The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1253: God of War Palace

"Master of Belif Palace, the first trial has been completed, and all the conditions of the Warlord's Palace meet the standards. Do you have any doubts about the net?" Medea asked impatiently. She grew up with Elizabeth since she was a child, naturally towards Guding. On their side.

"Madonna, since I have spoken to stop, there is naturally my reason." Facing Medea's blame, Belif spoke unhurriedly.

"My elder Alphonse, the Warlord Palace, is a veteran figure created by the Warlord Palace, which is equivalent to the Warlord Palace as a refuge under my Warlord Palace. As long as the Warlord Palace is willing to submit to my Warlord Palace and become the Warlord Palace We can take no responsibility for all the offensive acts committed by the Guding Pirates in the past, and Alfonso can also remain as your guardian. Otherwise, we can only abolish the traitors in accordance with the rules of the Ares Palace Alfonso's cultivation behavior! "

Bellev's words silenced all forces present. He is equivalent to forcing the Guding Pirates to make a favorable choice for the Temple of War.

The Guding Pirates have two choices. One is to submit to the God of War palace, which can guarantee the fighting power of Alfonso. The other option is to continue to oppose the Ares Palace, and in this case, Alfonso will be abolished.

This trick is also insidious enough, which is equivalent to using Guding's one sentence to determine the fate of Alphonse. If Guding made the second choice, they would have harmed Alphonse.

"Belf, the old fox, really has his heart to blame!" Other forces looking at the lively holy land could not help but secretly.

The people on Gooding's side also frowned slightly, and they didn't expect Bellev to come out like this.

At this time, Alphonse was slightly raised lips.

"Belif Palace Master, it's really impolite to say what you just said without asking me my opinion. I'm a warlord, I admit this. But it doesn't mean that I am the warlord People. Naturally, there is no such thing as being separated from the Ares Palace, and you are not qualified to abolish my cultivation. "

Alphonse's words made everyone stunned. When he saw that everyone was puzzled, he continued.

"Everyone knows that in our plane, anyone who joins a force must sign a contract. Even ordinary members will be bound by a contract. But I and the God of War Palace have never signed a contract to join, so from a certain To some extent, I have never joined the Ares Palace. I have always been a free man who has not joined any forces! "

As soon as these words came out, many people in the Ares Palace faced upheaval, including Belif himself.

The God of War Palace is originally the exclusive force of the God of War, so all the God of War tribes did not sign a contract when they joined. In fact, in the entire Ares Palace, only the palace owner and a few veterans existed and signed a contract because of some confidential information. The other members are not bound by contract.

Belif did not expect that Alfonso would come up with this matter to make an essay.

"Since I have never been a person in the Ares Palace, there is naturally no need to obey the rules of the Ares Palace. You, the palace owner, can't control me. As for you want to abolish my cultivation behavior, you can try it out and feel yourself No, I ’m going to ask someone for help, no matter how many come, I will continue! ”

Alphonse's words made Belif's face even more ugly.

Of course, he knew that Alfonso was so amazing that he might not be able to capture him by himself, so he brought two other seven-star veteran veterans. But now Alfonso said that once a few of his shots, they become more bullied and less bullied. And without the shelter to capture the name of the traitor from the Ares Palace, the shots against Alfonso, other forces may not be on the sidelines. At least the Heavenly Devouring Temple, which is hostile to the Ares Palace, will certainly not sit idly by.

"Here are a few saints representing the palace of the king. There are a few saints also commenting on it. May I join the palace of warlords as a free person. Is there anything wrong with the rules?" Alphonse then moved out the king's palace.

"Since it's a free man, there is of course nothing wrong with it." Medea also affirmed Alphonse's identity.

Belif's face was red and white, and a veteran next to him spoke.

"People of the Ares family do not need to sign a contract to join the Ares Palace. This is what most people know. If you are not bound by a contract, you say that you have never joined the Ares Palace. It ’s ridiculous! Do n’t forget Well, for so many years, you have been trained in the Ares Palace! "

"This veteran, if you say that Alfonso is the person of the Ares Palace, then please take out the evidence and prove that he is the person of the Ares Palace! If it is just empty, I can say that you are our King of War The man in the palace! "The sea emperor finally spoke again, and his words were equally sharp.

"Evidence ?! His unremarkable magic and magic skills in the War Ares Palace are all evidence!" The veteran sneered.

"I will also use the magical skills of the Ares Palace, there are a few evil spirits who have dealt with the powerful arena of the Ares Palace, and there are also those who stole the magical skills of the Ares Palace. "!" Guding said, directly condensing a half-length God of War, that is the unspoken secret of the God of War Palace-God of War.

"Well, your kid secretly learns the secrets of our God of War palace, we will still settle this account sooner or later!" Belif saw the good warriors of Gooding, and was furious.

"Belif Palace Master, you should be very clear that my secret skills are not secretly learned, but inherited by others. You really want me to be in front of so many people ~ ~ Did the scandal of the palace poke out? "Guding said, of course, is the first generation of the king of war in the God of War palace, and does not recognize the descendants of the king of war.

After hearing this, Belif suddenly turned black, and a flash of murderous intention flashed in his eyes.

Other forces, however, are arguing, and they are all speculating about what kind of handle is in the hands of Guding.

"Alfonso, you are so determined that you must betray the Ares ?!" Belif looked at Alfonso again.

"I affirm again that I am the Warlords, but I have never joined the Warlords Palace. I am now voluntarily joining the Palace of Warlords as a free man!" Alfonso's words obviously did not turn back Room.

"Very good, your account, we will slowly count in the future." Bellev said these threatening words, looking towards the three virgins in the direction of the palace of the king, "The three virgins, our God of War, As a reviewer, I put forward a review of the battle power of the King of War! The reason is that we decided that Guding, who is the master of the palace, is too weak to be the custodian of the five-star holy land. ! "(To be continued.) 8

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