The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1303: Money house

As Guding spoke, everyone's eyes gathered on him alone. Some people who hadn't noticed his wrist and looked at the other members of the Guding Pirates also cast their eyes.

Many people originally thought that someone who could occupy the first place on the merit ranking was definitely a murderer. But seeing Gooding makes it hard for them to think that this is the guy who firmly holds the first place in the ranking. Because Guding looks completely harmless to humans and animals, like the sunshine boy in the neighbor's house, he meets his neighbors every morning and greets them warmly.

Soon everyone noticed that Gu Ding and his friends, even Xiu Wei, were only one-star lord level. This cultivation level is now at the bottom of the Qianlong battlefield. The true Saint King-level strongmen present are basically all of the two-star lord level, and even a few are the Samsung lord level.

It can be said that Guding is now here, but it is not a wise move, because he is on the hunting list of many people.

However, with the previous shock of Taisto, Rao hated Guding's arrogance and did not shoot, and the others did not act rashly.

Taisto stood up, looked at Guding up and down, and said, "Gudin, this is Taisto, let's make a deal."

From the self-introduction of the other party, Gooding knew that this guy named Taisto was very confident in himself, because he did not report which plane he came from, although everyone knew that he came from the first plane.


Guding naturally knew that the other party coveted could not be anything other than the page of the wordless book on his body. However, he didn't expect that Tiesto didn't choose to shoot directly.

"Yes, as long as you are willing to give me the Wordless Book, I can guarantee that you are absolutely safe in the Qianlong Palace." Taisto's face was full of confident expression.

"Wait a minute! If this is a transaction, I can give you better conditions. As long as you and your companions are in the Qianlong Palace, I can guarantee the safety of all of you." Luna on the side put forward more favorable conditions .

"The two of you are really hypocritical. When you enter the Qianlong Palace, most people's minds are exploring the Qianlong Temple. Even if someone has the idea of ​​writing a wordless book, you can wait for the Qianlong Temple to start. You and The team you lead only needs to take Guding with them all the way, and most people will choose to retreat. You do n’t need any effort at all. You are also embarrassed to say that this is a transaction, and the abacus is playing well! " It is a fat man covered with pearl jewels.

"I'm a businessman. If I want to trade, I'll exchange real things!" The fat man looked at Guding. "A page without a word, almost worth the price of an imperial soldier. I can use Ten pieces of kingly soldiers, plus other training resources to trade with you. "

"Fat fat man, do you want to grab business!" Luna could not help scolding.

"I emphasize again, yours is not called business, it's called robbing! Please don't insult the word business!" The fat man has no fear of Luna.

"Fat, are you sure you want to kick in?" Testo's face was also slightly ill.

"I'm a businessman. I have a good business door, and I have no reason to miss it!" Even when he met Taisto, the fat man didn't relax.

In addition to the people of the first-class plane, other planes, including all the strongmen of the second-level plane, were suddenly curious about the identity of the fat man.

Tiesto and Luna are the top two superpowers on their taboo list, but the fat man in front of him dare to challenge the two head-on, which is a bit strange.

Even Guding was slightly surprised.

"This fat man hides his identity, and I can't find relevant information." The voice of the sea emperor passed into the ears of Guding and others.

"If I guessed right, this fat man should be a member of the Qian family." Elizabeth suddenly said, "I had some dealings with the Qian family in my previous life. He gave me the feeling that it was a bit like the old Qian family I knew."

"Qian Family? There are many such families in the Chaos Universe?" Gu Ding couldn't help asking.

"There are not many, except for the five emperors, there are not many people who can be called a family. In my era, there were more than 300. The Qian family in my era was the top ten in the human camp except the five emperors. One of the two families is also the family with the most financial resources. Their family, at that time, controlled more than 50% of the entire chaotic universe, and no one was willing to provoke it. "

"In fact, all ancestral families are not weak as a whole, because the families that can be called a family are at least in charge of a first-class plane. Some powerful families are even in charge of dozens of first-class planes and other ranks. There are countless planes. Like the Qian family, at that time, I was in charge of more than 20 first-class planes, more than 120 second-class planes, and more third-class and fourth-class planes. "

"What a terrifying force ..." Liliat could not help sighing.

"A top family like the Qian family, in terms of overall strength, is not much weaker than a five-star shrine like the True King's Palace. The people of Taisto and Luna should be super demon from the five-star shrine, which can make them There are only scruples of top clan and emperor people. "Elizabeth's analysis made her more and more convinced her of the status of a fat man.

"How is it, Guding, are you interested in trading with me?" The fat man looked at Guding again. He smiled and thought Guding should be emotional. "Although the result of the transaction with me is definitely not as good as the auction, it is always better than being robbed and eventually getting nothing."

"Fat man, thank you for your kindness." Gu Ding's reply made the expression on the fat man's face awkward.

I don't know if it was because Guding called him fat, or because Guding rejected his deal.

"Do you think the conditions are not rich enough?" The fat man still intends to fight for it ~ ~ By the way, I call a lot of money. "

Hearing that the fat man reported his name, the people present suddenly knew his identity, and also understood why he dared to resist the strong and tai-hard guys such as Taisto and Luna.

"Sure enough!" The guess about Elizabeth was also confirmed.

"Sorry, I didn't intend to sell that page of the wordless book from the beginning. I don't know where Mr. Taisto and Miss Luna got the news that I want to sell the wordless book." Guding said calmly. I glanced at the two of them.

"It turned out to be this way, forgive me for taking the liberty. I saw them fighting for it, and I really thought you planned to sell it." Qian Duoduo's eyeballs turned around diligently, and only a moment spread his hands and smiled. He seems to intend to withdraw from the competition. He also glanced at Tasto and Luna, observing their reactions.

Both Tiesto and Luna did not look good, nor did they expect Gooding to dare to refuse so directly.

Just when the atmosphere at the scene was embarrassed, a shock suddenly came from the ground ... (to be continued.)

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