The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1492: Human crisis

Within two days of sending Medusa away from the abyss, the Emperor received two bad news. Fan's Novel Network `` `-``-`-`

The first bad news is that the Celestial Clan was captured by the Zerg and the Celestial Alliance, and the three Supreme Realm Gods of the Celestial Clan were killed by the five Daoist Guardians. In this battle, the gods of the Celestial Emperor were almost completely slaughtered and completely fell.

The second bad news is that on the day of the fall of the Celestial Clan, the Zerg and the Celestial Alliance declared war on the Terran.

After receiving these two news, the sea emperor immediately awakened Guding and others who were in a semi-closed state.

Gooding, Tagore, Bruce, Bigger, Liliat and the Sea Emperor sat at the conference table.

After hearing the news from the Sea Emperor, Gu Ding gave a command immediately, "Hurry up to the emperor's headquarters!"

This decision was made because Guding knew that only the imperial tribe now had the most detailed information and knew how bad things had deteriorated. Moreover, once a real war breaks out, the individual's power is insignificant, unless he possesses the ultimate power of the supreme realm or the dominant realm. Fan ☆ Egg Novel Network `You and your party must advance and retreat with the human race in order to maximize the power of the Guding Pirates.

Liliat and others are even more dignified. The war has come too fast, and they have not grown up at all. The Emperor Zun Realm sounds not weak, but in this battlefield that crosses the chaotic universe, the Emperor Zun of the Ten Thousand Dao Realm is simply cannon fodder, even if it is the One Thousand Dao Realm. Only those who are the most powerful in Qiandao Dao Realm can be regarded as swimming fish in the sea of ​​battlefield, and they can control their destiny to a certain extent.

After the gathering, everyone entered the closed state again. They knew that in today's situation, their own group must grow up quickly.

In the following months, the crimson of the Guding Pirates, Huck and others broke through to the realm of Emperor Zun. After having a face-to-face meeting with the sea emperor and knowing what the war was about to start, they all entered a closed state again.

Originally everyone went out, just wanted to temporarily relax and taste the skills of Beagle, but now they can only compete with time and practice. --`-`

Dream arrived at the Emperor's house, half a year later.

All the members of the Guding Pirates Group have entered the realm of Emperor Zun, but they are all retreating further.

After the spacecraft arrived, the sea emperor awakened everyone.

Gu Ding still did not reach the Chong Dao Dao Realm, but the 81 Dao Masters he had originally mastered had been raised to 85. In addition to the fact that he had not been idle for several months on the battlefield before, it took only about two months to deduce one, and the formation of Tao was much slower.

With the exception of Gooding, Tagore, and Bruce, everyone else has just stepped into the ten-fold realm, and the fastest practice is Beagle, who has only mastered 11 rules. Others still stay on the 10 standard line.

In fact, the speed of this practice has been incredible.

Of course, the biggest improvement is Robert of the Guding Pirates. She has completely digested 1,600 avenue source stones, and she is as powerful as the humans. In terms of individual combat power, she is already the strongest Guding pirate group.

Guding greeted him a few days before arriving at the emperor's house. When he arrived at the emperor star, an elder from the emperor's house directly took them to the emperor's mansion. Fan ☆ Eggplant Novel Network`

After arriving at the emperor's house, he was told that the family owner was holding a family meeting and arranged for them to settle in the guest room. Guding accepted this treatment openly. They had lived in the emperor's house before, and the time was not short.

More than an hour later, the family meeting of the Gu family ended. At this time, it was close to supper. Emperor Yun of the emperor's family received Guding and his party.

In the past, the elegant and elegant Emperor Yun looked a little tired, but when he saw Guding, they were still very enthusiastic.

"Friend Guding, you all broke through to the Emperor's Venerable Realm!" Di Yunlue glanced and found that Guding's cultivation behavior had been collectively promoted.

"The actual battle for more than half a year allowed them to lay a solid foundation, so they all broke through." Guding nodded with a smile.

"You rushed back from the Dragon Race battlefield, you should have heard about it." Although Emperor Yun didn't say anything, Guding they knew. Tomato △ Fiction △ Net--`-`-``

"I heard, but I don't know the specific situation, so we rushed back to the emperor's house as soon as possible and wanted to inquire more detailed information." Guding nodded.

"Emperor Venerable Realm, the chaos universe of the entire human race is already the top fighting force. You are now close to the Chong Dao Realm, and you do have enough authority to know this matter." Emperor Yun nodded, apparently he did not intend to hide .

"The situation is terrible now. Half a year ago, the Zerg teamed up with the Heavenly Daoist League to knock down the Chaos universe of the Celestial Clan. The Chaos universe of the Celestial Clan is close to our human race. We actually expected that once they were beaten One goal must be our human race. "Di Yun shook his head and sighed.

"Why don't you make an alliance with the Celestial Clan? Does the truth of the human race don't understand the truth of the cold lips?" Liliat couldn't help asking.

"The problem lies here! Although our relationship with the Celestial Clan is not good, we don't sit idly by. We proposed an unconditional alliance against the Celestial Clan before the two sides went to war and sent reinforcements to assist them. But the Celestial Clan The high-level leaders are so proud that they have looked down on other races from their bones and rejected the alliance. They also said that their opponents are only a small Zerg, and the reaction on our human side is too surprising. "

"In the beginning, the Celestials did indeed have an advantage on the battlefield, so we did not send reinforcements to assist. But unexpectedly, the early war was just over, the Emperor Supreme Realm collided, and the five Supreme Masters hidden by the Heavenly Dao League suddenly He shot and killed the three Supreme Masters of the Celestial Clan with thunder. After that, the war became a slaughter ...

"Now the Protoss has been occupied by the Zerg, and the Zerg and the Celestial Alliance declared war on us six months ago. A few months ago, the initial war had begun. Fortunately, we have a group of outstanding newcomers, which are currently dominant. We are now What is worrying is how should our human race respond when the initial war is over and the final war is officially launched. "

"After all, the top combat power of the Heavenly Daoist League is really too strong. There are dozens of members in the reserve alone, all of whom are super emperors who have mastered more than 2,000 avenues, and twelve protectors are supreme. Our human race is basically Can't compete ... "

"Is there really no Supreme Power at present?" Gu Ding couldn't help but ask, he always vaguely felt that the strength of the human race should be more than the surface. After all, he had seen three supreme ~ ~ the supreme number of human race before in the dragon race, even if it is not as good as the dragon race, it is impossible to have none.

"Of course there are, the five emperors have the Supreme Realm strong towns, all of them are ancestor-level figures, but they only add up to seven people. But compared to the Heavenly Dao League, the heritage is still not enough. Moreover, the Zerg side, at least There are also more than three Supreme. "

"Now the biggest problem is not only the Supreme Realm. The quantity and quality of our Emperor Realm are not at the same level as the Heavenly Daoist League. The Emperor Supreme Realm who has mastered more than two thousand avenues, our human race is currently only the five elders. , The chairman of the Alliance, even with the addition of a few hidden elders, there are barely eleven or two people together. There are nearly thirty emperors of this grade in the Heavenly Dao League. Plus Zerg, the emperor of this grade The number is not less than ours ... Once the final battle is started, we have almost no chance of winning. ”Emperor Yun sighed.

"Isn't there any chance of winning?" Guding turned to look at the sea emperor beside him.

The sea emperor did not speak, but just shook his head quietly.

The entire reception room suddenly became quiet.

Guding frowned, he did not expect that the human race would face this kind of genocide crisis ...... (to be continued.)

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