The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1247: Alien of the Ares

As soon as the three-day deadline for the removal of the monarch reached, the Union Government issued a notice of the successful removal to Windsor and Bro. > ≥

The two also immediately initiated an emergency recovery procedure for the King's Seal.

It took only a moment for the king's seal to return to the king's palace and land on the king's desk.

And Bro also followed the space coordinates found and left on the spaceship King, embarking on the journey to hunt Cold Brad.


Black gold market, fighting temple.

As the headquarters of the War King's Palace, under the proposal of Barryman, the palace where the resident is located was renamed as "Battle of War."

Within the sanctuary of the temple, Liliat, Bigger and others all entered a state of retreat.

The sea emperor is still busy screening members of the war king palace.

As early as a few days ago, after the requirements for the entrance trial of the Warlord Palace were issued, although there were also a few voices of doubt on the Internet, most people still supported it.

In a five-star holy place, it is normal to require applicants to undergo an introductory trial and then select candidates from the trial results.

Moreover, the Guding Pirates are not the first force to use trials to accomplish their goals. Many forces have made similar moves before.

In the past few days, the number of application letters has reached tens of millions.

Among them, only a small number of people withdrew their application letters after learning the trial task, and more than 9 million people continued to go to the area designated by Guding for territory development in 66.

Of course, not everyone must pass the trial to join the Warlords Palace.

What the sea emperor is doing now is to screen out the first batch of entrants.

He prioritizes those strong leaders.

In the entire main plane, there are currently more than 60 strong lord-level strongmen, most of whom have vested forces.

But this time the Guding Pirates called their members as the King of War. In addition to Baliman, eight people even applied.

The Sea Emperor immediately rejected three applications for the Seven Star Holy Land. What made him most speechless was that one of the Lords of the Ares Palace also applied. However, the Emperor directly chose to ignore it.

The remaining five lords, the strongest of which is only the Samsung lord level, three of them are free repairs, and two are from two different six-star holy places.

After conducting some data investigations, the sea emperor left two applications for free repair and a lord of the six-star holy land.

Then Guding, Michael and Barryman were called to the meeting room for discussion.

After the trio arrived in the conference room, the sea emperor directly projected the data of the trio.

"Lord level, are there only three people applying for joining? Less than I expected. I thought there were at least four or five." After looking at it, Ballyman couldn't help shaking his head.

"There are eight, I have eliminated five, and now there are three. You guys have a look. If you think you can, I will give them a reply." The sea emperor mainly looked at Guding.

"These two scattered repairs, a one-star lord and a two-star lord, are all veteran interstellar pirates. They have disappeared for many years. After reading the previous information, it seems that there is no evil. There should not be too many problems." Guding ordered. nod.

"As for the lord of the six-star holy land, I can't see any problem in the data, is it really suitable?" Guding originally did not intend to question the screening results of the sea emperor, but after reading the data, he did have some doubts. .

"Drington, a veteran lord-level strongman of the ancient ages, is now a lord of Samsung, and Shouyuan is about to run out. He is also one of the founders of the Six Star Holy Land Yandian, but since these eras, I do n’t ask much. Foreign affairs are in a state of retreat. In terms of strength, this guy's combat strength may be stronger than many four-star lords. In terms of qualifications, he is also one of the oldest strongmen in the entire plane. I think he is the most deserved We were included in the Hall of Warlords. "Mi Ke also spoke, he and the Sea Emperor stood on the same front.

"But is this guy worthy of trust?" Guding was most worried about this.

"No problem, I have read his detailed information. He did not hide his purpose. He just wanted to use our luck to make his own cultivation breakthrough and get more Shouyuan. If we do n’t like us, He couldn't borrow our luck. "The Sea Emperor smiled.

"Since this is the case, let him be the one." After receiving the affirmative answer from the Sea Emperor, Guding did not raise any objections.

But Mi Ke said again, "The four lords, the strongest is only Samsung, which is still not enough. Brother Hai, what can you remove from the quota, can I look at it again?"

The sea emperor nodded and also projected five other places.

After reading the information of the five people one by one, Mi Ke's eyes stayed on the applicant of the Ares Palace.

"Seven Star Lord of the Ares Palace-Alfonso ... This guy is also a veteran in the Ares Palace."

Hearing Michael's voice, Guding and Barryman looked at the man's message.

"Is this guy really submitting an application letter?" Barryman asked the sea emperor in surprise.

"Of course, otherwise what would I do with his data? Although from the data point of view, this guy is a different kind in the Ares Palace, but the Ares Palace is a dead enemy with us. As a member of the Ares family, he can't betray the Ares Palace. Let He joined, the risk is too great. "The sea emperor said the reason for his elimination.

"I know a few things about Alfonso. Although he has a high status in the Ares Palace, he has no real power. Compared with the group of leaders in the Ares Palace, he is a junior, and his strength is not even weaker than that of the Ares Palace. Palace Master ~ ~ However, his idea is very peculiar and belongs to the reformists. He advocates letting the God of War Palace accept people other than the God of War, and proposes that the God of War people can also join other forces freely. This kind of thinking, he was rejected by others in the Ares Palace, and he has never been reused. "

"As far as I know, almost every holy place is established, he will apply to join. But so far, no forces dare to accept him, because they are afraid of the trouble of the God of War Palace." Barryman smiled and said some information he knew.

"I also know the information, just ..." The sea emperor was still a little relieved.

Guding whispered, "Where did I see this face, I can't remember ..."

"This ponytail apprentice had contacted us before we entered the main plane. His apprentice is also a guy with a ponytail, and he has projected his master's appearance in our hotel. This is called Alfonso. Man. "The emperor remembered it clearly.

"Sea Emperor, let him join in! My instinct tells me that he really wants to leave the Palace of War." Guding was silent for a moment, and quickly gave his decision. (To be continued.) 8

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