The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1265: Battlefield rules

"This time the Qianlong battlefield opened, a total of 386 planes participated in the assessment. Among them, we have 168 fifth-level planes, 116 fourth-level planes, 81 third-level planes, and second There are 18 level planes, and there are 3 first level planes. "

"The fourth and fifth planes have both saint level participation. The third and second planes have only the power of the holy master. The first level planes are all holy kings and true holy kings. The total number of participants is initially estimated to be more than 80,000. "

"In addition to the enemies of all planes, the native creatures on the battlefield are your enemies and your hunting targets. In addition to the main divine realm, there are many lord-level native creatures, and the strongest creatures are even weak. Wang Jing. So, before shooting, you better understand the target's cultivation level. "

Hearing this, even Guding and his party couldn't help but stun.

"The battlefield is open for one year. Once it falls, it cannot be entered for the second time. After everyone enters, they will be randomly transferred to different locations. Spiritual exploration will be strictly limited, but other detection methods are not limited. However, the potential The dragon battlefield is vast, and people who enter the same plane will be far apart from each other. It may be difficult for you to find a team of people you know. "

When he said these words, Arthur also gave a special glance to Guding and his colleagues. He could feel that Guding's companions were at least the Holy King's combat power, and may even be the true Holy King. If such a group of people form a team, it will be a powerful force.

However, he also shows that Guding and their cultivation are only the central master god. If they face the true holy king of other plane master gods, they will definitely suffer.

Arthur explained the assessment content and rules, which made most people full of expectations.

After all, it is just a virtual battlefield. Even if it falls in it, it is not really dead, and all the resources obtained can be brought out. Although the competitors facing you will be very powerful, they will all reach the level of saints and above, all of them are level monsters and have their own confidence.

Arthur then asked everyone to ask questions that they did n’t understand.

The first question is still Mickey of the Guding Pirates.

"There is a problem I don't quite understand. It's clearly the battlefield that only the main **** can cultivate. Why are there so many native creatures at the lord level, and there are even virtual kings! Even if it is a true holy king level devil, it has reached the lord's perfection At most, you can only contend with the two-star lords. Then, are lords above Samsung placed on this battlefield, does it make no sense? "

"This question is very well mentioned. I haven't said it before, but I'm also afraid to attack your enthusiasm." Arthur's eyes flashed to Mi Ke's eyes.

"The Qianlong battlefield does only allow the strong of the main god's cultivation, but it also allows the strong of the main god's perfection to break through to the lord level. There are many strongs of the main god's perfection, ready enough resources to enter After the battlefield, immediately look for a place to make a breakthrough, and then go to find resources. "

"One year, it's not too short. And all those who enter it are amazingly talented demon, some people may not only break through to one star lord, and break to two stars, Samsung may be. If it is a true holy king level, It is normal to break through to the Samsung lord and kill the five-star lord. A few more true holy kings can join forces, and the six-star and seven-star lords can also fight. So it is no wonder that the Qianlong battlefield has these levels of local creatures.

After Guding heard them, their faces changed slightly.

"With my current strength, it is just barely comparable to the one-star lord. I can meet the ordinary one-star lord and can also rely on the law of life to fight. But when I meet the lord who broke through the holy master level and above, I basically would not There is a chance. My cultivation base is still the biggest weakness ... "

Guding was a little helpless. He thought that he could wait for his breakthrough to the Lord God Consummation Realm and compete with other true holy kings who are also the Lord God Consummation Realm. But by that time, the True Saint Kings of other planes may have already arrived at the Lord of Two Stars or Samsung, and it is impossible to fight fairly.

After Michael raised the question, some people raised their questions later, and Arthur gave the answers one by one.

Seeing no one ask questions for a while, Arthur spoke again.

"Since there is no doubt, and the evaluation time is about to start, then everyone should prepare first." Arthur finished, took a black token from the cuff and threw it into the void, his hands began to pinch out the complex seal.

After a while, as the seal was pinched out, the token began to grow quickly and then turned into a black gate.

