The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1554: Origin of Life


Volume II Our Journey is the Origin of Life


Guding's mental power swept out in all directions, and without any discovery, he looked around with vigilance.

"Don't be nervous, I'm Nuwa." The female voice came again.

"Are you an intelligent system on this spaceship?" Gooding relaxed slightly.

"You can also understand that, in fact, the spaceship is also my body. The civilization we are in, we belong to artificial creatures, not quite the same as your mechanical spaceship." Nu Wa explained.

"Understood." Guding nodded. "So you are the legendary ship that spread life and fire in the beginning of the flood, and made the Nuwa of the human race?"

"That's right, all life species on this plane are derived from the life fires I spread at the beginning, not just your human race. The other protoss, dragons, and even Zergs of the chaotic big universe started after the life fires burn Appeared. However, I have not intervened in the evolution of life, I was only responsible for distributing fire. "Nuwa gave her own explanation.

"So it can be understood that all the life forms of the entire chaos were created by you?" Guding did not expect this spaceship to be the origin of all life in the entire chaos.

"Not all, a few special places like the abyss and purgatory, the origin of life is the virtual world. They are evil creatures created by the devil."

"Virtual Realm? What is it?" Gu Ding asked curiously. He heard this term for the first time.

"The chaos you are in belongs to the material world. The virtual world is different, it does not belong to the material world, it is an evil world projected by negative emotions. The creatures in the virtual world are all kinds of negative emotions that have no physical form. We are collectively called the devil. "Nu Wa continued to explain.

"According to your statement, there should be more than one chaos in the material world? Are you from other chaos?" Gu Ding heard some shocking facts from Nuwa.

"Yes, I come from the Pangu chaotic world, but the chaos we are in has been controlled by the heavenly demon. Therefore, the humans in our chaotic world sent twelve spaceships carrying life and fire to find the newly formed chaotic world The fire spreads. I have found your chaotic world after a long journey. At that time, your chaotic world has just been gestated, so I spread the fire of life. "Nuwa said in the future. "So to be precise, you are all descendants of our Pangu chaotic world."

"No wonder I can open the door of the spaceship ..." Guding whispered.

"The reason why you can start the spaceship is not this, but your practice is similar to that of our strongest chaotic body in Pangu Chaos, so you can sense the fluctuations that I spread out, but no one else can." Wa said the reason why Guding could open the door.

"It turns out so!" Gooding couldn't help but grinned. "You say that my practice is in line with Pangu's chaotic world, then you should be able to help me become stronger?"

"Yes, I actually need your help."

"Tell me, I will try my best to help you do it!" Guding promised very readily.

"You can't do it now. After you leave this chaos where you are now, I need you to help me find the whereabouts of the other eleven Nuwa. Also, I want to know that the Pangu chaotic world has now become What does it look like ... "

"Yes, if I can live to that time, I will definitely help you do these two things!" Guding nodded and agreed.

"I've been paying attention to you all the time, knowing that you are facing some crises now. That Demon, called Pandora, is indeed a relatively strong presence in the virtual world ..."

"More powerful? Is there a stronger Demon than Pandora ?!" Guding suddenly stunned.

"Of course, she is just a golden heavenly demon, not even a chaos refinement. The heavenly demon that occupied our Pangu chaotic world was countless times stronger than her!" Nuwa made a natural tone.

"You mean, there is a higher realm above the dominating realm ?!" Guding's vision was once again impacted.

"Yes, in your plane, the highest level is only divided into the dominance. But in the Pangu chaotic world, there is a higher level called detachment. The detachment is the category of detachment from the dominance, not only on the road itself. Has reached the extreme, and has begun to merge heaven and earth. The golden devil of the virtual world is in this realm. But this realm is actually just a transitional realm! "

"Going beyond the border, what else is there?" Gu Ding asked quickly.

"Beyond the realm, it is called the Lord of Chaos. Only when a Chaos Heavenly Path is completely fused, can it be qualified as a Chaos Lord! Those who become the Lord of Chaos can mobilize the power of the entire Chaos. You should be able to Imagine how strong this level of power is! "

"It's terrible ... if one can use the power of the entire chaos, it's invincible!" Guding thought about it, even if he was already very strong, but in front of this power was a ants.

After a moment of distraction, Guding then asked, "Is there a stronger presence above the Lord of Chaos?"

"The Lord of Chaos is divided into five levels. The one who dominates one chaos is called the master of first-order chaos. The one who dominates more than 10 chaos is called the master of second-order chaos. The one who dominates more than 100 chaos is called. Lord of the third-order chaos ... And so on, those who dominate more than 10,000 chaos are called Lord of the fifth-order chaos. "

"It's already strong enough to dominate a chaos. Dominate more than 10,000 chaos ... How strong is that ?!" Guding felt a little unbelievable.

"The demon that occupied our Pangu chaotic world, UU Reading is a fourth-order chaotic master!" Nu Wa sighed.

"No wonder ..." Gu Ding felt a sense of powerlessness just listening to it.

"You do n’t need to think too much, it ’s not difficult to solve that golden devil. My database contains information about all the avenues of our Pangu chaotic world, as well as many heritages and supernatural powers. I will transmit all this information to you, should It will bring you a lot of benefits, and it should also help you to develop the Avenue. "Nu Wa said.

"Okay, then trouble you. The two things you want me to do, wait for me to finish my things. If I am still alive at that time, I will definitely find a way to help you complete it!" Guding gave his own committed to.

"it is good!"

Nu Wa ’s voice passed into Guding ’s ear again, “You now go to the central console, put your hands on the console, I will start the console, and then pass the information to you. If there ’s anything I do n’t understand Where you can ask me anytime. "

"Thank you!" Gooding thanked and walked towards the console ... (~ ^ ~)

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