The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1423: News from Tagore and Bru

Soon, three months later, the number of bones absorbed by Guding has reached saturation, and the number of stars condensed in his body is close to one thousand. Although the strength of the universe has also increased a lot, it has reached the entire universe. The limit. If you want to continue to increase the number, you can only improve the repair.

Guding put away more than the bones.

As for Liliat, they have already reached saturation and stayed only to further enhance their actual combat capabilities.

Angelina has been hunting the aliens of God Realm. The quality of her bones is very high. Although the number is much less than that of Guding, it is enough.

After the hog "pig" island "" novel on the Guding side, the crowd returned to the spaceship.

The sea emperor began to process all kinds of information for more than three months in the first time. In the cracks of time and space, the outside information was not received.

A moment later, a news caught his attention.

His face looked a little unpleasant and summoned Guding and his party.

"What happened?" Guding looked at the Emperor's expression and knew that it should not be a good thing.

The sea emperor ejected a video without a glance.

In the video, several powerful emperors respected the two beasts.

Seeing the two giant beasts, a blood-colored beast, nine long tails, and a golden fur, he was as strong as a mountain. Guding recognized them at a glance, it was Tagore and Brue!

In the video, the battle ended quickly, and the two giant beasts were quickly wounded and captured under the suppression of several emperors.

"Tagore and Bru, who were found more than three months ago, were chased and killed by an Emperor of the Sori family. I don't know what method they used to kill the Emperor. Then they were mad by the imperial family. He retaliated and escaped after being chased many times. Until half a month ago, they were arrested by the five emperors of the coalition government before they were arrested. ”After the video was finished, the sea emperor found himself and found the news. come out.

"How are they now? Where are they?" Gooding asked quickly.

"Just completed the trial a few days ago and is now on the way to Kangdam Prison."

"What is the probability of our successful prisoner robbery halfway?" Gooding asked calmly.

"If the prisoner is robbed halfway, the success rate is 0, and the five emperor respectable state powerhouses transported them. One emperor is already an unshakable existence for us." The sea emperor shook his head.

"If there are five emperor clan strongmen transported, we have no chance to start, and robbery in the middle will not work!" Mi Ke also shook his head to reject the proposal. "You can only wait for them to be sent to prison before trying to help them escape."

"What about the prison?" Gooding looked at the sea emperor.

"Condum Prison is the highest-ranking prison of the human race in the entire chaotic universe. All the criminals in it are powerful men who have mastered the avenue, ranging from the real king realm to the emperor realm. In addition to various aliens , Only the poorest and most terrible guys of the human race will be imprisoned! "

"The entire prison is under the jurisdiction of Shapad Astro, the five ancestors of the imperial family, but he basically does not appear. There are three wardens, all of whom are emperor-level powerful men of the most important realm, but usually It was three people who took turns sitting in town. There were 28 jailers in the prison, all of whom were powerful in the God Emperor Realm, and they were usually the day-to-day operations of the prison. "

"How is the internal situation of the entire prison? No one in the outside world knows clearly, and no information can be found on the Internet. Only those who have entered the prison know. So, if we want to rescue Tagore and Bru, we must have someone sneak in!"

"That's too dangerous, and if you sneak in, you won't find a way out?" Liliat frowned.

"It's not difficult to sneak in. The Astro family manages most of the Union government's prisons. Many young people in their families have to go to one of the prisons for training, which can be regarded as the family's adulthood ceremony. Astro ’s relationship, it ’s not difficult to enter Condom Prison, and it ’s easier to get out. The key is whether Guding and I can find a way to let Tagore and Brue escape from prison within a limited time, because the training time is only half a year "The Emperor felt that this time limit was a huge limitation.

"I'll go in with you!" Mi Ke suddenly said.

"No, that's a prison, not a place to play with!" Gooding refused.

"My strength is not worse than that of the Haihuang, and besides, Gudinge, you should have no problem in security." Mi Ke still insisted.

"Safety is only one issue ..." Guding frowned slightly, the harsh environment of the prison, Guding did not want Mi Ke a minor to enter.

