The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1326: Prestige of War Spirit

Under normal circumstances, the seven-star lord smelts seven chains of order to achieve the virtual king, or the nine-star lord smelts nine chains of order to achieve the true king. It is necessary to make sufficient preparations in advance, it takes several days, or even ten days to complete the smelting, and the chance of smelting failure is extremely high.

Not to mention, smelting the chain of order in other circumstances is almost impossible to succeed.

But at this time, Guding's war spirit succeeded in doing so under the eyes of everyone, and it took less than one ten thousandth of a second.

"This kid must have the smelting secrets of the chain of order gods!" Testo immediately realized this.

"It's just that he has smelted the chain of order now, and when he is promoted to the real king realm, won't there be other changes?" Taisto had a lot of thoughts in his mind for a moment. It looks like, and would rather use this secret method than activate the Dragon Seal. Guding ca n’t break his own way because of the conflict of will. Perhaps it ’s just that I think too much. The use of this secret method will not affect subsequent promotion ...

In the void, the three chains of order condensed into a black dragon, as if a real dragon came, carrying endless dragon power.

This is the effect of the chain of order gods, but as long as it is condensed, it can have what kind of effect.

However, if you want to condense into living things, you need to have enough knowledge of living things to be able to condense and live. Therefore, most of the lords will only condense the chain of order gods into the battle of the gods, and very little condensed living creatures.

The strong people who condense the order **** chain into living creatures usually have carefully observed all kinds of powerful fierce birds, foreign beasts, demon, understand their fighting methods, and then visualized through the order **** chain, giving the order **** chain the corresponding vitality". If the understanding is not deep enough, the living creatures simulated by the imagination will have a lack of spirituality, which is not as good as condensing the magical soldiers.

However, this black dragon condensed by the war spirits is like a living creature.

One reason is that he has a chain of order gods made of complete dragon bones, and there is a large amount of dragon family breath remaining. There is another reason, because Gu Ding inherited Long Ao's heritage, gained a lot of memory about the Dragon Clan, and the understanding of the Dragon Clan has reached a terrible situation. Thinking about the Dragon tribe comes naturally with no effort.

The black dragon in the void even reveals spiritual glory in his eyes.

Seeing the four giant swords slashing, he opened his mouth wide, and a terrifying swallowing force was transmitted from his body.

The four great swords seem to deviate from the original attack trajectory uncontrollably and cut in the direction of the black dragon.

Argus sensed the anomaly and wanted to control the change of the Great Sword, but found that he completely lost control of the Great Sword.

I could only watch the four giant swords shrink and shrink, and finally fell into the big mouth of the black dragon, and even the slashed swords were completely swallowed.

Argus' expression was blank, and he couldn't believe the facts before him.

Others noticed that Black Dragon's big mouth moved slightly, as if chewing something.

After a moment, Argus spit out blood, and his breath faded quickly. Not only was Dragon Seal completely dimmed, but his cultivation behavior actually fell from the Four Star Lord and returned to the Samsung Lord.

When everyone felt surprised, his cultivation behavior continued to fall, from the Samsung lord to the two-star lord, and then to the one-star lord, and finally backed to the complete state of the master **** before he could stop.

Many people were stunned, not knowing what happened.

A few people guessed the truth and looked at the black dragon's mouth.

Sure enough, without too much meeting, the black dragon spit out the remains of his shredded chain of order chain from his mouth. It has not directly engulfed other chains of order, it can only be broken.

Argus lost four chains of order, the power of order in his body collapsed, and Cultivation naturally returned to the perfection of the main god.

"My cultivation is ..."

Argus was stupefied. He couldn't believe it. He spent a year and used countless resources to build up his practice. He turned back to the original point overnight.

He raised his head and looked at Guding angrily, "It's all you! When I return to the chaotic universe, I won't let you go !!!"

Having said that, he was going to shatter the dragon seal, let himself out, and not allow Gooding to gain merit.

But at this moment, a voice came from before him, "You are too slow!"

When the words fell, Argus saw that Guding had appeared in front of him less than a meter away.

He felt a pain in his left shoulder, and then saw his left arm detached from his body and fell into Guding's hand.

Guding took off the storage ring on his broken arm, then looked up at Argus, "Now, I can send you out!"

Argus watched Gooding slowly walk towards himself, pointing at his forehead, but his body seemed to be frozen, too late to dodge or even defend.

Then he watched Guding's finger fall on his eyebrow, and then it was dark.

Others saw this scene as unbelievable, because they saw Guding's movements too slow, but Argus' movements seemed to be slower, and he didn't avoid the attack that was clearly observable by the naked eye.

Many people felt puzzled, and only a few strong men were horrified.

They could see that Guding's blow just now contained the order of time. It wasn't that Guding and Argus' movements were slowed down, but that the time around the whole area felt slowed down.

"It's a terrible guy ..." Taisto's eyes looked at Guding with fear.

Gu Ding converged the magical powers of war, and turned to walk towards the Hall of Merit again.

When he walked to Taisto, Taisto couldn't help but ask, "Why didn't you just use the Dragon Seal to crush him directly? If you activate the Dragon Seal, your cultivation will directly raise the three realms, and the corresponding willpower will also Upgrade, the war spirit will be stronger! "

"I accept his challenge for two reasons. One is interested in his merits and storage rings, but this is not the main reason ~ ~ The main reason is that my big will warrior has just practiced You are successful. I want to find someone to try the actual combat effect, and it happens that he sent it to the door again. "

Hearing this explanation, Taisto was cold and sweating, and clearly he was the one who challenged before Argus, and he almost became the target of Guding's trial.

"That ... the war contract I just made, can you cancel it?"

This sentence was asked by Texo. He didn't want to be abused by Guding in front of so many people. Having just watched the battle between the two, he knew that he was better than Argus, but it was only one or two small steps. As long as Guding Dragon Seal and War Spirits come out together, you can crush yourself with one move, there is no need to compare.

"Yes, I have already seen the effect of the trial move. I guess I only use War Spirits, and I should not win you without activating the Dragon Seal, but there is not much suspense when activating the Dragon Seal ... You and I can predict the outcome of the first battle, no It ’s too big to waste time and energy. ”Guding nodded and agreed.

"Let's go to exchange for treasures. With your current merits, you should be able to exchange a lot of good things!" Taisto was relieved when Guding agreed to come down.

Guding nodded and jumped into the hall of merit. (To be continued.)

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