The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1312: This is our booty

Mi Ke reveals the secrets inside the body of the Shiren warlord, but faces a dilemma. [(? [? [

There are only three ways to completely solve such things as puppets.

One is to cut the whole puppet into inoperable fragments, so that it completely loses its working function.

One is to directly destroy the console in the body, which is equivalent to destroying the puppet's brain.

Another is to destroy the energy source and make it lose its energy support. But this method is dangerous, because the more powerful the puppet, the more terrifying the power of the energy source explosion.

Like puppets like stone warriors, the defense power is astonishing. More than 60 true holy king-level lords have only shot slightly wounds on their bodies. It is impossible to be completely destroyed, so the first method will not work at all.

As for the third method, everyone present will be buried, because the entire palace is closed, and once the energy source explodes, no one can escape.

The only feasible method is the second method, but this is also where Mi Ke has a headache.

In desperation, Mike told the others of the Guding Pirates about his current voice, and wanted to see if there was any good way for everyone, although he had no hope.

But after a while, Elizabeth's voice reached everyone's ears.

"I have seen this puppet craft. The energy source that supports the body's operation is generally on the left chest, because the producers hope that the puppets they make are as fresh as people. Put the energy source on the left side, similar to There is also this kind of psychological sustenance in the human chest. "

"The placement of the control board is different. At the beginning of this puppet, many manufacturers put the control board in the head. Later, once the head is cut off, the puppet completely loses its ability to operate. So Later, the manufacturer changed the position of the control board, many used to put it on the spine, because the space is relatively large. There is also a part on the right chest, and also on the abdomen. Even some unique manufacturers will use The control board is placed on the hips ... "

"This puppet, the control board must be on the right chest! However, according to the defense and body shape of this thing, we attacked his right chest with all our strength. I am afraid that it may not be possible to grind a hole in a few days ... "

Elizabeth gave a very definite answer, but raised a new question.

"This thing is comparable in strength to the late Nine Star Lords, but it has stronger defensive power. Although it is not as good as the True King, it is probably stronger than the Nine Star Lord level bodybuilding. And his body is huge, and the stone defense layer on his chest is at least. It's two or three meters thick. Even my attack can only barely leave a one or two millimeters of shallow marks on his body, let alone others. And the most terrible thing is that his body has been repairing itself. The scars we left disappeared in an instant. Not to mention a few days, even a few months will not make a hole. "Guding quickly said the cruel fact.

"We don't necessarily need to dig a hole!" At this time, the sea emperor's voice suddenly sounded. "If you just want to destroy his control panel, the method is actually very simple, just give me a few minutes."

After finishing his speech, the Sea Emperor took the initiative to withdraw from the battle and took a bunch of parts in the distance to start assembling. Soon, a barrel over one meter long was produced.

The sea emperor handed the barrel to Liliat, "This is the electromagnetic pulse gun I made. The pulse strength can penetrate into his chest and directly affect the burnt his console. Aim at his right chest to shoot, do n’t Spread to the energy source on the left. "

Lilia nodded her head, took the pulse cannon from the sea emperor, carried it on her shoulder, and then shouted at Guding and Taisto and others, "Hurry up!"

Although Taisto and Luna did not know what was born, they saw Guding's body retreat, and they immediately retreated.

At this time, a white awn rose into the sky like a spear, nailed to the right chest of the stone warrior. Then it penetrated through his chest and penetrated through his back.

Everyone was stunned, and many people turned to look at Liliat.

"What weapon is this?" Many people raised the same question almost at the same time.

After a while, Shiren Zhan suddenly stopped his body and closed his eyes completely, as if he had lost his vitality.

As soon as Liliat turned off the pulse cannon, the sea emperor appeared in front of the stone man's chest, and put a hand on his right chest.

"what are you doing?!"

Taisto screamed and was about to make a shot, but saw Gooding appearing behind the sea emperor, stopping him behind him.

"This puppet is what we solved, it's our spoils!" Gu Ding said indifferently.

He is now under the status of the Dragon Seal, and he is only one lesser than Taistoxiu. His combat power is similar, and he will naturally not fear the other side.

"Testo, people make sense. If it were not for them, we might have to fold it here today! Do n’t forget, the Dragon Blessing has a time limit, and that puppet ’s energy source can at least support him. It has been in operation for several years or even decades. "Qianduo is also helping Guding to speak.

"This thing is indeed their loot, I have no opinion." Luna spread her hands.

Testo glanced at Luna, frowning slightly, and hesitated after a while. One is because the puppets were solved by Guding, and he did lose money. The other is that Guding is not weaker than himself in this state.

The Stone Man War will be solved, and the originally closed gate of the palace will be opened again.

In addition to the opening of the passages around, there was a passage leading to the underground where the stone warrior originally stood.

Seeing such a passage, Guding frowned slightly, which reminded him of his experience in the Netherworld.

"It seems that we are now on the top floor, and there should still be a treasure!" Qian Duoduo saw the passage and smiled with joy.

Most of the people on the scene also already know that ~ ~ The side hall has been emptied long ago, and many people are directly heading towards the underground passage, and the money is no exception.

Taisto glanced at the stone puppet, and after all, he did not engage with Guding, but followed the crowd into the underground passage.

Guding, they are waiting for the sea emperor to be busy in the same place.

After about two or three minutes, Shiren Zhan suddenly opened his eyes again.

Guding immediately put on a defensive posture, but the sea emperor said, "It's okay, it's my initial control of this puppet. Unfortunately, the console was destroyed by the pulse so thoroughly that I can only do a preliminary repair in a short time Puppets now only have the functions of the first level, and their strength is greatly reduced than just now. "

After the sea emperor finished speaking, he put the puppet into his storage space.

"No matter how few functions, being a meat shield is enough!" Liliat couldn't help vomiting.

"Let's go to the next level, there should be more treasures in the next level!" Guding waved at the crowd. (To be continued.) 8

(Enlightenment Book Net)

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