The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1486: Felheart Sword Slave

A group of people from the Guding Pirates gathered in front of a long table in the conference hall. --`-`

"We have been waiting for three days. There is no news from the purgatory side. According to common sense, the news that the few emperors were killed should have been passed back." The sea emperor frowned slightly.

"We added up to kill the five emperors of their realm, and counted the rebellious Medusa. In their view, it was equivalent to sending the heads of six emperors. The group of purgatory guys couldn't give up on it. Guding said very firmly.

"In this case, there are basically only two possibilities for follow-up decisions on the side of purgatory. One is to directly tear the dragon's face and start a real war. The other is to secretly think of other ways to get rid of us first. They are not very good It may be left to us. Because they should know very well that under the Emperor, it is completely for us to deliver food. As long as we are in the early war, we can help the Dragons completely overwhelm them. "Mi Ke gave Own analysis.

"However, we specifically waited for three days, and none of them responded."-"-`-This shows that they should not be ready to start a war directly with the Dragons now. They certainly will not let us Continue to be crazy on the battlefield, so you should choose the second option and continue to send strong men to strangle us. The only thing that is uncertain is what level of guys they will send. "

"The next shot against us will definitely not be Ten Thousand Dao Realm, either One Thousand Dao Realm or Thousand Thousand Dao Realm. As for the guys in the Supreme Realm, the chance of shooting is not big. Bian's supreme stares. "Mi Ke continued to give his analysis.

"I can cope with the Dazhong Dao Realm. But if it is the Qian Dao Dao Realm, it will be more troublesome." Gu Ding was not blindly confident.

"If there is a Thousand Dao Realm shot, the Supreme of the Dragon Clan will surely be able to sense it, and they will suppress it in the first place. The only thing that is worrying now is that if the Supreme of the Purgatory side blocks the rescue of the Dragon Clan, then We will be dead. △ ◇ △ □ --- "" Mike raised his concerns.

Guding lowered his head for a moment and remained silent for a moment before raising his head, "Mike, Sea Emperor, you two come with me, let's go see the Dragon Clan Supreme!"


After meeting with the Dragon Clan Supreme, three days later, Guding and they have been shrinking in the Dragon Clan's base camp without going out.

These three days have passed, and there is still no declaration to launch a war on the side of purgatory.

In the past two days, the fighting on the side of purgatory has been a lot more crazy than before. The elite troops are almost completely dispatched, and the troops on the dragon side are almost completely destroyed. The advantages that Liliat built up in them have been broken back a lot in just two days.

"This is obviously leading us out of the hole ..." Mi Ke and Hai Huang both share the same view.

"Then let's follow the plan we discussed three days ago!" Guding grinned. "If they can kill all of their elite teams, this war, they may have no successor. Tomato novel ◇ △ Net --- `` `-`` ''

Liliat, Bigger and other people, instead of grouping this time, turned into a team, and they were dispatched that day.

In two days, they swept through the first theater, and there were as many as four elite teams killed. Great record!

On the fourth day, the second battlefield sweep was completed, and there were three elite teams killed this time.

On the fifth day, Liliat went to the third war zone, just opened the sweep less than a day.

A gray-black figure appeared. The figure was similar to the human race, even wearing a suit similar to the human race. However, his head was bald, there were no human facial features on his face, and his limbs felt as if he had been elongated, with a height of more than ten meters.

"This is the faceless man on the plane of purgatory, the top hunter race in purgatory ..." The sea emperor frowned as he saw each other.

"Everyone of the human races, I am very happy to see you. Don't be afraid of me, I will let you sleep here without any pain ..." The faceless man's voice sounded dull, he didn't seem to speak much, he just reached straight to Liliat and his party came out. Banana ☆ Fiction Net △ ▽ △ -`-`-`--```-

Long arms continue to be stretched and enlarged in the void.

"Huh, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

There was a low drink in the void, and the Enrique of the dragon clan turned into the form of a dragon, flapping its wings and rushing towards the faceless man. He is the Emperor of the Thousand Dao Realm sent by the Dragon Clan Supreme to protect Liliat and his party.

"I had long expected that you were fooling behind these clans!" The dull voice of the faceless man came out again, without any surprise.

In the void, another strange wave of energy came from the ground.

A net of thread spewed out towards the ground, towards Liliat and the others.

"Humph! The old man has been waiting for you for a long time!" There was a burst of rumbling in the void, and the red fire dragon spouted out with a scorching flame, completely draining the silk thread.

Under the ground, an eight-claw spider burrowed out of the ground. Her upper body turned out to be an enchanting beautiful woman. She covered most of her body with only two red maple leaves.

"It's the Queen of Venomous Spiders!" The sea emperor frowned again.

"You have invested your blood in order to kill our human support!" Red Fire Dragon laughed loudly, and his voice shook the sky.

"On the basis of both of you, I'm afraid I can't stop this interception!" The Venomous Queen chuckled.

Her voice had just fallen, and a **** figure stepped out of the void. It was a strong man who did not look much different from the human race.

The man had white hair, red luo on his upper body, and his skin showed a strange scarlet color, and above his chest, there was a strange purple secret pattern flowing.

The most eye-catching thing was the giant sword carried on his shoulder, as if it had just been taken out of the furnace, emitting a dazzling red light.

"This is the Demon Sword Slave ..." The sea emperor's tone sounded rather daunting. "The entire purgatory, the most powerful magical alien xenophobia! Even more than the same level of sword repair with the strongest attack power!"

Guding frowned slightly, and a flash appeared next to the sea emperor's group. With a big wave of his hand, he took a group of people away, "Tagore, take them away!"

Tagore appeared beside Guding, and it had turned into a fighting state. "I'm a tremendous realm. I can assist you and let Bruce take them away."

"I'm worried about the fourth killer!" Guding heard back. "In a short time, I can cope here!"

Tagore froze a little bit ~ ~ nodded, took Bru and Medusa, and protected Liliat and his party from the distance.

Seeing the target fleeing, the tall sword slave pulled out his sword and slashed away in the direction of a group of people fleeing.

Gooding flashed in the direction pointed by the blade of the sword, forming mirrors one after another, forming a strange formation.

After a while, all the mirrors shattered, but the **** swordmans were finally blocked.

Jiannu seemed to realize the hindrance, and a pair of black pupils looked at Guding dullly.

"Thousand Dao Realm's Demon Sword Slave, I didn't expect to encounter such a tough guy the first time he encountered Qian Dao Dao Realm ..." Guding laughed softly, he didn't seem to be afraid of his opponent.


[Yesterday (erhuayin) just said about signing in. Today (this is also Erhuayin, thank you ~) there are more people signing in ... Oh, I ca n’t bear this temperament ... Believe it or not Take a slingshot to your windows! 】 (To be continued.)

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