"I know what you want to say, I am not a child anymore. Besides, Gudinge was only 16 years old when you went to prison that year. I am also 16 years old this year!" Mi Ke still insisted, "And there are The sea emperor and I joined forces, and the probability of successful escape is much higher and the efficiency is much higher! "

Gooding fell into silence, because Michael could not refute what he said.

"Let him go, he is no longer a child." Liliat patted Guding's shoulder and nodded at him. "Besides, there is nothing wrong with you."

Guding nodded and agreed, "Okay, that's settled. I, the sea emperor and Michael can sneak in, and the others are waiting for news! I'll contact the Astro family."

Mi Ke turned his head to look at the sea emperor, "I plan to keep an avatar here, and the sea emperor will keep one too!"

"Well, the daily affairs here still have to be handled. And if there is no good way to escape from here, we need to cooperate outside." The sea emperor nodded.

"If the half-year deadline is approaching, and Tagore and Brue still haven't escaped, you will leak my information and invite the alien emperor to attack Kangdam Prison!" Guding proposed a more extreme method.

"I hope things won't go there ..." The sea emperor listened to frowning slightly, this method is the next strategy. Because of one carelessness, Guding may fall, and may even join other members.

Immediately after the discussion, Guding immediately contacted the owner of the Astro family-Poros.

Seeing that the caller was Gooding, Poros knew that Gooding might be in trouble.

After the call was connected, Guding's figure was projected in front of him.

"Hello, Gooding, is there anything I need to help?"

"That's it, the Poros head. I want to borrow a few of the Astro's training places to go to the Condom Prison for a period of time." Gooding's request made Poros froze for a moment.

"There is no problem with the experience, but the Condom Prison ..." Poros frowned slightly, and he was a little embarrassed. "Can you change to a prison? I know you are a person who likes to challenge, but Kangdam Prison is really not as simple as you think ... Our Astro family had several geniuses before to enter the challenge in order to challenge the difficulty. Experienced, but no one came back alive, and then we banned family members. The outside world may not know that prison, it is not forbidden to kill each other between prisoners ... There is a guy who is locked in except the aliens. , Are some crazy people with serious psychological problems, and even some guys are more crazy than interracial ... "

"Porros, I know your good intentions, but I always like the hardest challenges. My father also taught me that I want to be the strongest person, I must learn to meet the most difficult challenges! I hope this experience Challenge, the harder the better! "Gudin moved Prometheus out ...

Poros felt trembling in his heart. Prometheus was his most admired predecessor. Moreover, these words did make sense. After hesitating for a while, he finally made a decision. . As for his disagreement, it is not up to me ... "

"Thank you, waiting for your news!"

Hanging up the call, Guding secretly rejoiced that he had passed the stage with his father's name this time. It was naturally not Prometheus' teaching.

In the fifteen years of Sea Blue Star, Prometheus taught Gooding all things of daily life, hoping that he would become an ordinary person. How could he tell him to challenge the difficulties and be the strongest.

These words are actually Guding's own philosophy of existence.

Hailanxing had a proverb before, "If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight."

It is said that if UU reads, if one wants to achieve enough achievements, one must cope with the challenges brought about by such achievements.

Guding has always felt that this proverb makes sense.

The next day, Gooding received a message from Poros early in the morning and agreed to his request.

What Guding did not know was that after Poros contacted the ancestor, the ancestor also thought that Guding's request was a bit strange, and he specifically asked the old lady to talk about it. Although the old lady of Gu family also felt strange, but knowing that Gu Ding had this request, there must be a reason for him, and did not think much about it, so the ancestor of the Astro family agreed.

After receiving a reply from Poros, Guding immediately summoned the others in the pirate group and began to prepare for the next thing ...


[Probably because of continuous insomnia in the past few days. I haven't taken a rest. I haven't been in a good state these days. The manuscript was written slowly. Today is especially absent. This chapter has been written for more than four hours, starting at more than six o'clock ... I am temporarily changing today, go to bed early, and I will make up tomorrow. 】 (To be continued.)

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