The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1465: The source of the problem

After more than two months, Guding's cultivation practice was almost completely consolidated, and he finally received a call from the old lady in Gujia.

The old lady of Gujia has arrived in Gujia a few days ago, and has carried out related investigations and found some clues and evidence.

She sent all the results of her investigation, the results of the Kandam Prison investigated by Canopus, and the results of the referee's court investigated by Emperor XIII to Guding.

The first time he got the result, Gooding once again summoned Sea Emperor, Michael and Ten Thousand Demon Patriarchs.

"The ancient family of the imperial family installed a satellite monitor, which is a high-level intelligent system to prevent abnormal conditions within the family. This monitor records everything that happened in the ancient family more than two months ago." Guding said, releasing the first Video material.

In the video, a woman suddenly tore through time and space, appeared over the ancient house, and then just a moment of kung fu, all the members of the entire ancient house were paralyzed on the ground.

The woman landed slowly, standing next to a man, and the man quickly stood up from the paralyzed state and led the woman into the ancient house.

"Do you think that the man who brought her in looked a little weird when walking?" As a doctor, Docote knew what a normal posture was when he walked.

"It's puppetry, and it was performed in the man's comatose state, so the movement seemed very stiff. But looking at the previous scene, it is basically certain that this woman is an illusionist, and puppetry is estimated to be her hobby." Lily Yate came to this conclusion only after watching the video.

"According to the time shown by the monitoring, the old lady of Gujia should not have lied. It was not the Gujia who exposed your identity, but this woman." The sea emperor looked at Guding.

"Although the monitoring did not take a positive face, I can basically confirm her identity." Guding also nodded. "I used to see her once next to Mary. Her name is Enfi. She is the Son of Heavenly Demon Temple. It is said , She was the candidate of Saint Virgin and Mary, and the only one who survived was Mary and her. However, she did not break through and stayed in the supreme realm. After that, she took the initiative to become a son. Mary seemed a little bit She does n’t like her, and often sends her various long-distance missions, so she rarely appears in the Heavenly Demon Palace. "

After Guding explained, he went on.

"The second video is from Kangdam Prison. Kangdam Prison itself is a great soldier, and everything that happens in the prison can be recorded by itself ..."

Gooding said, projecting the video.

At the beginning of the video, a young man with an arrogant face attacked the protective cover of Condom Prison and broke into the prison. After that, it was all **** shots unsuitable for children.

This man, Gu Ding is no stranger, is the son of Ferrero in the Temple of Devil.

After he broke into Kangdam prison, he began massacres. Almost everyone in his sight was killed by him with various cruel methods. Then broke into the warden's office in a big way, searching for various materials ...

"He is the Son of Heavenly Demon Temple-Ferrero. According to the video, he not only exposed my information about the rescue of Tagore, but also carried out a massacre in Kangdam Prison without leaving a living mouth!" Guding He gritted his teeth and bite his teeth. He was very toothless for this kind of massacre.

"Look at the next one ..." The Sea Emperor patted Gooding.

"The next one is what happened to the referee. Because it is the core area of ​​the coalition government, this is also the scope of key monitoring by the coalition government." Gooding once again tuned out the video.

In the video, a young man wearing a black trench coat appeared at the door of the referee.

The two guards stopped him, and as soon as he reached out his hand, the two guards fell directly to the ground, and at the same time fell to the ground, as well as everyone nearby.

Subsequently, he swaggered into the referee.

Without waiting for someone to stop, he reached out again, and everyone in the referee fell to the ground one by one. Then he drove straight towards the deepest chief of the referee and pushed open the door of the referee's office.

When the referee saw him for the first time, he was ready to launch an attack, but he saw his hand stretched out and he couldn't move in an instant. Not only that, the referee's body involuntarily floated in front of him, then he turned into a ray of black smoke, and drilled into the body from the referee's nostrils and mouth.

After a while, the chief referee regained his freedom, but his eyes had completely turned black.

Then the chief referee walked to the main console, called up the information of Guding and others, and after some editing, released the golden kill order.

"He is the Holy Son Lavay Road of the Heavenly Demon Hall." Guding recognized him at the first glance from the video ~ ~ Now it is certain that all three things It was led by the Son of Heavenly Demon Hall. But do you want to expose the information sent to you by the old lady of Gujia directly? "The Emperor looked at Guding."

Gooding held his chin in silence for a moment. "Don't expose it for the time being. Although the old lady gave me these materials, my sources of information will definitely be exposed once they are exposed. After all, it is a question related to the face of the coalition government, which may bring her Come to trouble. She has been helping us all the time, not to limit her to injustice. Moreover, there are thousands of demons, and the golden death order will not pose any threat to us. "

"Now that we know the whole story, let's solve the source of the problem first," Guding said, turning on the communicator. "I'll contact Mary first ..."

After dialing Mary's communication number, it always showed that it could not be reached.

Gooding knew that she might have returned to the abyss.

"Sea Emperor, let's go to the abyss, I need to contact Mary outside the abyss."

"No need to be so troublesome. I took this issue into consideration when we left the abyss last time. So, I left a message relay in the outer area of ​​the abyss. The relay will run back and forth three times a day on the border of the abyss Any message can be sent to the relay first. The relay will automatically receive the information when it reaches the periphery of the abyss, and then wait for it to operate inside the abyss and transmit the information. "The Haihuang has been prepared for a long time.

"Very good, then help me record a video file." Guding finished, and began to let the sea emperor help himself record the video.

Gooding used a short video to explain her encounter with the Chaos Universe and told Mary the truth. In the message, in addition to the recorded video of Gu Ding, there is also the documentary evidence that the old lady of Gu Jia gave to herself as an attachment ... (to be continued.)

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