The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1343: Would rather kill the wrong than let it go!

Bandit's reaction was beyond everyone's expectations.

Originally, Zell thought that Bandit would use all kinds of sophistry to excuse his younger brother, so he didn't say anything as soon as he opened the scene and directly played video projections. These videos and other materials are solid evidence. As the videos and various materials are played, the brothers will become more and more powerless.

In this case, you don't need to spend much time on it, you can let Bandit have nothing to say, and then severely punish Hester.

Unexpectedly, Bandit didn't take the usual path as soon as he came up. As soon as the first video evidence was opened, he pulled Hester and pleaded guilty. Moreover, Bandit's confession directly tied himself and Hester together.

He said that very clearly. You are going to kill my brother, even me.

Zell rubbed his temples with a headache, and most of the elders frowned. Only the deputy patriarch and the three veterans could not see the sorrow and joy. The four of them stood firmly behind Bandit. There are many things that they have known for a long time, and they also pressed down.

"Bandit, this matter has little to do with you. Heist's actions, you don't know. You don't need to punish him even if you are not strict with the care." Deputy Chief Obli After a long silence, he finally spoke, and he didn't want Bandit, who was raised by one hand, to be implicated in this matter.

Hester's actions have indeed seriously damaged the reputation and face of the family, which has broken the bottom line that the family can tolerate. Aubrey intends to abandon Heist and try his best to keep Bandit. And Bandit did have nothing to do with these things Heist did, and it was easy to pick them out.

"Bandit, the deputy patriarch is right. We know that you love your brother, but he is an adult, and he should bear the responsibility when he makes a mistake. It is not a good thing for him to favor him like this every time." The elders who supported Bandit also spoke to the deputy chief.

Bandit was silent for a while, and spoke again.

"The patriarch, the deputy patriarch, and the elders. Everyone in the tribe knows that I and Hester's parents died early. He grew up with me. I am his brother, and I can also be said to be his parents. . And I often retreat to practice, or go out to go to the ruins of the secret realm, neglect him, and make him the way he is now. "

"I also know that Heist made many mistakes, and all the elders in the family cared about my face and helped me conceal it and suppressed it. Here, I must tell you all the elders of Heist in the past. Sorry. "

Speaking of which, Bandit took Heist a few more heads. Then he looked up and went on.

"I know that this time Heist made an unforgivable big mistake, otherwise it would not disturb the two patriarchs and the elders. I even know that if he handles it in accordance with family rules, Hester will be sentenced to death this time Ever. "

"Although I know this, I also have selfishness. He is my only loved one. I cannot watch him punished. So, I choose to be punished with him. Whether it is imprisonment in death prison or abolition of cultivation, Evicted from the family, or the death penalty ... I am willing to accept him with no complaints! "

"You idiot ..." Deputy Chief Obley shook his head and sighed. He knew that Bandit's idea had been decided and could not be changed. "Patriarch, this child is stubborn. It is better to deal with this matter leniently. If we force Hester to death, this child may not live alone ..."

Zell frowned, and Bandit was a junior after all, he didn't have much contact on weekdays. I only know that he has an amazing talent, an arrogant temper, and extremely short-term protection for his brother. Apart from that, there are no other shortcomings. Unexpectedly, he was so stubborn.

Heist committed a serious crime. Under normal circumstances, according to the family rules, it was indeed one of the three treatment methods that Bandit just said. Either permanent imprisonment, the door should be abolished and repaired to evict the ethnic group, or the death penalty.

But in any of these three ways to deal with Hester, Bandit may punish himself. In this way, the most outstanding demon in the family for hundreds of centuries is abolished.

This is what makes Zell very headache.

"Patriarch, there is an exchange game at the end of the year ... It is better to wait for the exchange game to do it." A veteran suddenly heard the voice.

"Exchange game ..." Zell frowned more tightly.

The so-called exchange competitions are organized by the top 12 family members. Once every 100 years, hundreds of family forces select the younger generations to participate in the competitive events of the real king. Sometimes the imperial family will also participate. In the past years, the performance of the Robb family was very poor, and they had to ask foreign aid from the extraordinary list to barely keep the bottom position of the top family, which has always been ridiculed.

This generation has always calculated a Bandit, the Rob family originally expected him to get a good result, but did not expect this kind of thing to happen temporarily. Today, less than half a year is left for this exchange event.

After a long time, Zell finally made a decision.

"There is less than half a year, it is the exchange match. The punishment for this incident will not be formally dealt with until after the exchange match. Hester, I will spare you for this half year, if you dare to act rashly, you will be humiliated. I will kill you personally in the name of the family! "

"Yes ..." Heist said tremblingly.

"Okay, you two don't have to kneel, we have other things to discuss on our side." Zell waved his hand.

Banditla exited the meeting room respectfully with Hester.

In the conference hall, Zell remained silent for a moment, the sadness between the eyebrows did not dissipate.

"You also received this email. The sender was able to collect so much information and invaded our smart watch, which is obviously not an ordinary hacker. Fortunately, the hacker did not expose the matter for the time being, but it does not mean He will not expose this. Once things are exposed, the consequences will be disastrous. My Rob family may be difficult to gain a foothold in the family in the future. "

The deputy patriarch Obri was also not very good-looking, "These materials have only been sent to fourteen of us, the family juniors, all levels of executives and deacons have not received it. I just don't know what the purpose of the sender is. "

"There are two possibilities, one is extortion, and the other is that you can't look at it before you intervene. There is no unclean purpose. However, now this year, the latter is unlikely." A veteran said.

"No matter what the purpose is, find the sender, kill the sender, and clean up the traces, so that the future will be permanent. Otherwise, there will always be a handle in that person's hand." The elder Nyn is standing firmly behind Bandit supporter.

Without him at ~ ~ The deputy patriarch alone is not enough to give Bandit the kind of influence it has today.

"Elder veteran, your solution can indeed prevent future troubles. But in case we can't find the sender? My smart watch is almost the highest level of authority in the entire chaotic universe, or is it easily taken by the other party Take control. This level of hackers, I am afraid that the entire chaotic universe is one of the few. In turn, to find the sender, it is almost a needle in a haystack. "Patriarch Zell does not think this method works.

"It's better to kill the wrong than to let it go! Rank the top 50 of the Chaos Universe, no, all the top 100 hackers! Kill this thing completely!" Nian's eyes were full of killing intentions.

"It's too ..." Zell clearly thinks this method is undesirable.

"Do you have any other better way ?! Or wait for the other party to expose the matter, the whole family has no place in the family, and then come to clean up the mess ?!" The elder Nion glared at Zell In the past, "someone who is a big event is not inconspicuous, for the family, some things can't be right or wrong!"

"Then do what the elders said ..." Zell was silent for a long time, the expression on his face was full of frustration, the whole body was paralyzed on the chair, nodding weakly. (To be continued.)

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