After the printing tactics were all completed, the door opened in a boom, and a white mang came from behind the door.

Everyone tried to look behind the door, but they couldn't see anything except Bai Mang.

"Now you can enter. Although the assessment has not started yet, you can wait behind the door and listen to the specific assessment rules. When the assessment officially begins, you will be sent into the battlefield."

Hearing Arthur's words, a group of people flew into the black gate.

Guding they did not fight, until the last 6 continued to enter the gate.

Inside the gate, a piece of white. Because they did not enter the battlefield, everyone was not separated, and more than 120 people were together. But everyone can see nothing but each other. The entire space is white, seemingly endless, and there are no objects placed.

Just as everyone looked at this space with curiosity, a voice suddenly sounded.

It was a slightly old and hoarse voice, which sounded like an old man.

"Welcome everyone to the Qianlong battlefield. As the supervisor of this battlefield, I will tell you about the specific battlefield rules."

"Now when you look at the back of your left hand, there is an extra battlefield mark."

Everyone looked down, and now a black dragon-shaped mark appeared on the back of his left hand, and many people were alert.

"Don't panic, this mark is just a battlefield mark, with no side effects. It will record your merits in the battlefield, and the color will change with the merits."

"Below 10,000 merits, the imprint is black; from 1 to 1o merits, the imprint is blue; from 1o to 1oo merits, the imprint is red; from 1oo to 1oo merits, the imprint is purple; above 1ooo merits, the imprint will change Into gold. "

"The color of the mark is different, the combat power bonus you get will also be different. Black dragon seal, no combat power bonus, blue dragon seal, combat power bonus upgrade a small rank. Red dragon seal, combat power bonus Upgrade two small ranks. Purple Dragon Seal, combat power bonus increases by three small ranks. Golden Dragon Seal, combat power bonus boosts by five small ranks. "

"The merit value, in addition to bringing the combat power bonus, also has a ranking. After the one-year trial period ends, the battlefield will award according to the merit value ranking. The top 10,000, all have rewards, the higher the ranking, The richer the reward. "

"As for the achievement of merits, there are two ways, one is to kill local creatures on the battlefield, and the other is to plunder other testers."

"Kill the battlefield creatures who are equal to themselves to achieve the realm, each one counts 1 merit."

"Kill Yue Cultivation as a real-world battlefield creature, and one will count 1o for merit."

"Kill Yue's self-cultivation as a battlefield creature in two realms, one for 1oo merit."

"Kill Yue's self-cultivation as a battlefield creature in three realms, one for 1ooo points."

"In the same way, killing more self-cultivation as the higher level of battlefield creatures, the higher the merits."

"For killing elite-level battlefield creatures, merit is calculated three times. For killing command-level battlefield creatures, merit is calculated ten times."

"Looting other testers is divided into two forms. One is to kill other testers, you can directly get 5o% of the merits of the killed. The other is to transfer the merits of the marauders, up to 5o%. . "

"In addition to enhancing the combat power and getting on the leaderboard, the merit value can also be used to exchange resources in the Hall of Merit ~ ~ The specific exchange rules will be described in detail after arriving at the Hall of Merit."

"In the Hall of Merit, everyone must not attack each other, and the offenders kicked out of the battlefield and never enter again. The Hall of Merit, each person can enter at most once a day, can stay for three hours for the first entry, and can only stay for up to three times afterward Stay for an hour. After time, it will be sent out. "

"The Merit Ranking, which calculates the accumulated total merit, does not deduct the merit value used in exchange."

"The Qianlong battlefield, in addition to merit exchange resources, all areas have an opportunity. The specific rules will be detailed after arriving in the corresponding area."

"There are so many general rules. If you don't understand, you can dip your consciousness into the dragon seal of your left hand. There will be a detailed description of the rules."

"It's almost time, I will send everyone to the battlefield now!"

The old man's voice fell, and white awns fell from the sky, covering a tester. Subsequently, the testers disappeared one by one ... (to be continued.) 8

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