The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1315: The most annoying thing in summer is the mosquito

At the location of the dome, a cloud of black mist floated over it, covering most of the dome.

At the edge of the black mist, the mist is thin, Guding they vaguely saw white eggs hanging on the dome, it seems to be breeding something.

Others didn't quite understand what the black mist was, but Guding frowned slightly.

He felt that the black mist here was the same substance as the pool water he had previously collected from the blood pool. Perhaps it was only from different sources, so it showed different colors and states.

The white eggs, in Guding's opinion, are very likely to be similar to the living body of the blood toad. Combining the corpses that he had just seen along the way, Guding was quite convinced that there was an unknown danger in this dark mist.

He passed on his conjecture to everyone present, and did not even conceal Qian Duoduo and his party.

"If Guding your guess is right, then we should leave this area as soon as possible," the sea emperor reminded.

"Guding is the head of the house, I also think we should leave as soon as possible, it is better to catch up with them."

Although Qianduo was brave, he did not want to provoke the monsters and monsters here. He came in this Qianlong Palace to seek opportunity, but not to find death. No matter how many treasures he has, the quality is high, and the quantity is limited, he is naturally unwilling to waste it.

Guding had a lesson from the blood pool and no plans to charge the black mist. He nodded and agreed to leave.

Two groups of people quietly stepped into the void and retreated towards the exit of this hall, while watching the sky above the dome with vigilance, fearing that something might come out of the dark mist.

Just as a group of people were about to retreat to the exit, the crowd heard a wailing wailing not far from the exit, but for a moment, the screaming stopped abruptly.

There wasn't much meeting, and a buzzing sound came, and the sound was like some insects shaking their wings at high frequencies.

At this time, everyone had reached the exit position, and their expressions were not very good-looking. They knew that there seemed to be something approaching in this direction outside the exit, but they could not retreat. Once back, it may cause more trouble.

Soon, the hum was getting closer and closer, and a bug over two meters long appeared at the exit in front of everyone.

The worm was full of blood, with black patterns on its body, and it looked like a mosquito magnified many times. The biggest difference with mosquitoes is that its mouthparts have nine straws.

The mosquito fluttered its wings just in front of everyone. When he saw the crowd, it was obviously stunned, but soon his eyes turned red, and the nine straws of the mouthparts turned into nine long whips, which were shot toward the group of people.

Bigger and others immediately opened the Dragon Seal to fight with the strongest moves.

Gooding greeted him towards the other party. He knew that the thing in front of him must be solved as soon as possible, otherwise it would cause great trouble.

Grabbed a mouthpiece and was about to pull it off, but Guding's face changed, because he felt that the energy of qi and blood in his body was being quickly absorbed, and even the soul power was being lost to a small extent.

Guding instantly understood what happened to the corpse he had encountered before, and he immediately said to the others, "Don't touch its mouthpiece!"

But when Guding said this, it was a little late, and a lot of money and one of his men were entangled in his wrists.

Guding's brow furrowed again, and suddenly violently broke a mouthpiece, black blood spewed from the broken place, and the giant mosquito also made a wailing noise.

The sound it makes is like the screams known in the summer, but the sound is sharper, louder, and harsher.

This scream made Guding secretly bad.

His body hurried towards the giant mosquito, and a white bone blade chopped the giant mosquito's head without reservation.

Only a moment, a cold black blade cut out. At first it was just a tiny crack in the body of the giant mosquito from the forehead to the tail.

The giant mosquito made another crying cry, this time the screaming was more intense than before, but it suddenly stopped. After a while, the rift exploded completely, and the black blood burst to the ground.

The mouthpart that attacked other people finally collapsed and shrank like a withered plant.


Without waiting for more money to react, Guding grabbed him and his men and ran away with a group of people.

They had just moved, and there was a sudden shock in the black mist in the hall. Hundreds of blood-colored giant mosquitoes emerged from the black mist and followed the passage toward several people.

"A lot of mosquitoes came up from the black mist!" The sea emperor's voice suddenly came.

"That worm in the dark mist!"

Guding frowned slightly. The mosquito that he just killed was of the seven-star lord level. This shows that other mosquitoes should also be at this level, just like the toads in the blood pool before.

While Bigger, Liliat and others, Long Yin's cultivation bonus is only five small ranks. Even if the Dragon Seal is activated, Xiuwei can only be promoted to the mid-term of the Samsung Lord, and the fighting strength will reach the Six-Star Lord. When he meets the opponent of the Seven-Star Lord, he can't resist for too long. Not to mention that the large number of seven-star lord alien beasts now possess strange and insane means of attack.

Throwing a lot of money and another person to Bigger, Gooding said to everyone, "You go first, stop at a safe place, I will stop these mosquitoes!"

If you change to usual, everyone will worry about Guding, but not long ago I saw Guding's performance in the blood pool, everyone has a new estimate of Guding's strength, and no longer doubts his ability.

A group of people crossed Guding and continued to gallop toward the front.

Guding stayed in place, and stood alone in the promenade.

Listening to the buzzing sound, Guding stretched out into the void, "Mirror order!"

A layer of invisible mirror is condensed again, while Guding is standing still and waiting patiently.

Without much meeting, the swarming mosquitoes chased up and saw Guding in front of him, immediately launched an attack.

A mouthpiece spewed out like a tide, filling the corridor in an instant.

But in the next moment, the wretched screams continued.

Gu Ding's lips turned slightly, "I used to hate mosquitoes in the summer on Ocean Blue Stars!"

Throwing this sentence away, Gu Ding went away, leaving only mosquito corpses on the floor, even if a few did not die, but fell into an extremely weak state, unable to move.

There aren't too many meetings ~ ~ Gooding has caught up with Liliat and others.

"Just take a break in this corridor, and add the energy loss just now!" Gooding said with money.

The two nodded, and the group stopped, waiting for their repair.

The two took the medicine and started to adjust their interest rates. After about three or four minutes, the two stood up one after another.

"Guding is in charge, it's okay, let's move on!" Qian Duoduo nodded at Guding.

The group continued along the promenade.

"What the **** is this floor, have already passed two halls, and none of the secret treasure's hair has been seen. They have been chased by various monsters ... Testo they don't know where to go ... ... "Qianduo couldn't help complaining.

"There is an exit in front!"

In order to cope with the situation of the situation, Guding's black pupil has always been open, and he saw another exit at the end of the promenade not far in front. (To be continued.)

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