The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1257: 5 Star Holy Land Warlord's Hall

Belif quickly repaired his body to the same level as Godin under Guding according to the rules.

Originally, a deep and terrifying breath like the sea, soon weakened.

He stepped out in one step, and he appeared on the ring. It was still the strong gesture of the world. Although Xiu Wei was suppressed, all the onlookers present did not dare to look down on him.

He stretched out his hand and held it in the void, a dense pattern of laws quickly condensed into a blue and white war halberd in his hands. Above the battle halberd, the three hundred and sixty laws of dense lines seemed to blend into one, circulating endlessly.

This battle halberd, originally a Order soldier of Belif, now he suppresses and repairs, and temporarily degenerates into the form of a mortal soldier. But even so, in the order of the natal mortal soldier, it is definitely an invincible treasure.

The emergence of this battle halberd made many people feel that Guding had no chance of winning.

"Belif is really cautious enough to take out even the order soldiers. Even in a degraded state, this halberd is simply invincible."

"Yeah, if Gu Ding dared to sacrifice his own natal destiny, I am afraid that he will be crushed in an instant."

Many strong lords are whispering in a low voice.

But the strange thing is that after Belif took out the battle halberd, Guding didn't move at all, he didn't take out any weapons or armor. This makes everyone feel surprised.

Bellev, who was standing opposite the ring, was even more angry. He thought Guding looked down on himself, "You are too arrogant!"

"In the realm of the next Lord God, you are not my opponent. Attack, or you will have no chance of shooting." Gu Ding's words were extremely arrogant.

"No one in sight, I will let you know what regret is!"

Belif snorted, pointed the tip of the halberd in his hand and pointed his arm forward. On top of the blue-and-white war halberd, the three hundred and sixty laws of law suddenly condensed into a blue thunder, which spewed out from the tip of the halberd and attacked Guding.

The blow, which weighed both power and power, instantly penetrated Guding's body.

When everyone was surprised, a voice rang in Belif's ear, "Your degree ... too slow."

A cold sweat oozed out of Belif's spine, and now he realized that Guding appeared in front of himself less than half a meter away, and one of his fingers was condensing horrible black energy towards his chest. Location hit.

"Rules of Destruction !!!"

Belif only saw through the legal attributes of Guding's blow at a glance, and he knew what the consequences would be of being hit by such a blow.

"No, it will be beheaded in this way!"

Together with this idea, Belif's originally suppressed Xiuyu suddenly rose. When Guding's finger fell on his chest, his body's cultivation practice had soared to the level of a star lord.

But under this blow, his body was still blasted out and hit the protective cover.

Regardless of the pain in his chest, Belif's eyes flashed a killing intent, almost instantaneously, and his cultivation behavior returned to the original peak level. At the seven-star lord level, he only hesitated a moment, and suddenly made up his mind, and he has returned to order. The soldiers and halberds are slashing towards Guding!

As long as Guding is killed, he will be free of future troubles, and even if he is scolded, it is better than beheaded by Guding in the future.

Gu Ding did not expect that as the master of the Ares Palace, Belif was so shameless, not only to restore the lord-level practice in the ring game, but also shot himself!

But looking at the blue and white war halberd coming through the void, his figure was completely unable to move. He knew that this was the order force carried by the order soldiers, and he was completely suppressed by the order force. No resistance.

"What should I do? Summoning Xiaohei is not his opponent ..." Guding quickly flashed various strategies in his head, but he was rejected by himself one by one. What he encountered was absolute power suppression, not brainpower. The matter resolved, "Do you really want to use the life-saving means Angelina gave me?"

Just as he gritted his teeth and was about to shatter the life-saving mark that Angelina left on her body, a figure suddenly appeared and stopped in front of Guding.

Belif's terrifying blow was completely blocked by the figure.

Guding froze, looked up, and it was Alphonse who stopped before him.

Alphonse held a black lance, and the tip of the gun steadily collided with the tip of Belif's halberd.

Throughout the ring, there was a sudden shock, and even the protective cover looked a little shaky.

Only the area behind Alfonso's like a pure land has not been invaded, and Guding just stood in this area. As soon as Alphonse appeared, his figure locked in order suddenly regained his freedom.

"Belif, you are out of bounds!" Alphonse looked coldly at Belif.

At this time, the two Seven Star Lords over the Temple of Sky Devour also stood up and rebuked, "Belif, you will live more and live back then. With the strength of the Seven Star Lords, start with a lower master!"

Rao is an ally of the Ares Palace, and there is no one on the side of the Temple of Judgment to support Belif.

Many forces onlookers began to speak against Belif.

Belif snorted, knowing that his abacus to kill Guding had failed, and continued to struggle would only make people laugh more.

The halberd dissipated in his hand, and he walked towards the bottom of the ring.

"Belif, although I am not a person in the Ares Palace, but I am still a person in the Ares family. What you do today, I will pass on to the elders of the family without a word!" Alphonse Holding Belif's back, he said coldly.

Bellev's footsteps made his face look uglier. He turned his head and said fiercely, "This child will destroy the God of War in the future, you are also an accomplice!"

"The difference between the God of War Palace and the God of War Clan, even one of my outsiders can be clearly distinguished, but you, the Palace Master, are not clear." Guding sarcastically said that he also showed his attitude to Alphonse, he must deal with Only the Ares Palace.

Belif did not refute anything, but waved at the people on the side of the Ares Palace, "Let's go!"

After all, he took the lead and disappeared in this star field, and the other members of the Ares Palace also left in disgrace.

"People in the Ares Palace are really rude. The last one came, but left without saying hello." The voice of dissatisfaction from Medea came. She, as a representative of the palace of kings, was indeed qualified to say These words.

"Master, are you all right?" Alphonse turned to Guding on the ring.

"It's okay. If it weren't for you, I might have been beheaded." Gooding grinned. "Thank you!"

"Fortunately, I stared at him as soon as it was unwound and suppressed. I was afraid that he would suddenly do such a stupid thing. Unexpectedly, he still did ..." Alfonso was very concerned about Belif's behavior Disappointed.

"Relax, his behavior, we will truthfully report to the palace of the king. I am afraid that his position as the palace master will sit down in a few days." Medea laughed.

"Several virgins, no matter what the result of the last challenge, I won nine games. Should this additional review be passed?" Gooding immediately remembered the matter.

"This is of course!" Medea nodded. "I now announce that the Palace of Warlords, through the primary election of the Five Star Holy Land, was officially included in the ranks of the Five Star Holy Land."

Medea announced the completion, and a token was thrown towards Guding. Guding took a look and engraved the three characters of "Warlord Hall" on the front and a "five" on the back.

"Holy Land Order ?!"

Guding certainly recognized that this is the Holy Land Order issued after each Holy Land was approved by the King's Hall.

With this token ~ ~ every year you can think of the King's Palace to receive a large number of cultivation resources and other items. The higher the token level, the more resources you will get.

Obtaining the Holy Land Order means that the Hall of Warlords has truly become a five-star holy land recognized by the King's Hall and the Alliance Government.

Seeing the Gooding Holy Land Order, many powerful leaders gathered around and began to officially send the congratulations.

The entire King's Palace was suddenly full of excitement.

About half a day later, the major holy places finally dispersed.

Only the three saints in the palace of kings had been sitting firmly at the table, and they seemed to have no intention of leaving.

Sending many forces away, Gooding walked to the three women, "Is there anything else with the three saints?"

"There are two things!" The two daughters Angelica and Abel nodded at Medea, and she started speaking. (To be continued.) 8

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