The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1482: Medusa's defection


Liliat quickly remembered the name. She had many inheritances, but Medusa's inheritance was the first to allow her pupils to evolve. ☆ `` ---- `-`-`-`

"Snake and snake hair ... Are you really Medusa ?!"

"Of course, if I guessed right, you should be a descendant of the blind baby doll that I was released. Only those with the blood of the Medusa family in my body can get my inheritance. The Sha family, all of me slaughtered, leaving only the blind child. "Medusa's remarks further confirmed her identity. "Unexpectedly, not only did he survive, but also his descendants stayed and practiced to such a level."

"I've heard about your affairs later." Lilia pointed her head. "My mother is a descendant of the blind child. The Medusa family, after being slaughtered by you more than 40,000 years ago, has fallen Going down, almost no one learned the real pupil technique. □ Tomato novel □ Net "-"

"Listening to you, it seems that you are the only person who has reached this height. Why, do you want to avenge your ancestors?" Medusa asked sarcastically.

"I'm not interested in family grievances," Liliat shook her head. "It's you, they are already emperor's realm, but the human race has no news about you. You should have been in purgatory for so many years? Tell me, why? Will the Emperor Venerable Realm of Purgatory appear on the battlefield? Is this not in compliance with the rules of the battlefield? "

"Little girl, this has nothing to do with you. After I slaughtered the Medusa family, my hatred faded. Seeing that you are my descendants, take your friends away, I can think of them as never encountered You guys. "Medusa waved his hand, Liliat had her own heritage after all, and her strength was not weak, maybe she could help her pass on the heritage.

"You may not say it, but I have probably guessed it." Liliat did not intend to give in. "During this time, there are too many powerful emperors in the imperial court that we are slaughtered by the purgatory. It is a bit unbearable. Net `` -''- `So, they let you guys who have just broken through to the emperor's realm come out to hunt us. I guess right?"

Liliat's remarks came from the sea emperor. He had noticed the anomalies on Liliat's side, and after knowing Medusa's identity, he gave this speculation.

Medusa's face changed, and she did not speak, fearing that she would reveal more information as soon as she opened her mouth.

"Let the ten-level realm that has just broken through to hunt us these **** emperors and reverse the disadvantages on the battlefield in the early stage. Even if the culprit is found by the dragons, the gang of guys in the purgatory can completely dump the pot on you, Said that you did not obey the order and shot privately. When the time came to kill you, the dragon family could not continue to pursue the follow-up things. I have to say that the hand of purgatory really played beautifully. "Liliat's remarks still follow the sea Speaking of the emperor's transmission, she also clearly saw that Medusa's face changed after hearing this. □ ○ ◇ Tomato Novel Network-` --- `-``--``

Medusa didn't think too much at first, but just felt that she was alien in the Snake Race, and she was always rejected, and Sina, the boss of the Snake Race, was not too optimistic about herself. So, having a task for herself, she also wanted to continue this opportunity to prove herself.

Of course she also knows the rules of the battlefield, but she feels that as long as she is clean enough, the Dragons cannot find out who the murderer is. Moreover, there are other purgatory realm powerhouses above him who can stop the chasing of the more powerful emperor dragons, so I did n’t think too much about it. Now after hearing Liliat say this, she discovered that this time she really got into a set game.

"Damn woman, even the design framed me!" Medusa is not stupid, just a matter of knowing the matter, and understands that this is Sna of the Snake Race who wants to borrow a knife to kill.

Seeing this expression of Medusa, Liliat directly withdrew her pupil surgery and released her together with Elsa. And sent a voice to Elsa, let her back to her side. ◇ Tomato small △ said net ``-

Medusa saw Liliat take the initiative to remove the pupil surgery, and even Elsa stepped aside, knowing that it was not ready to continue, and the expression on her face was a little complicated.

"Senior Medusa, you are my ancestor and one of my teachers. Instead of waiting to be framed by the gang of purgatory, it is better to join our human race and deal with them in turn. As for you, you were a member of the purgatory As long as we do n’t say anything, no outsiders will know. Even if someone finds it out, I can deduce that you are my mentor and go to purgatory to be undercover. ”Liliat suggested.

Her proposal did make Medusa a little touched, but she was still not at ease, "why do others trust your testimony?"

"Because we have a good relationship with the emperor family of the human race, we guarantee that the emperor family will nod your identity. When the emperor family speaks, no one will question the human family, and the dragon family will not question it." Liliat is very confident about this. .

After hesitating for a moment, Medusa thought about it, and indeed he had no other better way out. If you do not perform the task, kill Liliat and they will be solved by someone in purgatory sooner or later. If you perform the task, you must be a scapegoat. And Liliat's suggestion is undoubtedly his best choice.

"I promise you! Join the Terran camp and cooperate with you!"

After receiving a reply from Medusa, Elsa at the side finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although Medusa is only the emperor of the tenfold realm, after all, she is good at the existence of illusion and pupil surgery. She is most afraid of this type opponent. And the strength of the other party is just to suppress Liliat, and the two are unlikely to win her. Now the peaceful settlement is naturally the best result.

"Over the purgatory, what is the task given to you this time? Is it really to kill us gods?" Elsa asked quickly.

"Well, your guess is correct. My mission is indeed to kill you. Your slaughter in the past six months has already affected the entire battlefield. If you are not resolved, it is tantamount to losing at the beginning of this war, This will have a bad influence on morale. And it will affect the preparatory work for the war on the side of purgatory. "Medusa nodded.

"They should give you a deadline to complete the task? If the deadline is not met ~ ~ What will they do?" Liliat asked.

"The mission deadline is ten days. If the mission is not completed within the deadline, they will send someone to capture me back or kill on the spot." Medusa is still very clear about the workflow of purgatory. "Because I know this, I moved some things in advance."

Medusa said that she took a rag doll from the storage space and crushed it with one hand. "Now, they should think I fell on the way ..."

"The mission to kill you failed, they should think that you are protected by the Emperor's Supreme Realm. So, you should be silent for a while and dare not act rashly. But for a long time, if there is no more action on the human or dragon side , They will send stronger guys to explore and see what happened ... we can let the dragons set up an ambush and use this opportunity to kill a few emperors ... "Medusa is obviously not a mess Good looking, she immediately thought about counter-attacks.

"This is a good idea. We contacted the Dragon Clan to discuss the whole plan carefully!" Liliat also raised her lips.

At this time, within the black ancient temple, the snaketail girl suddenly frowned, "useless things, this is less than a day after the mission, and he was killed by someone ..." (to be continued.)

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