The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1308: Liliat's Tucao attack

Inside the hall, an originally harmonious atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Testo, Luna, and Argus, all of them have a good look.

"Whether we can leave safely, it's not up to you to decide!" Liliat stood up. "The rules that come and go, even the three-year-old understands. If the five of you don't understand, go home and eat more nuts." Make up the brain. "

Liliat's remarks made many present laugh secretly.

"This red-haired sister's mouth is so powerful!" Luna smiled with her hand covering her mouth.

The five people were ashamed, and as soon as they came up, their IQ was mocked by a woman.

"Who said that this is a first-come-first-served rule ?! Let's grab your place, what can you do ?!" A man sorted his emotions a little and then retorted.

"Since it's not a first-come-first-served rule, why do you rob us? Why don't you rob Taisto and Argus? Or do you think women are bullying? Or, are you the kind of perverted man who beats his wife every day at home? I think women are so bully! "Liliat continued to give Wuren an odd charge.

Hearing this, Luna started to feel a little unhappy. "Hey, you five, if you want to bully a woman, why don't you try me! And, if I really know, who beats his wife at home, the old lady definitely castrated him!" !!! "

After speaking, the threatening eyes glanced at the five people.

Seeing her eyes, the five couldn't help but shivered. They knew that even if they joined forces, they wouldn't be Luna's opponents.

"Hey, don't talk nonsense, I never beat my wife, but I was beaten every day by my wife ..." A middle-aged man quickly explained, but he just realized that he shouldn't say what he said. thing.

Many people present laughed.

"Huh, it turns out that you have such a special hobby of being beaten by your wife every day." Liliat continued to ridicule.

The eyes of others looked strange to him, and the three people next stepped back two steps, keeping a certain distance from him.

"No, I am ..." The middle-aged man wanted to explain, but the more he found himself entangled in this topic, the more he could not tell.

"Don't fight with this little girl!" A young man next to the horse tail blocked.

Liliat looked at the ponytail man up and down, and then spoke calmly again, "I have seen a study before, saying that men who like to wear braids, in fact, the subconscious mind in their hearts hopes to be a woman. And, this type of man, there are There is a great chance that they are eager to be conquered by other men. "

The other four people immediately quit a few meters away when they heard these words, and looked at the horsetail man with vigilant eyes.

The green muscles on the forehead of Ma Wei's youth were exposed, and Liliat's language attack had made him about to run away.

"It turns out there is such a saying. It seems that I will see the braided man farther away in the future." Taisto murmured to himself.

"Hey, don't count!" A man wearing a characteristic ethnic robe yelled at the ponytail.

"By the way, I remember that the study also said that men who like to wear skirts are more likely to like men than braids!" Liliat continued to attack.

"It's not a skirt ..." The robe man cried almost.

"It's not a skirt yet? Where is the ordinary gown with such a corset, and it's also colorful, and the skirt swells up in the wind. You can wear a underwear with a more normal color, even if you don't wear it, it is better than the current one * There are a lot of interesting panties. "Liliat vomited again and again, making the robe man vomit blood.

After talking about the robe, Liliat's eyes fell on the remaining two.

The two looked at Liliat's gaze slightly.

"Hey, you, deliberately pretend to wipe your sweat and cover your face with your sleeves, do you think I can't see you?" Liliat pointed to one of them.

"With this hairstyle, do you think you are a flamingo? You are wearing all kinds of messy things, even if you don't wear nothing, you are 800 times better than you are now! I know you definitely do n’t have a wife! A woman likes a man who looks bad, not a man who is completely bad like you. Even if it grows bad, can you change your ugly hairstyle? There is that clothes that have been touched by ghosts. "

The cockscomb man burst into tears when Liliat sprayed something.

He was relieved to see Liliat's eyes shifted to another person.

"You ..." Liliat looked up and down the handsome man, and then snorted coldly, "I'm too lazy to waste saliva on you!"

The handsome man wiped the sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand, and he escaped.

Others also glanced at the handsome man, and many people secretly said, "It seems that looking good looks is indeed an advantage!"

Taisto glanced at Liliat with some fear, and secretly said, "It seems that some women are really not tempted ..."

"Fortunately, all of them were recorded secretly just now. Some classic sentences are really worth remembering, and they will be used on others in the future!" Luna's glance at Liliat was shining, which was a burning admiration.

"Hey, woman, have you said enough?" The cockscomb that Liliat said had been broken before looked at her with a murderous face. "Enough talk, let me die!"

The two order gods of the cockscomb chain turned into two giant pythons and attacked towards Lilia.

Just then, a giant blade came across from another direction, completely blocking his attack.

The shot was awesome from Bigin Pirates.

"Mike, here you are!"

Bigger confessed to Michael, and appeared in front of Liliat, stopping her behind him.

"The knife technique is not bad, but I will let you know that the gap between the one-star lord and the two-star lord is not something you can overcome!" What are you doing?

The other four then reacted and immediately joined the battle.

The sea emperor stopped one person, and Elizabeth also stopped one person, and the remaining two were stopped by Bekaa and Liliat.

At the suggestion of Gooding, Docot and Fatt did not join the battle temporarily to prevent any accidental changes.

To the surprise of Taisto and Luna, Bigger, Elizabeth and the Sea Emperor, when facing the two-star lord, did not fall off at all. Although Bekaa was suppressed, he was still at ease, and there would be no problems in a short time. Only Liliat was slightly embarrassed. After all, she was not a melee strong, and she seemed to be intentionally weak.

"Women, it seems that you just have a bad mouth." The ponytail looked at Liliat with a disdainful face.

Liliat sneered ~ ~ Hitomi suddenly started, and the horsetail man's movements stopped instantly.

A chain of **** gods of order stretched out from Liliat's hands and quickly twisted the ponytail. Just a moment, he completely wrapped the horsetail man, like a giant **** cocoon.

After a while, there was a terrible howl in the blood-colored giant cocoon, and then a scarlet blood penetrated from all sides of the blood cocoon and flowed to the ground.

The wailing continued for a while and then came to an abrupt halt, so Liliat withdrew the chain of order, revealing the appearance of a male ponytail inside.

His death was so terrifying that he used his own hands to tear himself in half ...

All the people present were staring at Liliat's eyes.

Let me talk about it here. There is absolutely no scientific basis for the section of wearing pigtails and wearing a skirt. It was written according to Lilyat ’s poisonous tongue. Please do not discriminate against men with braids and skirts in life (.)

(Enlightenment Book Net)

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