The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1446: Reborn Guding

In the confined space, millions of demons began to growl when they sensed the black mist.

The roar was several times more intense than when he encountered Gooding, and his emotions were obviously more complicated.

Throughout the space, millions of demons screamed at the same time, and the sound was like a wailing dominated by fear before death.

No demon dared to rush towards the black mist, but only howled violently, watching the black mist condensed into a strange animal with a greasy demon face.

After the formation of the beast, the demon dare not even wailing, and fled towards the corner of the space.

It is a pity that the enclosed space is not large, and there is no difference in where to escape.

I saw that the strange creature stepped into the void and suddenly opened his mouth, forming a vortex like a black hole in the void. Countless demons had no resistance at all and were swallowed into it.

In less than three minutes, millions of demons disappeared without leaving any one.

The demon-faced monster looked at the black hole and retreated to the side. The black hole in the void did not disappear, and it still rotated so self-consciously.

I don't know how long it has passed, the black hole gets smaller and smaller, and eventually it becomes an infinitesimally small particle. Then, like the seeds of the plant, it began to grow rapidly and became a humanoid.

The human figure was completely naked, entrenched in the body like a fetus. And that face was exactly the same as Guding.

The magic face and the beast have been guarding by the side, and the person who is entrenched like a fetus has a stronger breath every day.

At first, it was no different from ordinary people. Then began to be promoted to the first-level genome, the second-level genome, the third-level genome ... Demigod ... God ... True God ... Tianjin ... Lord God ... Lord ... True King ... Emperor ...

In the realm of the emperor, he still did not stop, but continued to break through.

Spirit Emperor ... Immortal Emperor ... God Emperor!

It wasn't until the nine avenues were completely condensed and formed, and achieved a perfect state.

And that figure began to slowly open his eyes.

"my body……"

"It's not just your body, your soul, or even everything that you have done." The face of the monster face slowly shrank to more than one meter in length, and became a black canine beast .

"Xiaohei? Now me, is it still me? Or has it become a magical species?" Guding was a little worried. According to what the Abyss Demon Ancestor said, after the magical species became himself, he would have all his own memories and would think It is itself.

"Those demons have been eaten by me, and then re-condensed you. Borrowing the special physique of the demons to re-grind you from the flesh to the soul, it also makes up for the only flaw in your body. You are now an eternal **** Emperor. "Xiao Hei replied.

"Eternal Emperor?"

"Yes, the God Emperor formed by the eternal true king." Xiao Hei nodded.

"Xiu Wei has grown so much ... And, my memory ..." Guding realized that his practice had soared, and there was a lot of memory in his mind.

"The memory of all the creatures devoured by the demon will be stored. You have digested more than 7 million devils. It is normal to have a lot of extra memory. It takes a little time to sort out." Xiaohei explained.

Although Guding was happy for a while, his mood quickly fell back, "Although the strength has been greatly improved, but at most, he can fight against the Emperor of the Ten Thousand Realms. Compared with the Abyss Demon Ancestor, it is still poor. Too far. "

"The existence of the Supreme Realm is indeed a strong man." Xiao Hei seems to know the current situation of Guding.

"The stability of this confined space seems to be very high. It is estimated that it is unlikely to break it and escape." Guding began to observe the surroundings, and he quickly reached this conclusion.

"This is created by a part of the power of the universe separated by the abyss demon ancestor. Without the strength of the Supreme Realm, it is impossible to break. And even if it is broken, he will be aware of it for the first time." Learn more clearly.

"Even if we can escape from this space, we are unlikely to escape from under the eyes of the abyss demon ancestor. In addition to the abyss demon ancestor, there are eleven people in the Thousand Dao Realm in this mansion ...... What is your strength? "Guding asked, turning to look at Xiaohei.

"I am your guardian spirit, and cultivation is limited by your cultivation. As for strength, it should be similar to what you are now." Xiaohei gave this unsatisfactory answer very frankly.

"You are my guardian spirit? No wonder it will appear in my soul space ..." Gooding suddenly realized, but he quickly thought of another question, "Is the innate guardian spirit implanted?"

"It's not congenital, it was implanted into your body by your mother." The message given by Xiao Hei made Guding stunned.

"My mother ... do you remember what happened before you became the guardian spirit?" Gooding asked quickly.

"I don't remember, the memory is not awakened. The reason why you know it was implanted by your mother may be that she deliberately kept this message." Xiaohei explained.

"Okay ..." With this answer, Gu Ding did not continue to pursue it, but throwing the distractions out of his head. "Let's consider the next key issues."

"Sorcerer Abyss will open this space sooner or later, knowing that I haven't been refined, and don't know what kind of reaction he will have. But he will definitely not give up, will think of other ways to occupy my body, and maybe even Occupy directly ... "

"You do n’t have to worry too much about the things that are occupied by the flesh. Your physical condition is much more complicated than you think. You ca n’t explain it to you now. You will know it by then. All you need to do now is organize it. Those extra memories are to consolidate the existing cultivation practices. Others do not need to be bothered. "Xiao Hei finished, turning into a ray of black smoke again, and got into the ancient body.

Guding also threw out the miscellaneous thoughts according to what he said ~ ~, sat down and began to sort out the memories in his mind.


Outside the abyss, everyone from the Guding Pirates gathered together.

While preparing to hold a meeting, a voice suddenly came out, "I finally found you!"

"Who ?!" A group of people looked alertly at the source of the voice.

The two figures came out of the darkness. After Liliat and others saw it, their eyes were a little wet.



"Why are you here ?!"

"We can't just sit idly by when Guding has an accident. Moreover, if it's not you who ventured into jail to rescue us both, Guding won't provoke this." Tagore's sturdy white panther.

Next to the blue into a state of about one meter high, feet standing upright, looks like a round harmless adorable.

"Well, since it's here, let's go together!" Liliat nodded at the two, then looked at Bigger, "Big, let's talk first."

"The two of me and Huck didn't get any useful news ... No one mentioned the matter of the abyss demon ancestor. We even went to the intelligence agency to buy information, and only his record in the era of floods was his life." The expression of helpless face.

"Elsa and I and Soya also didn't get useful information." Liliat also sighed.

"I'm with Michael and Robert, and I didn't find any news." Fat shook his head.

"Becka and I don't have any news." Crimson also shook his head frowning.

"I have no news with Dorcot." The Sea Emperor shook his head.

"Bru and I got some news, probably knowing where Guding might have been ..." Tagore's words drew everyone's attention. (To be continued.)

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