The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1408: Gooding VS True King

Although Monix had a playful smile, he did not dare to underestimate Guding.

After all, Gooding was the man who defeated the twelfth gatekeeper. Even if he was a real king realm, he was almost killed when he challenged the twelfth gatekeeper, and Guding was only stronger.

However, he is also full of confidence in himself, because he has been growing in strength since he was promoted to the true king.

"Just be careful not to overturn the boat in the gutter ..."

Moniques also did not reserve, directly opened his own universe and enveloped the ancients.

& [猪 ^ 猪 ^ 岛 ^ novel] [www]. [Zhu] [zhudao]. [Com] nbsp; Gu Ding instantly felt unprecedented pressure, he immediately propped up his ninth order world, and merged into Dao Yun . However, under the repression of the other party's universe, the Nine-Order World seemed somewhat shaky. Although it was crumbling, it did not shatter, and it also offset most of the pressure on his body.

However, Guding's situation looks very bad. In the other party's universe, his combat power is still directly affected, and even the remaining combat power is not as good as the previous battle with the gatekeeper.

"The true king and the lord are an insurmountable chasm. No matter how evil you are, there is only one result in front of me, that is, defeat!" Monix also saw the state of Guding and was suppressed by his own universe. The breath is not even as good as the gatekeeper he encountered before.

After all, the gatekeeper is the eternal true king, there is one more chain of order, and the world of order is more stable and stronger than that of Gooding.

"If you want to fight, you don't need to talk nonsense. Now that I just have a reduced combat strength, it doesn't mean I have lost." Guding snorted.

"Okay, then let you see my true strength!" Moniques does not intend to continue to waste time. He intends to make a quick decision, because a third person may appear at any time, and it will interfere with this time. Fighting is not good.

With the rapid pinch out of the handprint, above the head of Monix's head, a golden giant bow condensed and formed, which is his form of Tao.

As soon as the Tao came out, Guding was even more repressed, and even the world of order appeared to be about to collapse.

But Guding did not concede defeat, but pinched out the Indian formula quickly.

Soon, in the void, a breath of evil spirits passed on, and a giant beast quickly formed.

The giant beast, covered with blue fur, is like human beings, with both hands and feet and feet upright. Even like humans, they have five fingers, but the nails at the end of the fingers are as sharp as military daggers, and they have one more tail than humans.

That giant beast is the most different from human beings. In addition to its size and the above points, it also has that head. His head is like that of a bird, with a long beak.

At the moment when he saw the creature, Monix froze, with a shocked expression on his face, "This is the seven deadly sins of purgatory ... gluttony ..."

"What?" Guding was surprised. He didn't know what the guy he called was, only that it was extremely powerful.

"You don't know what this thing you summoned?" Monix was a little speechless. "In the era of floods, before purgatory was not stratified, there were seven strongest rulers, called seven deadly sins. This greedy food , Is a member of the seven deadly sins ... "

Guding finally realized that what he summoned was nothing. After learning the identity of bulimia, he was not wondering why he had become a bulimia himself and was able to contend with Zulong and other wild beasts.

"However, no matter what you summon today, you can't escape the fate of North!" Although Moniques was surprised by the monster summoned by Guding, this battle did not end, and he did not think that Guding summoned it. One bulimia can change the ending.

Over the top of the head, the giant bow automatically pulled the bow string, and a rhythm of Dao condensed into the shape of an arrow, aiming at Guding.

Moniques did not intend to attack bulimia, but prepared to attack Guding directly, so as to avoid long nights.

The golden arrow quickly locked Guding and emerged.

At that moment, time and space seemed to be penetrated directly, and the arrow appeared before Guding's chest without any signs.

And just at the moment when the arrow was about to penetrate Guding's body, bulimia moved. Gooding didn't even see its movement, but it grabbed the golden arrow with one hand and blocked the blow.

"Good!" Guding could not help but exclaim.

Greedy looked down at Monix not far away, then threw the arrow in his hand into his mouth and chewed it directly. It looks like it is provoking Monix.

Moniques frowned slightly, "It's just a summon, so arrogant!"

Over the top of the head, golden arrows were successively condensed and formed. This time, nine arrows were directly used. After taking off the strings, they shot out in nine different directions and came out in different tracks. The target is still Guding.

"I don't believe it, you can still follow this way!" Monix narrowed his eyes slightly.

After a while, he saw an astonishing scene. The nine arrows did not leak. All of them were caught by gluttony and eaten as food.

"I'm so hungry, is there anything else?" Greed greeted Moniques.

Monix listened for a moment, "This summon can speak ?! Have self-awareness ?!"

Even Gu Ding felt a little surprised. Zulong, who had been summoned before, did not have such a reaction. After all, it was reincarnated by the way of death. Gooding thought that his summons were only a little smarter than undead creatures, but he did not expect to have self-awareness.

"If you don't, you can only eat you!" After the gluttony finished, he started attacking Monix directly.

Over the top of Monix's head, arrows were shot one after another, trying to force bulimia back, but to no avail, the arrow couldn't hurt bulimia at all.

"Damn monster!" Monix screamed, and entered the rhythm toward the giant bow frantically, but in an instant, thousands of arrows condensed and formed at almost the same time. The arrows poured out like a storm, like a rush of greed.

I saw that in the void, gluttony opened his mouth, revealing thousands of sharp teeth, and then a black hole condensed into his mouth, even sucking all the arrows.

This scene, seeing Guding is also stunned, as the opponent Moniques is a bit dumbfounded.

Before he could recover, the greedy body emerged, leaving a residual image in the void, but the body had already passed through Monix.

It was only a short while before Monix spurted blood, the giant bow above his head shattered, and his own body turned into two halves.

Greedy **** gripped Monix's head, just put it in his mouth to chew a few times, but found that Monix's body was automatically broken into pieces and disappeared.

The food in his mouth was not chewy, it seemed strange to bulimia, and he looked down at Monix's lower body before he saw the scene of automatic dissipation.

"Virtual world ~ ~ No wonder ..." The greedy whispered.

Guding has frowned slightly, and this summon is so smart that he knows what the virtual world is ...

Before the disappearance of gluttony, he walked to Guding, "little guy, call me out later, I am very hungry and need a lot of food to supplement."

Gooding didn't speak, just quietly watching him disappear.

In the void, the announcement sounded again.

[It is hereby announced: On the thirteenth floor of the virtual domain, Guding took the lord-level repair as the leapfrog to kill the true king! 】

This news once again spread through every layer of the virtual domain.

Guding shook his head and smiled bitterly. This battle was not really his victory. He was almost hanged from beginning to end. Only at the last moment, gluttony was summoned and then finally turned over.

Preparing to stand up and find a place to repair the injury, Guding felt a strange wave coming from his body. With a joy in his heart, he immediately exited the virtual domain ... (to be continued.)

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