The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1285: Emperor 13

In the small headquarters of the Union Government, a small conference room that looks inconspicuous, surrounded by twelve people, these twelve people all seem to be from different ethnic groups. △△ ○ Tomato △ Fiction ▽ Net--```--``--`

Eleven of them are just projections, and only a middle-aged human in a suit is an entity, and he is also the only one standing.

"In a hurry, everyone is called because we just got a message on the human side." The middle-aged man propped his hands on the conference table and glanced at the others.

"Don't sell Guanzi, Emperor Thirteen, just tell me anything!" It was a huge golden dragon head who said only one head in the projection.

"This news has nothing to do with your dragon clan." The man called Emperor Thirteen turned to him and said, "It's about the one-eyed Dragon Emperor!"

"Isn't the one-eyed dragon emperor fallen in the battle of the Taikoo era?" Many of the members present frowned. Tomato novel ◇ △ Net --- `` `-``

"Emperor Thirteen, you made it clear, what is the news about the one-eyed evil dragon ?!" Golden Dragon Head quickly asked, his emotions slightly angry.

"I just got the news that someone found the one-eyed dragon emperor on the Qianlong battlefield. He did not fall, but was suppressed by Huang Quan ... And, according to the source of the news, this message was brought by Huang Quan to her, It is almost impossible to suppress the one-eyed dragon emperor. "Emperor Thirteen slowly said such a message.

"What? That evil dragon is still alive ?!" The golden dragon head was shocked.

"What about the authenticity of the message? Can you confirm it?" The question was raised by a white fox with narrow and long eyes and golden eyes flashing in its pupils.

"The news should not be fake. We have supervisors on the Qianlong battlefield. They have secretly probed the source of the news, indeed it is our human race. Fan ▽ □ Xiao Xiao ☆ said the net` `` --`-, and he It disappeared from the Qianlong battlefield for more than twenty days. "Emperor XIII nodded.

"If it is really that evil dragon, this time I have to go to your human race." Golden Dragon Head said again, he seemed to calm down a lot.

"It seems that I need to take a trip too!" The white fox also said.

There is no objection to his opening, because everyone knows that his father died in that ancient war, and the murderer is the one-eyed dragon emperor.

"If it's really the one-eyed Dragon Emperor, and even Huang Quan can't suppress it, I'm afraid he is not so good to deal with. You'd better make some preparations. When you arrive, I will take you personally! After all, that guy But it killed a lot of our ancestors! "

After the meeting, the projections disappeared one by one in the conference room.

Emperor Thirteen yanked off the suit, revealing a fancy blue bottom beach pants and a short-sleeved floral shirt, and muttered in his mouth, "Who invented this kind of suit? It's really uncomfortable. Fanju Novel Network `` -''- `

At this time, the door of the conference hall was knocked.

"Come in!" Emperor Thirteen threw his leather shoes, and the socks disintegrated into shatters, barefoot on the conference table.

"Chairman!" A woman in a blue uniform came in. She looked down at the clothes and shoes on the floor. "It's not a polite way to throw the birthday gift I gave you some time on the ground like this. behavior."

"Oh, Nina, I was going to take it off for dry cleaning, but I hadn't had time to pick it up." Emperor Thirteen smiled at the woman. "What's the matter with you?"

"It's about the child from this source ..." Nina was silent for a moment, and saw the look of Emperor XIII's question, and then went on, "The child's name is Gooding ..."

"Ancient surname? Is the descendant of the ancient family left behind?" Emperor Thirteen raised his eyebrows. Tomato small □ said ☆ net `----`

"This is his appearance projection ..." Nina said nothing, and directly projected Guding's appearance.

"This is ... that man's son?" Emperor Thirteen frowned slightly and looked up at Nina again after a moment of silence. "Who knows this child's identity?"

"Only me, the first time I discovered this matter, I came to you." Nina said.

"Very well, don't let anyone else know, especially those families, not even the ancient family. You can go with me in this Qianlong battlefield action and contact the child!" Emperor Thirteen Arranged soon.

"Is that adult's side secret too?" Nina asked hesitantly.

"Don't say it for the time being, I will tell her when I find it appropriate." Emperor Thirteen nodded.


Nina nodded and turned to leave, but she saw the clothes on the ground again, and she picked them up one by one. When he picked up the leather shoes, he looked around, and then looked up and asked, "What about socks?"

"Broken accidentally ..." Emperor Thirteen finished, looking at the ceiling with a guilty conscience, and whistled.

"In this case, I will only give socks for my next birthday gift!" Nina smiled at him and turned away.

Emperor Thirteen twitched slightly in the corner of his eyes, and then muttered in a low voice, "Can't you give me something I like for a birthday gift?"

After a long while, he stood up and walked to the window, looking out of the window, "That man and her children ... looks like they really inherited the advantages of the two ... I hope not to inherit the bad character of his father. Right ... "


In the Qianlong battlefield, Guding has never stopped the slaughter of the battlefield creatures.

The same is true for everyone else, who are competing for time to earn merit.

Just three days after the mail was sent, Gooding's merit value was close to two million, ranking in the top three hundred.

Many people have noticed the surge in his merits. The previous day was only one hundred thousand, and now there are nearly two hundred thousand a day ~ ~ This rate of increase has even exceeded the number one.

Because the leaderboard only shows the name and the total merits, others can't see Guding's cultivation behavior, and don't know which plane he came from.

Many people take it for granted that Guding should be a superpower in a first-class or second-class plane.

"Guding, don't go ahead if you line up to about one hundred! Your skyrocketing merits have been noticed by you these days." The sea emperor couldn't help but discourage.

"I understand, let's talk about one hundred first!" Guding nodded. He is not a person who is afraid of trouble, but he does not want to cause trouble for no reason.

"The inspectorate should have sent our mail? I don't know when the coalition government will respond ..." Guding can feel that the battlefield creatures are becoming more and more manic, and even their strength has been improved. Even more densely packed.

This has slowed down many people's achievements, and instead of slowing down, Gooding has become faster. Because he didn't have to worry about being injured at all, the law of life would continue to repair his body. The more beasts, the happier he killed. (To be continued.)

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