The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1544: The identity of the leader of the heaven


Volume two Our journey is the identity of the leader of the heaven and sea chapter 1544

The leader of the Celestial League is not afraid of the many powerful men of the Guding Pirates.

He sent a hand toward the void, and a large golden hand condensed with the power of the road came over the sky, and rushed towards Elizabeth, Bigger and more than ten people.

Under this palm, it seems that the whole world is covered, completely avoiding inevitable.

In desperation, the people could only resist as much as they could, and attacked the giant palm one after another, trying to break it up.

Emperor Thirteen and others saw this scene and could only worry about it. They know that this level of fighting is no longer a level at which they can participate, and it is to die.

The big golden hand above the sky dome was broken after a series of bombardments.

The leader seems not too surprised by this result, "I'm a little curious, what kind of means did you use, in just a few years, so many people broke through to dominate the realm! Even two arrived in Nirvana The pinnacle ... "

A moment after he raised this question, he seemed to have come to the conclusion, "I heard that Gooding has a very good relationship with the celestial goddess in the Temple of Devil.

The Allied leader came to this conclusion because he had no idea how the Guding Pirates did it. Domination of the realm itself is extremely difficult to break through, otherwise, by means of the Heavenly Daoist League, it is entirely possible to produce the dominant power in large quantities. What's even more surprising is that the Guding Pirates had two other women who arrived in Nirvana. This is even less likely to be achieved by ordinary practice. Therefore, he suspected that there was any special means in the Temple of Heavenly Devil to help the Guding Pirates complete the breakthrough.

Regarding the question of the leader, Liliat will naturally not give the correct answer.

"That's what you said." Liliat grimaced at the leader.

The leader had some doubts about Liliat ’s reaction, but he still had n’t changed his mind. “If that ’s the case, then Guding should still be hiding in the Heavenly Demon Hall.”

"I said you guessed it wrong. Do you believe it or not?" Mi Ke started to make trouble. He knew psychology well, knowing that the more negative he was, the more the other party would think his guess was correct.

The leader did not continue to speak for a long time. He wondered whether Mickey was deliberately misleading himself, or confusing himself with an illusion. After a long thought, there was no definite conclusion.

"Forget it, no matter where he hides, I will kill you first, and then look for it slowly!" The lord does not intend to continue to struggle with this problem. "My first attack just now just tried your strength and used Less than 50% of the power. The next blow is to play really! "

As the words fell, the leader of the alliance slammed a punch into the void. This punch had no trace at all, but it made people see that time and space collapsed inch by inch. In fact, not only time and space, all avenues are retreating under this punch.

The effect of this blow also made the face of Elizabeth and others ugly to the extreme. Rao is that she and Tagore have returned to their peak strength, and this punch cannot be taken by the two. They also knew that if they were hit by such a boxing, they would definitely die.

The group once again frantically bombarded the faint trace of the void, but the effect seemed to be small. All the attacks automatically collapsed when they touched the surface of the punch. This is the effect of evasion, and only those who have mastered the road to the extreme can only use it.

But this attack is the same as before. It is simply inescapable. They can't do anything if they want to dodge. They can only confront each other head-on.

Just before the punching force was about to bombard, a black flash flashed in the distance, but it just struck with the punching force.

No sound came out, and no aftermath of energy even escaped, but a breeze blew open, and that punch disappeared.

"Huh?" The leader looked up in the direction of the flash just now.

At this time, a figure appeared before Elizabeth and others.

"Guding ?!" Elizabeth and his party did not expect Guding to go out.

"As soon as I got out of the border, I heard Docott say that you are here, and I rushed over immediately." Guding nodded at the crowd.

"Guding, you are finally willing to show up!" The leader of the Heaven Dao League stared at Guding, but he soon discovered that Guding's cultivation was abnormal, "Your cultivation is ..."

Gooding's cultivation practice still did not enter the Supreme Realm, staying at the level of the Emperor Realm, which made the leader of the Heavenly Dao League feel puzzled.

Guding narrowed his eyes slightly to look at each other, "Who are you? Although this kind of breath does not belong to anyone I know, why do I feel a sense of familiarity from you?"

"I feel this way too ..." The sea emperor on the side nodded.

"It's worthy of Guding, so you can recognize me ..." The leader laughed after hearing Guding's words. He reached out and slowly took off the golden mask on his face, exposing that face.

That face is a familiar face of the Guding Pirates.

"Kold Brad! It turns out to be you!" Gooding called out the other party's name.

Korde, who took off his mask, did not change much from what he did when he was in the plane of the Tibetan Dragon a few years ago. A few years ago, after Colde disappeared from the plane of the Tibetan dragon, the Gooding Pirates had never heard of him again.

The people of the Guding Pirates originally thought that he might have entered the Chaos universe of the human race, because he was unable to break through the true king and was wiped out by everyone. But I did not expect to see the other party again, but the other party appeared in front of everyone in this way ...

"How could you become the leader of the Heavenly Daoist League?" Gooding was surprised.

"When I left from the plane of the Tibetan dragon, I arrived at the Chaos universe of the human race before you, but unexpectedly provoke a family. At that time, I was not even the real king realm, I was caught by them, and then killed. In my After death, my unwillingness and grievances did not dissipate for a long time, but increased day by day. Finally, Lord Demon discovered that he had made a deal with me, resurrected me, and nurtured me at the price of making me become His magic body. I promised this unconditional trading condition. Then later, just as you are now the leader of the Heavenly Daoist League ... "Kord described his experience lightly.

"You are also human, why should you help the devil? As the leader of the Heavenly Daoist League, you should be very clear that the Heavenly Daoist League is just a guise of the Heavenly Dao, actually intending to destroy the crazy organization of the entire chaos of all the ethnic groups ?!" Guding still can not understand Why did Coulter make this choice.

"You are wrong, the purpose of the Heavenly Daoist League is not to destroy the entire chaos ~ ~ but to rebuild the order of the entire chaos. So before this, many people must make sacrifices, this sacrifice is for greater 'S future! "Coulter explained with open hands.

"You are crazy!"

"It's not that I'm crazy, it's because your eyes are too narrow! The existing order in this world is too unfair! The strong have the privilege, the weak need not obey the law, the weak must abide by the rules of the game! The strong has its own resources, the weak You can only send people under the fence and ask for a bit of cruelty to survive! The strong will be getting stronger and stronger under the pile of resources and under the care of privileges, while the weak will only be exploited and suppressed by others. Will only get weaker! Is this fair ?! "

"The best way to break this rule is to kill all those who do not want to give up privileges, and then rebuild a fair order! Let everyone enjoy fairness, shouldn't this be the case ?!"

[Cavanka is still awesome. This chapter starts from the dinner after 6 o'clock. It has been written until now ... I thought that even two hours, one chapter, three chapters are enough to rush out ... It is not the card in the plot , Is the text of my personal status. I do n’t know why for the past two days. I just could n’t settle down ... I will adjust my writing time tomorrow to see if it will be better. 】 (To be continued.)

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