The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1376: Michael's eyes

Mi Ke has a pair of big light blue eyes, as clear as the sky when the cloudless star is clear and cloudless.

But such a pair of beautiful eyes was born blind, abandoned by their parents, and became orphans.

Fortunately, he luckily met Mi Xue and raised him.

Mi Ke started from a young age, the biggest dream is to be able to restore vision, to see what the world looks like. He wanted to know what color the flower was, what color the grass was, what color the sky ... Because of all this, he had never seen it with his own eyes.

Later, he left Mi Xue and joined the Guding Pirates. Every time no matter what type of ruins and secrets, Mi Kexian, his own safety always always worried Guding most. Even if his strength has risen, this worry has not weakened much. This also makes his thoughts about restoring vision more urgent, because only by restoring vision can he not drag everyone's hind legs and keep everyone from worrying.

Entering the chaotic universe, Mi Ke knew that the sea emperor spent a lot of time collecting many materials, and finally chose the Hejia family, because according to his calculations, this family has the highest probability of healing his blindness, which also made him ignite Hope.

"I hope it can be cured ..."

More than half a month later, the veterans of the Hejia family's most skilled medicine have been busy. Mi Ke's illness is very special, there is no ready-made treatment, they can only continue to experiment according to their own ideas, hoping to find a solution.

On this day, the stupid two veterans summoned several other veterans together.

"Second child, has your experiment progressed?" The other veterans asked.

"No, I have been studying at the soul level for the past few days, and suddenly I have a new idea. I called everyone to come over and I want to hear your opinions and see if this idea will work." Shaking his head, his experiment did not make much progress, so he has been considering other directions.

"Let's hear it!" Grand Elder nodded.

"Have you ever thought about it, in fact, this symptom of Mi Ke can have a similar effect if it is sealed with a soul." The second veteran finished his voice and said, "I have tried to use the soul secret method to transfer a pig to a beast Her soul sealed her eyesight, and as a result, showed the same symptoms as Michael. The pig ’s eyeball did not undergo any changes, but it also lost its visual ability. "

The second veteran said, waving a long sleeve, released a pig.

The pig is fat and has big ears and weighs at least four or five hundred pounds. It walks on the road but crooked. It can't see any obstacles until it hits its body.

The elder reached out his hand and banned the hog beast. The hog fell immediately to the ground with stiff limbs, but he still hummed in his mouth, seeming to be frightened by the unknown future.

Several veterans gathered around and began to examine the eyes of the pig.

After a while, they each returned to their original positions.

"The symptoms are indeed consistent with Mickey's. There are no problems with the eyeballs, and the optic nerves are intact, but there is no visual ability." The black-faced three-year-old veteran said, "It's just that we checked Mickey's soul many times and did not There are any signs of being sealed. Although the symptoms are similar, but the cause of the disease is not the same, second child, I think your idea is not indicative. "

"Third, listen to me first. Of course I know that Mick ’s soul has no signs of being sealed. But, can we consider that his soul is actually congenitally sealed? I remember in ancient times, there was a This kind of fish called golden carp, the soul is congenitally sealed, and it is no different from ordinary fish. But once it crosses the ancient dragon gate, the soul seal is unlocked, and the soul will instantly transform into a golden dragon, which will be completely different. The creatures. "The two elders put forward their complete vision.

"The second son, you mean ... stimulating Michael's soul transformation, it may be able to open his soul's eyes ?!" Grand Elder immediately understood the idea of ​​the second elder.

"Yes, this is my guess, I think I can give it a try." Er Yuan nodded.

"I think it's feasible." The grand elder was very open and gave a supportive attitude.

"Now there is little progress in other methods, but this can be tried." San Yuan Lao also nodded.

"I agree."

"I have no opinion."

The 4th and 5th veterans also agreed.

"Soul awakening drugs, currently the best effect is Jue Shen Pill, which can purify the soul and exclude soul impurities. But Jue Shen Pill is a very mild drug, I estimate that the effect may not be ideal." Tao, "Do you have any other recipes to stimulate your soul?"

"If the best effect of decaying the soul is the dragon **** pill in the ancient times. It is said that it has the effect of transforming the soul into ancestors and even mutating. Unfortunately, this squad only exists in legends. Lost. "The elders sighed because they were well-informed.

"Sanqing Pill is not lost, we are lucky enough to get the fragment, but Gu Ding has a complete recipe. Maybe, Gu Ding has inherited the ancient pill Dao Tao, this dragon God Pill's recipe, he also has." The veteran raised his eyebrows.

"Then talk to Guding and see if he has this remedy in his hand." Grand Elder felt that there was little hope, but he still planned to ask Guding.

Guding was practicing with Angelina in the yard, and was surprised when he saw the five elders coming together.

Seeing the five people coming, Angelina knew that it was a matter of importance and took the initiative to withdraw from the war circle, and Guding also immediately retreated.

"Five elders, is there a way?" Gu Ding looked at the old elder with expectation.

Grand Elder patted the second elder on the shoulder, "Youngest, come on!"

The second veteran spoke his conjecture and treatment plan, and when he mentioned Dragon God Pill, all five looked at Guding.

"It only takes one dragon and magic pill to solve it ?!" Guding did not expect the conclusion reached by the last five elders to be so simple.

"According to our conjecture, there should be a high probability of success." The Great Elder nodded. "It's just that Dragon God Pill is an ancient Pill that has been lost ..."

"I have the magic formula of Dragon God Pill, and Mick's physical condition ~ ~ can't bear the magic medicine with the power of the road. Instead, I came to make it, which is the most suitable." Guding nodded, then I added two sentences, “It ’s just that the medicinal materials may need your help to prepare. There are two kinds of materials in the refining materials of the Dragon God Pill, which are extremely rare, namely, the dragon grass and the real dragon blood. I will also direct this prescription. Give it to you, you can help me gather more materials. "

"This is no problem, we will prepare some more materials for you." The elder veteran nodded quickly and exchanged some medicinal herbs for a lost ancient Danfang. This transaction was almost profitable. They also know that this is Guding deliberately making a profit, otherwise such a Danfang will go to the auction, I don't know how many pharmacists and alchemists want to break their heads.

"That ... Little Gooding, can you let me watch when you refine the Dragon Divine Pill?" The two elders suddenly made this request.

"Guding, if you can, I would like to observe one or two." San Yuan Lao said quickly.

"You can observe it, as long as you don't disturb my refining." Seeing that the great elders and the other two elders were all ready to speak, Gu Ding nodded very cheerfully. (To be continued.) 8


(Enlightenment Book Net)

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