The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1233: Life Divine Soldier-Vientiane!

After hearing Baliman's apologetic words, the sea emperor hung up the call.

Gooding looked at him in the past. "How is the progress of various plans now?"

"The production of the War Factory is nearing completion. During this time, we also experimentally produced a hundred man-made warriors with the perfection of the main god, using the genes of the humanoid beast utterer. The actual combat has been practiced, and the real There is no difference between the Sword Speakers and the performance is very stable. When the war factory is officially completed, it should be mass-produced. "

"How about the blood fruit, how is the simulation?" Guding cares most about this, because if the sea emperor really produces a "blood fruit" that can supplement the fragments of the law indefinitely, it means that everyone can be promoted to the true holy king. This is the improvement of one's own strength, much more than foreign things.

"My calculations have been preliminarily completed, and there should be no big problems. I plan to make a few with simple instruments. If the effect is feasible, I will let Robert make the production machine, and then I can put it into production.

The Emperor finished and then said, "There is also a war weapon that I and Robert jointly developed. We have also taken the time to make a prototype. After the war factory is completed, Robert should be able to complete the production in a few days."

"Our coordinates are exposed, and the major holy sites should not be able to find us in too long. Will the time be enough to complete all the progress?" Guding then asked.

"We exposed the coordinates twelve days ago. If I avoid it, they may not be able to find us for another month. Even if they don't avoid it, they want to find our location. It will take at least ten days. Time. In more than ten days, these projects should be completed. If it is too late, I will change the route again and it will take a few more days. "

After the Emperor finished speaking, he glanced at the people present, and then said: "These means of ours can only at most deal with the Lord God of Perfection. If the war weapon is made, it should be able to kill the One Star Lord. , But that's all. If we meet two-star lords or even stronger powerhouses, we have absolutely no power to fight back. We are also not sure whether there will be lord-level powerhouses. "

The fact that the sea emperor said made everyone silent.

"Do your best and do what we can do best. The rest is natural. We can't control the enemy, but we can control ourselves." After a moment of silence, Guding finally spoke again.

"How are you and Beka harvesting in the arena?" Thinking of the game in the arena, the expression on Guding's face was slightly less serious.

"I fought 7 games and lost 21 games. Beka fought 301 games and lost 53 games. If it ’s not your day ’s training, I estimate that our winning and losing games will be reversed. Those guys in Real King City It ’s really strong. Both of us have gained a lot, and the actual combat ability has improved rapidly. ”The Sea Emperor nodded in satisfaction.

"Among the newcomers, it's already a very good result." Guding was quite satisfied with the performance of the two.

"Compared to you, it's a long way off." Sea Emperor and Beka had known Guding's record-breaking streak.

Everyone was envious of the conversation between the two.

"Okay, if there is nothing else, today's meeting will end here. Everyone will go back to practice well." Gu Ding's eyes swept the crowd. "As soon as possible, break through to the True King, and then you can enter the True King City Now. "

At the end of the meeting, everyone quickly dispersed and entered a busy state.

Time passed day by day, due to the previous exposure. Under the **** of the palace of kings, the major holy places searched for the Guding Pirates more and more frequently.

None of the Guding Pirates were idle.

On the third day after the meeting, Dorcot broke into the Holy Realm.

On the fourth day, the production of the war factory was completed, and the production of artificial warriors began to be batched and diversified.

On the sixth day, Fatt broke through to the Holy King Realm.

Both Docote and Fatt had previously eaten three synthetic blood fruits, but they had not understood it thoroughly. Under great pressure, the two finally broke through one after another.

On the eighth day, the manufacture of artificial blood test items was completed, and the emperor took himself as a test item and tried them one by one. After confirming that there are no side effects and that it can be taken multiple times, mass production of artificial blood fruits begins.

On the same day, Bekaa and Neptune completed the challenge in all arenas. The pair won 611 victories, and 728 victories. The two also chose a mentor.

On the eleventh day, Bigger was out of the game, he was already a strong king of the true holy king.

On the same day, Gooding invited him into the True King City, and after training him, threw him into the arena.

In less than a month, four newcomers came in one after another, and all of them were so powerful that many old people shouted. Was it that some descendants of ancient families who had been hiding in the snow began to come out of the mountain.

Bigger ’s performance in the arena is even more amazing than that of Neptune and Bekaa. He also won 600 games in a row. Afterwards, he was hit by a strong man in the 653rd game and ended the winning game. Since then he has been fighting for more than 900 battles, he only lost two. Like Guding is a miracle.

In the end, he chose a mentor who was a sword repairer and was a deputy lord of the palace.

On the fourteenth day, the war weapon that could kill the one-star lord was finally created by Guding and Robert.

In the following period, Liliat and others took artificial blood fruits and then entered a state of deep retreat.

For this reason, the sea emperor changed the route again and hid in the unmanned area.

In busy times, time always passes quickly.

In a blink of an eye, nearly forty days have passed since the coordinates of the Guding Pirates were exposed. The holy places searched like crazy, but the Guding Pirates seemed to have completely evaporated, with no news.

Originally, many interstellar pirates thought that the Guding pirate group would take advantage of the exposure of the coordinates and work hard with the major holy sites. As a result, the Gooding Pirates disappeared again.

Although everyone knows that disappearing is the smartest way. But there are always some people who want to see the Guding Pirates fight against and hit those holy places.

In the luxuriously decorated King ’s Hall, in a quiet dark room, Kord ’s lip corners occupying the King ’s body are slightly raised. Destiny Soldier finally conceived and formed.

As he reached out, he held a short black blade in his hand.

The black air on the surface of the short blade lingered, revealing a shocking danger.

"The law of death is really powerful ... I rejoined the Dark Society, and I have reborn. Guding, who was once the pride of heaven, should now be far from my opponent ... As for this mortal soldier, it is called you Revenge. "

On the same day, Guding suddenly opened his eyes on the spaceship Dream. He couldn't help but grinned. "After more than forty days of gestation, the Divine Soldier finally formed."

He stretched out his hand, and a black gold-colored ring appeared in his palm. He put the ring on his right middle finger, and Guding instantly felt the message of power transmitted from the ring.

"There are really many attributes of the law. Sometimes there are space classes, there are various element classes, and even seal classes, killing classes ... In that case, I will call you Vientiane."

(Enlightenment Book Net)

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