The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1514: The war is back


Volume Two Our Journey Is The Sea of ​​Stars Chapter 1514

On Venus in the star domain of the Qian family's headquarters, Gu Feng brazenly found Qian Qian, the owner of the Qian family, and came to contact the sellers of Daoyuanshi.

The first time he got the communication number, he immediately dialed it.

"Hey, was it the seller of the source stone at the auction yesterday? I am Gu Feng, the owner of Gu Family." Gu Feng was interrupted by Sela before he finished talking.

"Oh, Patriarch Gu, it's you. Are you looking for me for the source of the road?" Sela and the sea emperor completed the transaction, and just received a call from Gu Feng just after arriving at the hotel.

"Yes, I want two groups." Gu Feng felt a play.

"Sorry, all the stones in my hand have been sold out." Serra smiled bitterly.

"Sold out ?! How come? How can I hear Qian Jia say that you have some inventory in addition to the ten groups that were auctioned out?" Gu Feng's face changed slightly. He felt that the other party seemed unwilling to sell it to himself, so he looked for this An excuse.

"There was inventory in the past, and there were quite a few, but it was already booked by the guest last night. I completed the transaction with the guest early this morning, and I now have a piece of avenue in my hand." Serra did indeed even have a piece I didn't leave it to myself.

"Isn't there any one?" Gu Feng didn't expect that he was running around for this matter early in the morning, but he was still cut off. After being silent for a moment, he asked a bit improperly, "Who did you sell it to?"

"Uh" Sierra is not willing to say, he is also afraid of causing trouble to the sea emperor. But if you think about it carefully, the Gu family can't afford to offend by themselves, and the sea emperors are already the cultivation of the Supreme Realm. Even if Gu Feng goes to trouble, he is asking for trouble. "It's the Guding Pirates."

"Guding Pirates!" Gu Feng did not expect that it was the Guding Pirates that made him deflate.

After hanging up the call, Gu Feng looked awkward. Knowing that it was the Guding Pirates who contacted the seller to buy the remaining Dayuanyuan Stone, it is not difficult to think of who bought Dadaoyuan Stone at the previous auction and who was beating his face in front of so many people.

"Guding, since you dare to tear your face, don't blame me for not being affectionate!"

At this time, the sea emperor had already drove the dream to leave Venus.

In the Dream, Robert got a large number of source stones, and also entered a closed state.

Elizabeth and others have also entered a semi-closed state, further consolidating their cultivation.

More than two months later, Gu Feng arrived at Gujia. In front of the ancient ancestor of the ancient house and the veterans, Guding and his party "snatched" the source of the avenue from their own hands, adding salt and vinegar.

Gu Huangtian was even more furious when he heard it. He was very dissatisfied with Guding's identity, and before the war with the Heavenly Alliance, Guding once confronted himself in the face.

"It's just the opposite! The juniors who can't even break through the supreme realm, dare not to take my ancient house like this! Gu Feng, you pass the order, in the name of unclean blood, take the ancient Tibetan and ancient Ding, thoroughly The expulsion from the ancient home will never return to the roots! And the entire chaotic universe will be announced! "

Gu Feng heard secretly in his heart, and immediately set out to do it.

Two days later, a notice from the ancient family caused a heated discussion of the entire chaotic universe.

After years of investigations in my ancient home, it was determined that the ancient pirates were born of the ancient Tibetan descent of my ancient home and the goddess of the abyss. This is a big deal, it's against human relations!

It is hereby announced that from now on, the ancient Tibetan and ancient Ding will be removed from the ancient family of the imperial family! My ancient family has nothing to do with these two people in the future, nor will these two people and their descendants be allowed to step into my ancient family temple!

When the sea emperor saw the news, his brows were closed. He probably guessed that the Gu family's behavior was most likely related to the deliberate embarrassment of Gu Feng. The old kid must be suing, and his version of the story must be different from the facts.

The sea emperor originally wanted to give Guding a breath, but did not expect to make things happen like this.

In desperation, the sea emperor awakened Mi Ke and told him things, wanting him to help and find a way.

After listening to the description of the sea emperor, Mi Ke was also speechless.

"Now things are born, no matter how you do it, you can't help it. The ancestors of the ancient family themselves look at Guding unhappy, plus this time Gu Feng's goods go to add salt and vinegar, this result is basically expected Things inside. "

"There is no other way. When the captain comes out, he will naturally know about this matter. You only need to tell the truth of the matter. I believe he will not blame you. The original problem is not yours. The key is That Gu Feng was making trouble. Besides, in the previous auction, even if the captain was there, he could not let Gu Feng in the auction. "

Although Michael said so, the emperor still felt that this matter could not be separated from himself, and he was depressed for several days.

In a blink of an eye, half a year passed quickly, and Huck was the first to go out. When he walked out of the White Secret Tower, he was already a strong player in the Supreme Realm. After consulting with Bigger several times, he also went to his room and began to further consolidate his cultivation.

In the next six months, Crimson, Blue, Liliat, Elsa and others went out one after another.

At this time, it has been two years since the end of the last war. The members of the Guding Pirates, except Guding, all entered the Supreme Realm.

Guding, still in the White Secret Tower, showed no signs of going out.

Others are not idle, basically in a semi-closed state, consolidating their cultivation behavior, and occasionally come out for dinner and learn from each other.

Soon, half a year later, Gu Ding still did not wake up.

On this day, the sea emperor received a notice from the alliance government that the heaven and earth alliance began to behave abnormally.

This is the signal that the war is about to open. Although no one knows how the Heavenly Dao League calculates, but they have abnormal movements. This means that the number of their Supreme Realm has gathered to the level of enough war.

Sure enough, in the next less than a month ~ ~ The Zerg and Purgatory camps also started to have some small moves one after another.

"According to the current situation, the Heavenly Daoist League must be brewing something. I predict that the war will most likely start within two months. I just don't know whether the first battlefield is our human race chaotic universe or other places. Emperor Thirteen gave the news to the Emperor, "Please do your best to prepare for the war as soon as possible!"

"Received, we will complete the purchase of materials in the next few days, and then wait for your further notice." Haihuang gave such a reply.

In the next few days, Neptune docked the Dreamship in a bustling trading star field, awakened everyone in a semi-closed state, explained the current situation, and then arranged everyone to purchase in groups.

After staying in this star field for several days, after purchasing most of the required materials, the sea emperor left the spaceship in a pilot.

Just less than a month after the spaceship completed the procurement of materials, news came from the coalition government that the Heavenly Alliance led the Zerg and Purgatory, and it has begun to formally attack the dragon's chaotic universe (to be continued.)

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