The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1537: Jedi


Volume Two Our Journey is the Star Sea, Chapter 1357, Jedi, Dead Zone

More than a year passed in a flash. After the war, the human race helped the **** race, dragon race and elven race to expel the Heavenly Dao League completely and reclaimed the territory.

The Guding Pirates, who made great contributions on the battlefield, disappeared again in the sight of everyone.

In a deserted Jedi of the human race's chaotic universe, a tall young woman appeared at the top of a ruined tower, her fiery red hair tied into a ball, a black trench coat, and a red frame Sunglasses, with red lips, is a capable and **** woman.

If she could not recognize the woman in front of her from the back, it was Xiao Lili Liate who always worried about her breasts. She has grown into a real warrior and a charming woman.

"This ruin has been explored to the end. Unfortunately, there are only a few types of inheritance for the inheritance of souls. Other inheritances are not as good as the mystery of my own practice. Over the past year, I am only one step away from the absence. But the absence of borders is not enough. I have to become stronger! I do n’t know if the next ruin will bring me surprises ... "Liliat waved her hand and broke open after she said to herself Void, step among them. The entire Jedi-level ruins fell completely silent again.


In another barren desert, a tall, gigantic man resembling a Viking is standing in an underground palace, standing still in front of a huge stone monument with countless knife marks.

If there is a strong man who is proficient in the soul, you can see that although the strong man stood on the spot with his eyes closed, he has already confronted another strong man at the level of consciousness.

His opponent is a strong man in a semi-virtual state. That is the fighting will left over from the era of floods, and his strength is comparable to the supreme strong man without a border.

However, Bigger did not fall under the match with the other party. After nearly ten minutes of fighting, his long torn knife cut through the sky and finally cut off the opponent.

After recovering from the battle, Bige opened his eyes, and his eyes became firmer. "There are more than 300 battle marks on this stone wall, from weak to strong. I have experienced thousands of wars. Fighting. Now in the supremacy of the borderless, my strength should be top. But this is not enough. I must break through again. Only when I reach the dominance can I help the captain to contribute in the next battle. Unfortunately, This ruin has come to an end, and there are still no traces left by the dominant power. It is also time to leave and go to the next sword repair site ... "


In the border area between the dragon and the human race, in a ruined ruin.

A young woman stood above the head of a black dragon and soared above the sky.

The woman in a blood-colored battle armor, holding a halberd, overlooked the whole world.

"This is the time of the flood, is the location of the first tribe that our Vikings first established contact with the dragons?" Elsa asked, looking down at the black dragon.

"Relax, it's not wrong, you should have sensed it already?" Black Dragon's voice passed back.

"Well, there is an inexplicable sense of familiarity that seems to be derived from blood." Elsa nodded.

"That's right, where is your direction?" Black Dragon asked.

"Near the great axe-like mountain in front." Elsa pointed to the mountain like a giant axe placed upside down.

"The shape of the mountain really fits the aesthetics of your ancestors." Heilong couldn't help but whispered when he saw it, and he quickly flew away in that direction.

The closer they were to the giant axe, the more they felt a strong breath spread from above the giant mountain.

"This breath ... seems to be the dominance ..." Black Dragon felt a little palpitations.

"It seems that the source of this breath is the mountain. Isn't that mountain actually a master-level **** soldier?" Elsa was also surprised.

"This is a possibility, but there is also a possibility that within this mountain, there are remains of the dominant power. No matter which one, it means that you are very likely to be able to obtain a inheritance of the dominant land! "Despite the faint excitement in the heart, the Black Dragon is also very calm." However, this level of inheritance may not be so easy to get. "

"No matter how difficult it is, I have to get it! Only when I step into the dominion can I help the captain to fight the demon together!" Elsa's tone was indisputable.


Human race chaotic big universe, death crack in the taboo.

A young man wrapped in a black robe hides his entire face under the brim. Under the shadow of the brim, he has a black beard, but his face can still be seen as young. year old. He is about the same height as Guding, but slightly stronger.

Under night, the blood moon was empty.

His body flashed one after another, and each time it flashed, a black shadow-like creature wailed, then disintegrated and dissipated.

That's the shadow of the undead, a special creature created after the death of the strong after the death. They can parasitize the strong man who has mastered the Avenue, and continue to grow with his flesh and the power of the Avenue as nutrition. The attached person will not survive but cannot survive, and cannot be separated from the parasitic state, and can only be reduced to the food that is requested.

This creature, the ordinary supreme realm and even the imperfect supreme realm, can't avoid it, because once contaminated, there is no way to release it.

In the moonlight, there were hundreds of undead shadows in this area around Huck. But Huck has no fear at all, every time he blinks, he takes away the life of a shadow of the undead ~ ~ The light of the blood moon is poured down, and Huck is like a dark elf under the moonlight He is performing a solo dance of death, and his killing is as perfect as art as always.

Hundreds of undead shadows were cleaned up by Huck in less than a minute, leaving no one left.

Huck was filled with uncontrollable black murderousness. A flash appeared on a boulder and glanced around the empty area. He looked up again at the blood moon in the sky. "Even if this predatory negative was cast, Emotional accumulation of murderous means, the accumulation of murderousness is far from enough, I will continue to go deeper and plunder the negative emotions of those more brutal monsters! The opponent is Tianmo, then I will make myself a more terrifying death demon than Tianmo! "


In addition to Liliat and others, the other members of the Guding Pirates are also scattered in various Jedi, looking for breakthrough opportunities in the dead zone. Those dangerous places where hundreds of epochs are inaccessible, even areas where the supreme realm is avoided, are being swept away by members of the ancient pirate group one after another ...

[A bit of Calvin, the second chapter may be early in the morning, you do n’t have to wait. 】 (~ ^ ~)

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