guding, except for a little more experience, it is no different from 199 games. He just adjusted his condition a little bit and continued to challenge.

After a hundred battles, many people have a new understanding of Guding.

In a secret meeting room, a group of people in golden robe sat around.

Above the conference table is a live projection of Guding's fighting.

And the sound of the discussion sounded like Guding.

"His mentality is really rare among young people, and he is not confused by foreign objects. Even if he has won so many games in a row and received so much attention, he has not self-expanded at all. Field challenge. "

"The learning ability is very strong, he can quickly absorb the advantages of his opponents, and digest it as a part of himself. Every battle he is growing, this kind of guy is terrible."

"His fighting style will change according to the changes of his opponent, he can control the rhythm of the battle every time, and attack his opponent's weaknesses, so that his opponent can't give full play to his advantages and then be defeated."

"As far as the current performance is concerned, it is indeed worth cultivating." The head of the Jinpao nodded, then turned to look at his left. "X, you, as his referee, are you not going to say something?"

The man called X is also a golden robe, and the pattern on his golden mask is a **** X.

He spread his hands, "I want to say, everyone has finished, and I can't think of anything to add."

"So, you don't plan to be his mentor? As a recommender, you have priority."

"I'm not the material to be a mentor. I know this best. I don't have any opinions on whoever is here as a mentor." The answer given by X is somewhat unexpected.

"This kid might be the next Bages. Are you sure you want to give the title of a future emperor?" It was a woman who asked this question. She was sitting on the right side of the first seat.

"Anna, you also said that it is the future imperial master. Compared to putting this kind of unsure trust on others, I would rather believe in myself and be the emperor earlier than him. The title of the imperial master, then How is it not as good as Emperor Zun? "X said, leaning back on the swivel chair and spreading his hands." I'm not interested in being a mentor, any of you can do it, I'm free. Please don't involve me anymore. Thank you for this topic. "

After that, the meeting fell into a fierce state of debate. Twelve members who participated in the meeting, except X, wanted to be Guding's mentors.

But until Guding won more than two hundred and eighty games ~ ~ did not dispute a result.

"It's better to do this. You each applied to Guding, explaining your wishes to become a mentor, and clearly stated your own advantages, so that he can choose." On the third day of the meeting, X finally couldn't help but give a proposal.

"But the application of multiple tutors to one student has never happened before. Moreover, our face can not be erased ..."

"Don't you want to be the future emperor? Is it important to be an emperor? Or is it important to have a small face?" X dropped this sentence, leaving everyone speechless.

After a moment of discussion, everyone agreed to adopt the recommendations given by X, and the meeting finally ended.

Everyone left from the meeting room.

X had just walked out a few steps and was overtaken by Anna.

It wasn't until I watched everyone leave that Anna started speaking and asked him, "X, about Guding, do you know something we don't know?" (To be continued.)

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